
    Architects and Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7)

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    A 15-min Documentary with Ed Asner

    9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out (4-minute trailer)

    9/11: Explosive Evidence -
    Experts Speak Out - Trailer
    Duration: 4:09

    9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out (58 minute free version)

    9/11: Explosive Evidence
    Experts Speak Out
    Free 1-hour version

    FOX TV, Fresno, with Richard Gage, AIA

    FOX TV, Fresno,
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    CBC the fifth estate unofficial story

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    FOX News with Richard Gage, AIA

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    Vancouver Omni TV,
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    Richard Gage Live on TV3 - The Masterplan Event

    Richard Gage Live on TV3 - The Masterplan Event

    Read it at AE911Truth.org
    AE911Truth Relentless on the American Institute of Architects: Print E-mail
    Written by AE911Truth Staff   
    Wednesday, 30 April 2014 05:21

    20,000 AIA Members Prepare Once Again to ReThink911

    team-at-AIA-conventionAs in Denver, CO last year, we need dozens more volunteers to help us to hand out hundreds of brochures, DVDs, and invitations to the presentation to thousands of architects at our evidence booth and on the conference floor. We’ll gather another 100 petitions as well! Who's in?! This Summer, AE911Truth heads into the Windy City for the 2014 National Convention of the American Institute of Architects, the fifth AIA convention that AE911Truth has attended since 2008. It takes place June 26-28, and will be held at Chicago's McCormick Place on South Lake Shore Drive.

    Expected to draw nearly 800 exhibitors and over 20,000 building professionals, the event promises to be yet another good opportunity for AE911Truth to sound its wake-up call to thousands of architects and others who remain unaware of the alternatives to the impossible claims of the official story of 9/11.

    During the three day convention, Richard Gage AIA, and our team of volunteers will be staffing the 10' x 10' evidence booth where attenders will drop by to learn of the voluminous and compelling evidence, which will show them conclusively that on 9/11/2001, World Trade Center Towers 1, 2, and 7 were intentionally destroyed by means of controlled demolition. In addition to explaining evidence, answering questions, and handing out petitions to sign, Gage and the AE911Truth team will be offering free copies of the DVD 911: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out available to those who wish to take the evidence home and study it for themselves.

    Chicago-AIA-ConventionIt all takes place at the largest convention center in North America - Chicago's McCormick Place. Join us!With the cost of the booth and the hall at $6,000, plus $4,000 to cover flights, hotel, and meals for core volunteers, AE911Truth expects our total exhibitor tab to be about $10,000. "It may seem like a high cost, but when it is spread out over the thousands of professionals and dozens of AIA leaders who will be seeing the booth, the hundreds who will be watching our DVD, and the hundred or so petition signers whom we expect to  bring in, it is well worth our effort and our donor's precious support." remarked Gage. "Still, we must raise the necessary funds in order to succeed in this vital endeavor, and so we actively encourage AE911Truth supporters who understand the urgency and importance of our work please to help us today by donating."

    We offer our multi-media presentation, 9/11: Blueprint for Truth on Friday evening June 27th   to convention goers who desire a more in-depth understanding of the evidence – and its implications – from which Gage has not been shying away in recent presentations. During Gage's dynamic lecture, attenders will see and hear the irrefutable evidence of the sudden onset of destruction; symmetrical free-fall collapse & progression; isolated explosive ejections; lateral ejection of steel; sounds/flashes and explosions; pyroclastic-like clouds; iron spheres in the WTC dust; molten iron/steel; nano-thermite discovered in the WTC dust; conflicting and incomplete ASCE, FEMA, and NIST reports; whistle-blowers; destruction of evidence; expert corroboration; and foreknowledge of destruction; all tell-tale signs of implosion that show why 2,100 architects and engineers and millions of others worldwide agree that controlled demolition of all three World Trade Center skyscrapers is the only possible explanation for their precipitous demise. Following the presentation, there will be a Q&A session in which audience members can discuss what they've learned, ask questions, and discover why, almost 13 years later, this evidence is still so vitally important for us to understand and take action on.

    Gage admits that the Chicago convention will be a formidable challenge in that we won't have the same kind of support we had in Denver. “Last year, we  had dozens of already active local supporters come out to help. In Chicago, we will need to rally and activate everyone who has previously supported us from Illinois and neighboring Michigan, Wisconsin, and Indiana.”

    Richard-Presenting-AIA-Booth Richard Gage, AIA explains to another AIA member at last year’s convention why it is problematic that the complete structure of both towers was shattered from top to bottom in under a dozen seconds, and notes that “it is exhilarating to see another building professional’s eyes light up at the confrontation with the inevitable”. .Still, Gage is confident. "Our work is not difficult once we get professionals and the public alike in front of the evidence. But, while this keeps our numbers growing, there are still plenty of people unaware of the actual facts about the destruction of the World Trade Center, and those are the people we need to reach.” And we can believe him! Since our inception, AE911Truth's accomplishments are stunning. With 2,100 architects and engineers now on board, and so many others now echoing our compelling message about 9/11, AE911Truth has reached heights one doesn't achieve by speaking to the converted.

    For more information or questions about AE911Truth at the Chicago AIA Convention, send an email to our Chicago AIA contact email address here [Chicago AIA info]. Please also support us with this critical outreach project by donating now. To volunteer at our booth, pass out information, and help educate the architects, please contact the Office at (925) 939-9002 as soon as possible.