I. ESO Final Edition Promo Materials
I. ESO Final Edition Promo Materials
Press Releases
ESO Tour/Screening Press Release template
The above press release is ready to be customized for your location
ESO Press Release - San Diego & LA events
Press Advisories
ESO Tour Press Advisory
The above press release for the AE911Truth 30+ city tour is ready to be customized for your stop
ESO Screening Press Advisory
The above press release for a locally hosted screening is ready to be customized for your local event
ESO Press Advisory - San Diego & LA events
Screening Guide
Guide for Locally Hosted ESO Screenings
Editable Posters
Email Invitations
ESO Screening evite (with Richard Gage, AIA live in person): download |
ESO Local Screening evite: download |
Web Banner
Radio Promo
Customize Ed Asner's promo of the Opening Night screening for your event
Played throughout the Los Angeles area for the ESO Final Edition World Premiere "Opening Night" May 2012
Ed Asner ESO Opening Night Radio Promo
Web Banners For Use On Your Website
Vinyl Banner Art
File size: 33 MB Large banner – 111" x 46" or use to print Small banner 72" x 30"
Download Now
Also for sale in the online store.
Bumper Sticker Art
File size: 52 MB Bumper Sticker – 15" by 4"
Download Now
Also for sale in the online store.
Engineering Ethics Banner
File size: 22 KB
Download Now
Photos of Richard Gage, AIA
Booth Banners
Twin Towers Multipic booth banner (51 MB)
WTC 7 Multipic booth banner (41 MB)
Twin Towers TV booth banner (21 MB)
WTC 7 TV booth banner (18 MB)
Center booth banner (115 MB)
Quiz booth banner (38 MB)
Who We Are booth banner (40 MB)
The Petition
AE911Truth Petition and 1,000 Names
AE911Truth Petition and 1,000 Names - With letterhead for faxing.
Guides To AE911Truth Activism
Open Letters
Letter to NIST's Dr. Shyam Sunder, July '09
Letter to AIA President, Marvin Malecha, July '09
Official Documents From NIST and FEMA
Downloadable Items From AE911Truth Store
AE911Truth "Street Action" Brochure (2.1 MB)
AE911Truth Corporate Brochure (3.3 MB)
AE911Truth Twin Towers Evidence Card front (7.2 MB)
AE911Truth Twin Towers Evidence Card back (4.9 MB)
AE911Truth WTC 7 Evidence Card front (18 MB)
AE911Truth WTC 7 Evidence Card back (7.8 MB)
AE911Truth Chart Card Twin Towers (2.1 MB)
AE911Truth Chart Card WTC 7 (1.9 MB)
AE911Truth WTC 7 Postcard Mailer front (2.1 MB)
AE911Truth WTC 7 Postcard Mailer back (12 MB)
AE911Truth Vinyl Banner (123 MB)
AE911Truth Bumper Sticker (5.2 MB)
AE911Truth Small Sticker (2.5 MB)
AE911Truth 3-Beam Wall Poster (51 MB)
AE911Truth 9/11 Investigator (3.3 MB)
The NIST Analyses: A Close Look at WTC 7 (171 KB)
Active Thermitic Materials Discovered in Dust... (10 MB)
29 Structural/Civil Engineers Cite Evidence... (249 KB)
Media Resources
Letters to the editor.
Press Releases and Media Alerts
Most Current
1,000 A/E's Press Conference Feb. 19, 2010
Foreign Language Literature and Documents
JAPANESE - Explosives Found in WTC Dust WTCを破壊した高性能爆発物
JAPANESE - Street Brochure Inside AE911 日本語版2
DEUTSCH/GERMAN - Active Thermitic Materials Found - Nachweis von reaktionsfähigem thermitischen Material im Staub der World Trade Center- Katastrophe vom 11. September 2001
ESPANOL/SPANISH - Investigate 9/11 - Investigar el 11 de Septiembre
Looped Videos
Silent looped video of the destruction of the WTC Twin Towers. Great for showing in loud high-traffic areas, trade shows, street fairs, etc.
WTC Twin Towers loop video
Silent looped video of the destruction of the WTC Building 7. Great for showing in loud high-traffic areas, trade shows, street fairs, etc.
WTC Building 7 loop video
Radio Ads
Listen to Ed Asner's support of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
Played throughout the Los Angeles area for the ESO Final Edition World Premiere "Opening Night" May 2012
Ed Asner ESO Opening Night Radio Promo
Played on Clearchannel radio in Los Angeles throughout March 2010
Ed Asner 30-sec. Radio Spot
General Audio Clips
Ed Asner's introduction of the documentary "9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out"
Ed Asner intro of ESO