Hot News/Information/Events • October 5, 2013 |
AE911Truth 'Action of the Month'
Become a Local Contact or Action Group!
Also – ReThink911 Actions Roundup!
Send Us Your Twelfth Anniversary
Photos, Videos, and Stories!
by Pamela Senzee & the ReThink911 Volunteers
Want to join up with AE911Truth and be even more effective in your 9/11 truth outreach? Become an AE911Truth Local Contact or form an AE911Truth Action Group! We can put you in touch with our supporters in your area – and vice versa – so why feel isolated? As a Local Contact, you will be listed on our website so that 9/11 Truth activists in your area can find you and email you. You simply need to be familiar with the WTC evidence and become aligned with our mission. It's simple and free, and we make it almost seamless!
Or, take a deeper plunge and GET ACTIVE! Form an AE911Truth Action Group along with your friends who care enough to meet monthly and schedule an "Action of the Month" that will be coordinated around the world. It's free and includes an optional kit of educational materials that will help you hit the streets running.
Already involved with a truth group? Are you a WeAreChange.org-type group? A peace group? A constitutional rights group? You can expand your group's reach with our help. We welcome becoming part of the fabric of various activist groups. Make AE911Truth a facet of your total activist package...we'll show you how. Take Action Now!
Activists at the World Trade Center in NY sent in the 9/11 photos from their ReThink911 event. You can too – Today!
Share your 9/11/2013 Videos, Photos, Stories!
Taking action can be as simple as sharing a story. Because of 9/11's Twelfth Anniversary and the huge success of the ReThink911 campaign, activists all over the world have been talking, informing, educating, screening AE911Truth films, conducting various public events, reaching out to officials, and being the eyes, ears, and cameras of the 9/11 truth community. What have you experienced? What have folks been saying to you? What are your observations? We want to post your photographs, your video footage, and your reflections so that we can post them on the ReThink911.org website. Upload them today with our dropbox at Hightail: https://dropbox.hightail.com/AE911Truth-Hightail-dropbox.
Alternately, you can send smaller files such as stories, photos, and reflections* to our Action Group Team Leader, Pamela Senzee.
*Stories that are published in any form become the property of AE911Truth and are subject to editing for readability. Essential content will not be altered.
Thanks for making the Twelfth Anniversary of 9/11 the most successful yet! And stay tuned for the exciting new outreach efforts of the ReThink911 Ad Campaign!
We are a non–partisan association of architects, engineers, and affiliates.
Our work at AE911Truth is dedicated to the victims, families and all others throughout the world affected by the tragic events of September 11, 2001 and its aftermath.
Our mission is to research, compile, and disseminate scientific evidence relative to the destruction of the 3 WTC skyscrapers, calling for a truly open and independent investigation and supporting others in the pursuit of justice.
Learn more about us. Contact us if you have questions or comments.
Please forward and distribute widely!
For past Action Alert and Bulletin notices, please visit our archive
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2342 Shattuck Ave., Suite 189, Berkeley, CA 94704