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As we approach this years’ 9/11 anniversary, we are coming closer to another important milestone in the history of AE911Truth. Almost 2,000 architects and engineers have signed our petition demanding a real 9/11 investigation, and our goal is to reach that mark by this September to highlight the launch of our historic Operation Tip the Planet
ad campaign. However, we can’t do that without your help. If you are a degreed or licensed architect or engineer who has reviewed the WTC evidence and who agrees with our call for an independent investigation, let your voice be heard by signing our petition now.
Now is the perfect time to join the hundreds of architects and engineers who have signed the AE911Truth petition for a real WTC investigation.
“If you have already signed the petition, then please inform your colleagues about AE911Truth and ask them to sign the petition. If you’re not an architect or engineer, encourage your friends, family members, and coworkers who may be architects and engineers to sign as well!”
We value all of the supporters who have signed our petition, but the number of…
architects and engineers is especially important. Why? The fact that these experts are willing to put their reputations on the line in support of our mission is a resounding statement of credibility for AE911Truth that captures the attention of the uninformed public.
Imagine being able to tell someone that more than 2,000 architects and engineers question the official 9/11 story and are calling for a new World Trade Center investigation.
These technical professionals understand that NIST’s explanation for the collapse
of the Twin Towers and WTC 7 is inconsistent with the laws of physics, and their credentials cannot be easily dismissed.

Recall the statement that Fox News host Geraldo Rivera made when he invited mechanical engineer Tony Szamboti and 9/11 family member Bob McIlvaine to his show in 2010 to discuss the Remember Building 7 campaign. Why did he change his mind about 9/11 Truth, after having demonized it for years?
What caught my eye is the claim that more than 1,300 architects and engineers examined the evidence about Building 7’s collapse and disagree with the report issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technology… I certainly am more open-minded than I was, and it is because of the involvement of the 9/11 families and all of these engineers and architects. Clearly, they know more than I do.
--Geraldo Rivera, Fox News
That is the main reason why our latest documentary, 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, has done so well, becoming the #1 most viewed and most shared video on PBS nationwide during last year’s 9/11 Anniversary. In this landmark film, more than 40 technical professionals – respected specialists in their fields – lay out the evidence that proves the Twin Towers and WTC7 were brought down by controlled demolition. Their qualifications and experience speak for themselves and help shatter the myth that there is a consensus of support for the official 9/11 story in the architecture and engineering community. In fact, almost every architect and engineer (and everyone else) who has taken the time to review the evidence of controlled demolition ends up agreeing with it. Only a few dozen technical professionals have maintained their ties to the official WTC account. See our FAQ
Openly supporting a new 9/11 investigation that challenges the official story may seem daunting. Some of the more than 1,800 architects and engineers who have already signed our petition explained why they made the important decision to join our ranks:Our petition has been signed by dozens of high-rise architects and structural engineers, six Fellows of the American Institute of Architects, and acclaimed engineering experts like Chief WTC Electrical Engineer Richard Humenn and Dr. Robert Bowman, former Director of Advanced Space Programs Development for the U.S. Air Force – and at this critical moment, we want you to join them and help us reach this essential milestone.
Kamal Obeid, Structural Engineer: [9/11] is the crime of the century and it is important that we know everything that had to do with this. It has affected many people’s lives. Because it happened in the U.S., it has affected the whole planet in one way or another.
Robert McCoy, High-Rise Architect: I signed the petition because I felt Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth was an organization trying to get at the truth of what in fact actually happened – what brought those buildings down.
Steve Dusterwald, Structural Engineer: In my 37 years of experience as a structural engineer, I have never seen modes of failure such as have been exhibited in the case of [the WTC skyscrapers], and that’s why I feel we need a new independent investigation to explain the destruction of these three buildings.
Alfred Lopez, Structural Engineer: I signed the petition because, ever since 9/11 happened, I had questions of how the buildings could possibly have collapsed from the fire or from the impacts of the airplanes. I just could not believe that this would be possible.
Ron Brookman, Structural Engineer: People want to put [9/11] behind them. I’m sure they don’t want to think about it, but it’s really caused so much havoc in the whole world that it’s to the benefit of the people to just wake up and realize what’s going on here and try and get some justice.
Les Young, High-Rise Architect: I was watching the funerals of the [9/11] firefighters, and as an ex-firefighter in the firefighters’ union, I wanted to give my old firefighting brothers and sisters the support they needed and to back them up as an architect.
Dr. Robert Bowman, Ph.D: I signed that petition from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth some time ago because the American people absolutely need the truth of 9/11.
Whether you are a new university graduate, an employee of the U.S. government, a retiree, or a citizen of a foreign country – your education, training, and experience as an architect or engineer is the foundation of AE911Truth and the reason why we are a bastion of credibility in the 9/11 Truth movement.
"Operation: Tip the Planet", our new ad campaign, is set to make history by putting at least $200,000 worth of powerful 9/11 Truth advertising on billboards, subways, bus stops, signs, and other outdoor venues this fall. Do you want to be one of the 2,000 architects and engineers who will lead millions of people to our vital message and make this campaign a resounding success? Sign the petition today, and our Verification Team will be in touch with you as soon as possible. By taking a stand with us, you can be a catalyst for mass awareness of 9/11 Truth this September.