Geschrieben von: Barbara Honegger
Montag, den 21. Juni 2010 um 19:31 Uhr |
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AE911Truth Spoken of by Several Presenters – Courted by Alternative Media
The spectacular explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil-drilling platform was a darkly resonant backdrop for the paradigm-challenging “Understanding Deep Politics” conference held in Santa Cruz, CA, May 14-16.
Just as everyone knows that the “real story” isn’t the fireball or even the massive slick on the surface, but the invisible deep source of the catastrophe, a critical mass of world Truth leaders came together to expose the deep and dark forces behind the staged explosions of 9/11, the ongoing geopolitical catastrophe they were used to justify, and the slick of official myths spread by the mainstream media to try to keep the American public from waking up and ending its collective nightmare. The “Deep Politics” theme of the conference originated with one of the keynote speakers, University of California Berkeley Emeritus Professor Peter Dale Scott. Prof. Scott coined the term “deep politics” to refer to the covert “dark side” goals, means and operations of a hard-right “Western” military, intelligence, corporate and criminal cabal behind the series of engineered crises that have shaken America and the world -- the facilitated “Reichstag Fire” attack on U.S. ships at Pearl Harbor that had the desired effect of catapulting America into World War II; the myth of the U.S. ship attack in the Gulf of Tonkin used to escalate the Vietnam War; the assassination of JFK, who refused to attack Cuba, and of RFK and MLK, who wanted to end the Vietnam War; the attack on the USS Cole, which was intended to escalate the U.S. military presence in the Middle East, but didn’t; the 9/11 “Reichstag Fire” self-attack on their own world military headquarters, the Pentagon, and the World Trade Center used to burst the cabal’s geopolitical agenda to the surface; and the WMD Big Lie used to rationalize the attack on Iraq.
Geschrieben von: Rich Caragol, Architect
Freitag, den 11. Juni 2010 um 20:19 Uhr |
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As a busy summer approaches, AE911Truth Founder and CEO, Richard Gage, AIA, will be traveling around the globe disseminating key scientific forensic evidence regarding the destruction of the 3 World Trade Center skyscrapers. With this effort, AE911Truth is moving the fulcrum and tipping the scales toward a new and independent investigation.
On June 26, Mr. Gage makes a return engagement to Tucson, Arizona to present 9/11: Blueprint For Truth - The Architecture of Destruction to 911 Truth Tucson at St Mark's Presbyterian Church. 911 Truth Tucson has been active since 2006 and has hosted many esteemed speakers including Richard Gage, AIA, Dr. David Ray Griffin, Dr. Stephen Jones, William Rodriguez, and Jim Spetzer. Karen Woerner, founding member 911Truth Tucson and event coordinator, said of the event:
We have had great success through presentations by many formidable and knowledgeable speakers. These events have boosted membership, brought new individuals to awareness, changed perceptions, and in-creased skepticism about the official story. The nucleus shifts the 911Truth Movement with each new active member.
Geschrieben von: AE911Truth Staff
Samstag, den 22. Mai 2010 um 05:00 Uhr |
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Family Members & 2,100 Architects & Engineers: "Missing WTC Exhibits: Third Tower – Building 7"

Press Conference – Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
- Saturday, May 24, 2014 – 1:00 PM
- Memorial Grounds Entrance – corner of Greenwich St. and Liberty St.
Live multimedia presentation – Richard Gage, AIA
Dienstag, den 18. Mai 2010 um 18:56 Uhr |
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Canada came, saw, and in the end agreed — 9/11 needs to be re–investigated. It began in Ottawa on April 30 at Carleton University. The critics remained silent until shortly before the show at which Richard Gage, AIA, was scheduled to present 9/11: Blueprint for Truth. But, one hour before the event, CBC News released their shot across the bow, changing what would have been a “below-the-radar” event into one with considerably more attention.
The crowd was eager with anticipation, particularly with this blast from CBC, although some were uncertain about what really caused the World Trade Center building destructions prior to the event. A show of hands indicated that out of 196 attendees, 41 were unsure how the towers came down, and only one person believed that it was linked to Al-Qaeda. The remaining believed that controlled demolition brought the Twin Towers down.
Mr. Gage received a standing ovation as he was introduced by ground-zero-eye-witness David Long, from Truth Action Ottawa, the organizers of the event. I thought his presentation was considerably more dynamic and updated than what I had seen on the DVD. I can relate the experience of watching the live presentation of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth to listening to one’s favorite musician, and then going to see that person in concert. They usually end up blowing you away. What I actually think has happened is that Mr. Gage has honed his presentation to near perfection, after nearly 100 live presentations since the making of the DVD. The final showing of hands following his presentation showed that, out of 41 who were originally unsure, only four remained unsure. And the one original person believing in the official account of events no longer believed that way.
Geschrieben von: Basil Andrews - with Howard Jones
Freitag, den 14. Mai 2010 um 20:08 Uhr |
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The last time I visited a University campus was 20 years ago when I went to see John Judge who had a 1st generation Zapruder film and discussed why the Lone Gunman Story just wasn’t true. I felt powerless, passive and out of touch with my fellow man in creating momentum to hold someone accountable. There were many people who believed the government’s story — which brought about speculation and no concrete proof. No fingerprint, no physical evidence, eye witnesses, no facts. So it seemed! This is why AE911Truth and all others who endeavor to expose 9/11 and bring justice brought forth these thoughts as I watched the recent double header of “Firefighters, Architects & Engineers Expose 9/11 Myths” via live stream video…
…the bagpipes start…. Michele Weiss-Little, sister of David Weiss of Rescue One, Midtown Manhattan is paying a touching tribute to her brother and the other fallen heroes: “MURDERED” we are reminded vividly, along with over 3,000 other humans that day. She said:
With the power of love, with the power of our hearts, we can push back the evil men do, face the truth, find the courage to open our hearts, to hold accountable, to be responsible, to forgive, to love.
The haunting strains of the lone piper playing Amazing Grace and projected photographs of the 343 firefighters who died at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, struck a somber note before a sellout crowd at the Marin Showcase Theater last Friday where main speakers Erik Lawyer, founder of Firefighters for 9/11 Truth and Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, exposed the myths of the official story of 9/11.
In Scotland the sound of the bagpipes is a sure sign that something is happening. From weddings to battles the bagpipes are there throughout history — to celebrate or commemorate. I watched the faces of the fallen firefighters at the start of the conference, as the bagpipes played in tribute to them, realizing that heroes are rare; William Wallace is remembered for a famous victory at Stirling Bridge on Sep 11, 1297. 704 years later, the firefighters at the World Trade Center went into battle, with similar courage. Brave hearts are what heroes are made of.
Geschrieben von: Rich Caragol, Architect & Ashara Love
Donnerstag, den 13. Mai 2010 um 19:14 Uhr |
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“Action is the key to all success.”(Benjamin Franklin)
The actions of AE911truth this year have already been significant and numerous. With each success, support has broadened and its momentum is bringing the Truth about 911 into many more US and foreign communities. Action is necessary to achieve our mission. Its success is dependent upon the increased number of supporters who embrace the scientific evidence regarding the destruction of the 3 World Trade Center buildings (WTC). We are excited to report that our membership has already increased significantly since the historic February 19, 2010, press conferences. At that time, we had reached the milestone of 1,000 A/E petition signers who are calling for a new independent WTC investigation. The number of architect and engineer petition signers has jumped approximately 15% and other petition signers are up 21%. This has been possible only through the actions and effort of our dedicated volunteers, staff, Board of Directors and CEO, Architect Richard Gage, AIA. We now challenge you—our petition signers and supporters to ask 3 A/E colleagues, friends, or family members to sign the petition demanding an independent scientific investigation into the destruction of all 3 World Trade Center skyscrapers.
Action in San Diego
On March 29th we traveled to San Diego for the fourth time. The event was at a first class venue—the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice on the Campus of the University of San Diego. It was sponsored by Toreros for Truth as part of their Freedom Education Lecture Series. San Diegans for 911 Truth also promoted the event. AE911Truth founding member Architect Richard Gage, AIA, presented the forensic scientific evidence, 9/11: Blueprint for Truth — The Architecture of Destruction to 83 attendees. A show of hands vote (table) was conducted regarding the change in opinion.

It is apparent that many at the grass roots level will believe the misinformation that they have been given through the government and mainstream media—until they are exposed to the scientific evidence omitted from the official government reports and denied the American people by the media.
Geschrieben von: Richard Gage, AIA
Mittwoch, den 12. Mai 2010 um 00:00 Uhr |
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A Great Opportunity to Join the Family of Sustaining Supporters We are delighted to announce that the IRS has approved our application for tax exempt status. Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is now a 501c3 non–profit corporation. This means that donations made to our organization will be tax–deductible for U.S. taxpayers—as allowed by laws and regulations. This was a long winding road—navigated by our exceptional board of directors, led at the time by Dwain Deets, our volunteer of the year here at AE911Truth, who wrestled this IRS 1023 application into shape month after month. Also, our IRS non–profit attorney, who crafted it with precision, deserves a profound thank you. And we also thank our dozens of dedicated selfless serving volunteers, who make up this family of hearts and minds focused on and dedicated to the work of our mission. Thank you all for your constant support. This may be the first 9/11-Truth organization to become a 501c3 tax-exempt corporation. We hope to lead the way for other companion organizations within the movement to submit their applications and become tax-exempt as well. We announced this in our Action Alert on April 21, making an appeal to those not already Sustaining Supporters to join in that commitment. We are pleased to report, in that short time since making that appeal, a significant growth in the number of sustaining supporters has occurred. We greatly appreciate that increase in commitment. If you intended to add your name to the list, but haven’t yet done it, we invite you to join the growing family of sustaining supporters and give a regular monthly tax–deductible donation today. We have survived and are succeeding in our mission only because of the generous contributions from those of you in the 9/11 Truth movement. We have so much that needs to be done here at AE911Truth to bring awareness to hundreds of thousands of architects and engineers via conventions and ads in association newsletters. Thank you — from all of us here at AE911Truth |