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Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth was recently a featured speaker in the March 6/7 Philadelphia conference robustly titled "Treason in America: 9/11, the Wars & Our Broken Constitution" — a key event in the energizing and uniting of activist communities across the country — particularly on the heels of our recent Feb. 19 "1,000 Architects & Engineers press conference" held concurrently in 48 worldwide locations, which was still a hot topic on the minds of the Philadelphia attendees.
According to conference organizers Betsy Metz, a self-professed Philly housewife and independent 9/11 truth activist who put up $20,000 of her own money to ensure its success, and Jon Gold, the Master of Ceremonies and organizer at, this conference was:
"a two–day non–partisan truth conference with speakers, movie clips & music discussing our current state of affairs and how we got here. From 9/11, the "wars on terror" and the private, not public, Federal Reserve to the undermining of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights via Patriot Acts 1 & 2, to connecting the dots between different events that go unreported (or under-reported), as a whole, in our mainstream media. Calling on left & right truth–seekers to find common ground and work together to help revive our country. Come learn what many do not know, but what many are waking up to. Knowledge is power."
Cindy Sheehan, the famous "Peace Mom," was another featured speaker who epitomizes the spirit of non–violence. She was there in solidarity with the 9/11 truth seekers – having met and warmly conversed with Mr. Gage about the forensic evidence at the WTC a couple of times now. Ms. Sheehan was given a standing ovation as she outlined the many 9/11 events that occur each and every day as the wars take their deadly toll. She was clear to note that the reason she took so long to "come around" to 9/11 truth was due more to the rudeness of the activists who approached her on the subject than to any doubts that she might have had. (Mr Gage swears that he was on his best behavior with her.) Let this be a lesson to the 9/11 Truth movement – that, while we are all impatient for action on the part of the Left, the Right, the media, and our government officials, our politeness can be far more effective than our anger.
There has been much posted and blogged of the successful event. Most notably has been the study in dichotomy between the honest and unbiased media coverage of Russia Today TV(RT) versus the rather outrageous propaganda "hit piece" attempting to "bait" activists, film makers and government whistleblowers as part of a "lunatic fringe" by ABC Nightline who came to the conference with an obvious agenda. In spite of a campaign to disinform the U.S. public by throwing a "bad jacket" on the 9/11 Truth movement in the form of the questionable political intentions and associations of an apparently mentally–disturbed lone gunman outside the Pentagon, 9/11 truth activists are becoming keenly aware of these campaigns and are increasingly media–savvy at countering them.
In one of the ABC interviews with Korey Rowe and Dylan Avery, the filmmakers of "9/11 Loose Change" take the ABC correspondent Chris Bury to task for the Media's failures. No less than 3 of the ABC interviewees exhorted Mr. Bury to interview the representative of the 1,000 Architects & Engineers present at the conference, Richard Gage, AIA, who could clearly highlight the evidence for the explosive destruction of the three WTC skyscrapers on 9/11. The response: "We'll interview who we want to interview."
The conference was highlighted by various efforts to pursue justice by legal as well as educational tactics. Sander Hicks, NYC author and activist, along with attorney William Veale led a presentation of the development of the "Misprision of Treason" effort. The premise is simple: the First Congress of 1789 enacted the rarely used "Misprision of Treason" felony law which is knowingly failing to report a crime against the U.S. and its people. The statute states:
Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony … conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States is guilty of misprision of felony and can be punished with up to three years in prison.
AE911Truth will shortly be encouraging its petition signers and supporters (you) to actively submit the AE911Truth evidence to your local judges — letting them know, in writing, that it may very well be evidence of treason. And that it is our obligation to bring this to the attention of a judge.
FBI whistle–blower Coleen Rowley, presented a fact–filled insiders viewpoint of the lack of cooperation and obstruction from top FBI officials during the effort to follow up on the numerous leads and foreknowledge of the events of 9/11. She had an equally frustrating interview with ABC at the conference and notes in her 3/10/10 article to the Huffington Post:
Bury did not let me answer any of his questions, but repeatedly cut me off after I got only a couple words out. He asked totally leading questions using loaded terms with pejorative connotations like "conspiracy" in connection with the search for facts and evidence. Within a couple minutes, it was clear that Nightline's Chris Bury was only interested in furthering his pre-determined agenda and conducting a hit type interrogation just as Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh and other radio–TV talk shows are fond of doing.
Of course Chris Bury and his Nightline crew did not stay to hear my presentation on the terrible consequences of the lack of 9/11 truth — the series of post 9/11 mistakes — nor did they stay to hear any of the other speakers. It's been said that "truth is the first casualty of war" and there were many other visual displays and speakers, like myself, who made that point about why the truth matters.
Rowley reflects "What Would Gandhi Do?" For many years, she notes, "I've had this little magnet on my refrigerator with a picture of Mahatma Gandhi which says 'Truth is the highest God.' What that means to me is that although it's impossible to fully know the truth (as it is to know 'God'), truth is a very worthwhile pursuit!"
We at AE911Truth fully agree and have made the pursuit of 9/11 truth, and educating all regarding it, our mission. Join us. It becomes more and more fun with each conference, speaking engagement, meeting with officials, letters, street actions, and one-on-one discussions.