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We are very excited to report that our momentum still continues forward from the tremendous successes that we achieved in 2009 and early 2010 — especially off the heels of the historic milestone press conference, with David Ray Griffin, Steven Jones, and Erik Lawyer — highlighting our 1,000 A/E petition signers demanding a new WTC investigation. There were no less than 48 concurrent AE911Truth press conferences hosted all around the globe, and we garnered some mainstream media attention for a change. Congratulations to all the international affiliates of AE911Truth who organized your local press conferences — and a huge "hats off" to volunteer coordinator Dave Slesinger who made it all possible. The amazing videos and photos are quite a testimony to the spirit and perseverance of our dedicated supporters around the world.
Now, to build on that historic event, we look forward to 2010's 2nd quarter:
March 29th will find us on our fourth trip to San Diego. This time we will be at a first class venue — the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice on the Campus of the University of San Diego. This event is presented by Toreros for Truth as part of their Freedom Education Lecture Series. San Diegans for 911 Truth is also promoting this event. Please visit these websites for details.
On April 24th, we will be giving our dynamic presentation at a Shabbat gathering with the renowned Rabbi, Michael Lerner. Rabbi Lerner is the author of Jewish Renewal, The Left Hand of God, and Healing Israel/Palestine. He is the editor of the progressive online magazine Tikkun, the website, and is Rabbi of Beyt Tikkun synagogue. Rabbi Lerner has been described by thinkers like Cornel West and Jim Wallis as a contemporary prophet. The mission of Tikkun is to heal, repair, and transform the world. We believe that AE911Truth can help immeasurably toward that end. The awareness of the truth about 9/11often leads to a dramatic shift in consciousness as we confront a very different reality than we had imagined — an essential awakening for all of us who are to play a role in healing our world.
Late April and early May will find us on an adventurous three city Canadian tour of Ottawa, Toronto, and Montreal. The tour will start in Ottawa on April 30th. Truth Action Ottawa will be hosting a presentation at the Kailash Mital Theatre at Carleton University — Canada's Capital University. Keep an eye on their website and ours for mare youore information. You are also invited to check out who are helping to promote the event.
In Toronto and Montreal, we will be honored to speak once again alongside the prolific 9/11 scholar David Ray Griffin, whose interview launched Richard Gage, AIA, on his eye-opening journey when Mr. Gage first heard him on the radio almost four years ago. Griffin was presenting the "Explosive Testimony" of the firefighters about the WTC skyscrapers.
The stop in Toronto will be hosted by Graeme MacQueen, Adnan Zuberi, Adam Parrott, Matthew Naus, and Dick Wright. We are scheduled to speak at Walter Hall, in the Edward Johnson Building at the famous University of Toronto.
Next we swing into Montreal, Quebec on Monday, May 3rd. JF Ranger and Michael Pengue are arranging this portion of the triple header speaking tour. The event will take place at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). The Montreal Conference details will be released on The entire conference will be broadcast live on the Internet.
And…. our joining-forces events!
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is proud to join with Firefighters for 911 Truth for two historic joint dynamic multi-media presentations on May 7th and 8th. The first event will be held at the Marin Civic Center in Marin, California, on Friday night, May 7. The second event will be on Saturday night, May 8th in San Leandro, CA, at the BAL Theater. We are honored to share the stage with Eric Lawyer, founder of the groundbreaking group, Firefighters for 911 Truth. Eric was a key speaker in our recent milestone press conference in San Francisco. This one will be video taped. Look for the break-through DVD in the near future. Visit speaking engagements page for more details.
On May 24th, we hope to return to the National AIA convention which, this year, is in Miami. If we succeed in raising the necessary funds we will host an exhibit booth displaying all of the evidence for the explosive controlled demolition of the 3 WTC skyscrapers on 9/11 to the thousands of architects present. We hope to sign up 100 more on the spot. Help us with your donation.
Dedicated 9/11 truth activist Cheri Roberts is organizing a unique global 9/11 Truth visibility event called the Circle of Truth. AE911Truth will take part. More details will come.
June 26 finds us returning to add more heat to Tucson, Arizona. We will be warming up in St. Mark's Church. Stay tuned for more details on this display of the WTC evidence of 4,500 degree F. thermite. Can you handle it? Be there.
Our next currently scheduled stop will be in Las Vegas on Saturday, July 17th.
Details are still in the works. We extend our thanks to radio personality Jeff Swain of KNUU 970AM, for coordinating this event. Let me tell you that he is not afraid at all of putting the truth, and Richard Gage, AIA, out there on the air to Las Vegas. Please check back later on the speaking engagements page of our website for venue and details.
Why hasn't AE911Truth been to your city yet? Consider hosting us at a speaking event in your city. It's not terribly complicated. The $10 suggested donation at the door generally pays all the bills. Just fly us out, provide an honorarium, and we can stay at your home to save on hotel. Email us at
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to find out how simple it can be to bring the enlightening evidence of AE911Truth to your friends, neighbors, and fellow citizens.