
    Architects and Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7)

    RT TV Show Interviews AE911Truth Experts About ReThink911 Campaign

    Ben Swann, formerly of Cincinnati's FOX19, questions the official story of the collapse of the World Trade Center High-rises

    Ben Swann, formerly of Cincinnati's FOX19, has to admit that World Trade Center Building 7 probably did not collapse due to normal office fires as NIST would want us to believe

    Architects and Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7

    Architects & Engineers:
    Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
    A 15-min Documentary with Ed Asner

    9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out (4-minute trailer)

    9/11: Explosive Evidence -
    Experts Speak Out - Trailer
    Duration: 4:09

    9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out (58 minute free version)

    9/11: Explosive Evidence
    Experts Speak Out
    Free 1-hour version

    FOX TV, Fresno, with Richard Gage, AIA

    FOX TV, Fresno,
    with Richard Gage, AIA

    CBC the fifth estate unofficial story

    CBC - The Fifth Estate
    "The Unofficial Story"

    The Reality Report with Richard Gage

    The Reality Report
    with Richard Gage, AIA

    CCTV, with Richard Gage, AIA

    with Richard Gage, AIA

    FOX News with Richard Gage, AIA

    FOX News
    with Richard Gage, AIA

    Vancouver Omni TV,
    with Richard Gage, AIA

    Richard Gage Live on TV3 - The Masterplan Event

    Richard Gage Live on TV3 - The Masterplan Event

    Read it at AE911Truth.org
    2,560 verifizierte professionelle Architekten und Ingenieure und 20,434 andere Befürworter inklusive A&I Studenten haben die Petition unterzeichnet, die vom Kongress eine neue, wirklich unabhängige Untersuchung fordert.

    Die Petition ist offen für Alle.

    Latest News

    Ed Asner Radio Spots for AE911Truth
    Geschrieben von: Jim Cirile   
    Donnerstag, den 18. März 2010 um 00:00 Uhr
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    Ed Asner. Former head of the Screen Actors Guild. Emmy Award winner. Mary Richards' gruff yet lovable boss. World Poker Tour champ. And most recently, star of Best Picture Academy Award nominee "Up." He is also an active supporter of 9/11 Truth and the voice of AE911Truth's radio campaign.

    This all begin on 9/11/2008. Asner introduced AE911Truth's Richard Gage, AIA to a packed house in Los Angeles. After the show, Asner volunteered to help in any way he could. Gage mentioned this to the marketing team, and I immediately thought: we'd be nuts not to use Asner's inimitable voice -- and the gravitas that accompanies it -- in a series of radio and video spots.

    After writing the scripts and getting Asner's approval, I loaded up my digital 8-track recorder and headed to Asner's home in the San Fernando Valley. I was greeted by his assistant Patty, who showed me into the office. While I waited for Asner's arrival, I looked around at copious awards and memorabilia, testament to a brilliant, decades-long career in TV and film. It was almost surreal, sitting there in Asnerland, admiring his glistening trophies, the art from "Up," the overflowing ashtray. Yep, this was Lou freaking Grant's home.

    Jesse Ventura's Censored 9/11 Commentary
    Geschrieben von: Jesse Ventura   
    Mittwoch, den 17. März 2010 um 00:00 Uhr
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     Originally posted at informationclearinghouse.info

    Editor's Note: The following column by former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura was removed by Huffington Post after it was published March 9 and replaced with a note that states the site "prohibits the promotion and promulgation of conspiracy theories — including those about 9/11."

    Dr. David Ray Griffin speaking tour April/May 2010
    Geschrieben von: Editor   
    Dienstag, den 16. März 2010 um 00:00 Uhr
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    David Ray Griffin 2010 Tour"Whereas it is widely recognized that the US-led war in Afghanistan is illegal under international law, because it was never authorized by the UN Security Council, most Americans have believed
    that it was morally justified as a response to the 9/11 attacks, and many believe it is still justified as a necessary means to prevent another attack originating from that region. My lecture will present evidence showing that both of these beliefs are untrue, so that the 9/11 Truth Movement and more traditional Peace and Anti-War groups should be able to combine forces to oppose this illegal and immoral war."

    - David Ray Griffin

    Nobel Peace Prize Nominee 2008 & 2009
    Ranked 41st
    (by The New Statesman) in "The 50 People Who Matter Today"

    Dr. David Ray Griffin is Professor of Philosophy of Religion and Theology, Emeritus, Claremont School of Theology and Claremont Graduate University in Claremont, California, where he remains a co-director of the Center for Process Studies. Dr. Griffin has authored over 35 books, one of which, The New Pearl Harbor Revisited, was a Publishers Weekly "Pick of the Week" in 2008.


    (1) Des Moines, Iowa - Friday, April 23
    (2) St. Paul, Minnesota - Saturday, April 24
    (3) Peoria, Illinois - Sunday, April 25

    (4) Chicago, Illinois - Tuesday, April 27
    (5) Louisville, Kentucky - Wednesday, April 28
    (6) St. Louis, Missouri - Thursday, April 29
    (7) Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Friday, April 30
    (8) Walkerton, Ontario - Saturday, May 1
    (9) Toronto, Ontario/ Canada - Sunday, May 2


    LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU SEE FIRE - the flaming inferno in the South Tower
    Dienstag, den 16. März 2010 um 00:00 Uhr
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    Listen to the final moments of the daring rescue efforts of the New York City Fire Department operating in the South Tower of the World Trade Center moments before it suddenly exploded into oblivion. This is the biggest conflict of evidence of all: Either there were emergency teams operating in the building or there was a tremendous raging inferno. The two are mutually exclusive possibilities.

    Building What? Day 2 (and Day 1 Recap)
    Geschrieben von: NYCCAN.ORG   
    Dienstag, den 16. März 2010 um 00:00 Uhr
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    Fellow Advocates:

    Thank you to everyone who helped make Building What?! Day 1 a great success.

    3 down. 48 to go.

    Before repeating yesterday's instructions, here's a snippet from the emails we received from people who called in.

    Challenging Stephen Colbert
    Geschrieben von: JF Ranger   
    Montag, den 15. März 2010 um 00:00 Uhr
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    Posted on World911Truth.org
    Public Challenge to Stephen Colbert, host of Comedy Central's The Colbert Report.

    David Chandler's new YouTube channel
    Montag, den 15. März 2010 um 00:00 Uhr
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    See great AE911Truth videos on David Chandler's YouTube channel!

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