Geschrieben von: Richard Gage, AIA
Mittwoch, den 12. Mai 2010 um 00:00 Uhr |
Es gibt leider keine Übersetzung.
A Great Opportunity to Join the Family of Sustaining Supporters We are delighted to announce that the IRS has approved our application for tax exempt status. Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is now a 501c3 non–profit corporation. This means that donations made to our organization will be tax–deductible for U.S. taxpayers—as allowed by laws and regulations. This was a long winding road—navigated by our exceptional board of directors, led at the time by Dwain Deets, our volunteer of the year here at AE911Truth, who wrestled this IRS 1023 application into shape month after month. Also, our IRS non–profit attorney, who crafted it with precision, deserves a profound thank you. And we also thank our dozens of dedicated selfless serving volunteers, who make up this family of hearts and minds focused on and dedicated to the work of our mission. Thank you all for your constant support. This may be the first 9/11-Truth organization to become a 501c3 tax-exempt corporation. We hope to lead the way for other companion organizations within the movement to submit their applications and become tax-exempt as well. We announced this in our Action Alert on April 21, making an appeal to those not already Sustaining Supporters to join in that commitment. We are pleased to report, in that short time since making that appeal, a significant growth in the number of sustaining supporters has occurred. We greatly appreciate that increase in commitment. If you intended to add your name to the list, but haven’t yet done it, we invite you to join the growing family of sustaining supporters and give a regular monthly tax–deductible donation today. We have survived and are succeeding in our mission only because of the generous contributions from those of you in the 9/11 Truth movement. We have so much that needs to be done here at AE911Truth to bring awareness to hundreds of thousands of architects and engineers via conventions and ads in association newsletters. Thank you — from all of us here at AE911Truth