
    Architects and Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7)

    RT TV Show Interviews AE911Truth Experts About ReThink911 Campaign

    Ben Swann, formerly of Cincinnati's FOX19, questions the official story of the collapse of the World Trade Center High-rises

    Ben Swann, formerly of Cincinnati's FOX19, has to admit that World Trade Center Building 7 probably did not collapse due to normal office fires as NIST would want us to believe

    Architects and Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7

    Architects & Engineers:
    Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
    A 15-min Documentary with Ed Asner

    9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out (4-minute trailer)

    9/11: Explosive Evidence -
    Experts Speak Out - Trailer
    Duration: 4:09

    9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out (58 minute free version)

    9/11: Explosive Evidence
    Experts Speak Out
    Free 1-hour version

    FOX TV, Fresno, with Richard Gage, AIA

    FOX TV, Fresno,
    with Richard Gage, AIA

    CBC the fifth estate unofficial story

    CBC - The Fifth Estate
    "The Unofficial Story"

    The Reality Report with Richard Gage

    The Reality Report
    with Richard Gage, AIA

    CCTV, with Richard Gage, AIA

    with Richard Gage, AIA

    FOX News with Richard Gage, AIA

    FOX News
    with Richard Gage, AIA

    Vancouver Omni TV,
    with Richard Gage, AIA

    Richard Gage Live on TV3 - The Masterplan Event

    Richard Gage Live on TV3 - The Masterplan Event

    Read it at AE911Truth.org
    Es gibt leider keine Übersetzung.

    Notes of Appreciation

    Words of encouragement and thanks from our friends and members.

    Outstanding performance on WBZ News Radio, March 3, 2010.
    Mr. Gage performed fabulously!
    Everyone withered under his relentless factual recitation.
    Boundless thanks to all at AE911Truth.

    — Frank Graham

    I am very proud to be part of your worthy and brave efforts to keep sanity alive in the face of these obstacles.
    — Walt Crompton

    Hi Mr.Gage, I just wanted to take a moment to personally Thank you and your group for all you are doing. I've been following your efforts and am proud to say I am a loyal supporter. I'm sure your efforts will bring about positive change in the world.

    Please keep up the great work

    — Colin Russell Oro Station, Ontario Canada

    Thank you so much for helping lead this peaceful movement to find out the truth about 9/11 and bring those responsible to justice.
    — Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez M1 Medical Student

    Thanks ever so much for all the work you, your fellow presenters, and all the volunteers have done as part of AE911Truth. I recognize the toll this type of work has on you and your families. You guys are a real inspiration, hang in there.
    — Jim Bomford (retired engineer)


    An important event. You and the other participants did a great job.
    You are a true patriot.

    — Dave Johnson - Asheville, NC

    Great work Richard Gage, and thank you for your relentless work.
    — Richard Shinn

    You guys are heroes! Please keep up the excellent work. I enjoyed the videos of Richard's booth at the AIA convention in San Francisco. I get the feeling incredible breakthroughs for 9/11 Truth are just around the corner.
    — Alexander Lee

    AE911Truth has helped me to renew my faith in humankind. For that, I am truly grateful!
    — Sandra

    You all are doing a great job!!!
    — Mark Sebesta

    Thanks for bearing witness to the truth about the criminal acts and conspiracy to enable and protect the cabal of elected American leaders who were and are involved in the planning and the official cover up of these high crimes, mass murder and treason.
    — Joseph Bridy, AIA

    Keep up the good work!
    — Jon Acker

    "Good science requires one to be a true skeptic; a good researcher, a scientist, then is not a proponent of any particular point of view, but remains cognizant of the fact that trials finding support for or refuting a hypothesis are both valuable in our quest for understanding; that seeing and believing the data, both in support of or refutation of a hypothesis, is the primary goal in scientific inquiry." -unknown author-
    — Christopher Dowell

    Keep shedding light on corruption! Or it will happen again.
    — Enoch Hill

    You are all heroes! Courage. Honesty. Truth.
    — Johann Joseph

    It would be good, if you allow also send money in other currencies. Because When I send 20 dolars from UK, which is 14 pounds, my bank Lloyds, will take me another 1 pound per transaction in forein currency.
    — Emil Popovic

    Give 'em truth! I wish Richard and all the very best in the future.
    — Michael Schmidt

    Thank you for your search for the truth to lead us to a more just world.
    — Edith Frederick

    Please thank Richard Gage for me for all his hard work and tell him he is doing a great job and he is my man of the century and my hero and I shall support his work all I can as a non-stop on-going effort. Richard's lecturers online have woken me up to the truth more than any other videos, etc. that I have seen.
    — Shafiq

    I am so impressed with the work done by contributors to this site. We can never give up in our fight to bring the truth of that fateful day to all the world. If we don't do it, who will? Our world will continue to suffer the results of the the official story lies if we do not bring the truth to the world. What I really want is to try to get the alternative media to end their censoring of 9/11 truth........I think that is the next big step!
    — Paul Getty

    Thanks for all your efforts!
    — Roger Carpentter

    Thank you all at ae911truth.org for your important work! P.S. Please get Chandler's "WTC7 in Free-fall" on DVD soon! Thks
    — Peter Miehe

    Justice...above all, comes the imperative for Justice.
    — Jim Betz

    Thanks for doing this. I'd like to get some copies of the new DVD to distribute. It is much better than the original that I still circulate.
    — Wayne Coste

    Keep up the good work.
    — William Rice

    Good luck at the convention. Thank you for everything Richard!! You're an inspiration.
    — Daniel Koch

    I am so grateful to have true patriots such as the members of your organization standing up to the injustices and coverup of our government concerning 911!! Keep up the great work!!
    — David Misner

    Good luck and God bless!!
    — Donald Uhlinger

    Please keep up the good, scientific, fact-driven work. We are with you, keep strong.
    — Alex Hatzisavas

    It's not much but its at least something. Lets get the facts (truth) out there!!
    — Ralph Zogheib

    Just thanking you Mr. Gage for your sacrifice.
    — John A Meaders

    Thank you for all your hard work and perseverance. Keep the faith Richard.
    — Edward H Macomber

    Thank you for all you do, Richard, and everyone on the AE911Truth team.
    — Richard Lowe

    Good luck, I am looking forward to your presentation in Montreal in April.
    — Clifford Cassidy

    Keep up the work Richard and the staff, The truth will come forward in the end!
    — Rolf Hustad

    Good luck, and keep up the excellent work!
    — Martin Kristensen

    Every success with your event. Rob Shaw, Liverpool UK Former member Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors
    — Robert Shaw

    — Paul Winter

    Bravo! Spread the truth fellow patriots!
    — Joseph Ma

    I want to commend you guys for keeping this alive and pushing for the truth. I only hope that the world will one day see Bush's involement in the 911 plot. Keep up the hard work.
    — Fernando Gigliotti

    Thanks for all you are doing.
    — Marnia Robinson

    Keep up the good work and remember Steve Bhaerman's quote "The Truth shall upset you free".
    — Paul McArthur

    Dear Richard and associates I am very excited about this event....good luck! Kindest regards John Bursill
    — John Bursill

    Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!
    — Kyle Nash

    Thank you. We love you all and you are in our prayers and best wishes always.
    — Miklos

    Thank you very much for opening my eyes. I'm from Kazakhstan and had always believed the official stories. Now I know so much more thanks to you guys. I know better to believe the main-stream mass media.
    — Bolatbek Saparjan

    Received your package with latest edition of "Blueprint" and some evidence cards. The DVD in high res is quite impressive. Richard is excellent!
    — John V. Mizzi, PE

    I totally admire what you, Steven E. Jones and others are doing to bring 9/11 truth to the world. You and Mr. Jones are very credible explainers and presenters, and if I were to pick one or two 9/11 videos to give to someone, it would be your 9/11: Blueprint for Truth, along with a presentation that Steven Jones gave in Austin Texas in 2007.
    — Stephen Bock

    I see that in general surveys on the internet there are consistently higher numbers of people who no longer believe the official, government story. I attribute that to the work of the architects and engineers. Thank you and them.
    — Karen Kline

    Thank you for your efforts towards truth, and its courageous dissemination.
    — Miles Odonnol

    Thank you for your hard work and dedication. While I realize it's always a little embarrassing to receive praise, you are exhibiting a rare courage of conviction in the face of frightening power and evil and I admire you for your determination.
    — Michael Taillon

    For all you have done, are doing, and will continue to do in the effort to bring the TRUTH to our populace. I applaud you.
    — Dave Matherly

    I am grateful for AE911truth.org. It's about time somebody raised some questions and start demanding real answers. A good friend of mine died on flight 175. No one will have closure from this until we investigate. I knew something wasn't right from day one. Nobody give up. This is America. This should have never happened.

    It is very obvious to me that fire did not bring these buildings down. After watching this presentation, there is no doubt in my mind that there is way more to this story than the so called 911 commission report has revealed. Thank you to Richard Gage and his team for the time and dedication put forth.

    — Kristan Stroh

    Thank you for all of the effort you all are contributing. My friends and I are very grateful for your devotion and courage!

    I have emailed 35 of my friends telling them about your new DVD and website.

    — Lona M. Jones

    The importance of what you are doing is second to nothing else. This must be brought to light and brought to justice.

    It is a difficult task to convince someone about something they don't want to hear. It is too important to America, democracy and the world that the truth be recognized. Perhaps that is even more important than "justice"; that the entire world sees and understands the profundity of these events.

    I believe the media has to get on board with this. Sadly, it appears that most people will not accept the truth about something of this magnitude if they don't here about it in the news. It seems to them that if something of this nature were true, the media would be all over it.

    There is a big, big problem with "the media". Those who control it need to and should be questioned.

    I wish you the very best. You are a true American. Thanks.

    — Don Steinfelder

    I would like to take a moment to thank you for your efforts in the truth movement. I'm a firm believer that it takes educated people like yourself in order to wake people up. I myself am a well educated college graduate with a B.S. degree in Air Transportation Management with emphasis on flying airplanes. I received my private pilots license at the age of twenty. So, I understand what can and cannot be true with regards to aviation. That means it's virtually impossible for an aircraft to stay so close to the ground at a high rate of speed, sustain lift and move forward to crash into the pentagon because it's in "ground effect". Plus, I learned how large aircraft are so sophisticated, that they can be flown by computers and remote control.

    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that when the top of the twin towers started to fall, that had there been resistance below, then the top part of the tower would have fallen to the ground only and not the whole entire building. Basic physics has taught me that. But because there wasn't any resistance below (explosions), now we can truly see that those buildings fell due to an inside job.

    Thank you for your time.

    — John

    I can't stress enough, the important role that you have played in the truth movement regarding 9/11.

    Your presentations have been extremely helpful in confirming what I already suspected for years. I could almost accept mass incompetence for the success of the attacks, but that couldn't explain why 3 buildings collapsed, at nearly free fall speed, on the same day. That required too much faith and imagination.

    As a sustaining member, I hope to expose this info to as many people as possible and hope that enough will see that science and realize, at the very least, that we need a new investigation.

    — Jesus Garcia

    I am very glad to see Barack Obama's picture on the web site with his statement that science will be restored to its rightful place.

    I have been a strong Obama supporter from the start of his campaign. I believe that Obama is really honest, and under his administration the truth will not remain covered up. He has said it is up to us, so let's push as hard as we can from below. The key is definitely to get the endorsement of as many qualified engineers, physicists, chemists and architects as possible.

    THIS IS THE YEAR!!!! Thanks for all you do.

    — Tony Wicher

    No please, all the thanks goes to people like David Ray Griffin, Steven Jones and all the other professionals who don't hesitate to do all they have to do and sacrifice all that comes with it to inform the public. To the first responders and the whistle blowers who provide us with vital information. To the 9/11 truth movement, for exposing the truth despite the criticism. To those who wrote books and made documentaries about the reality of 9/11. And to you for focusing on the evidence instead of the conspiracy. It is clearly the best way to reopen 9/11. I am confident that your work, combined with the right strategy, will bring justice to the most importance crime of our century.

    It will be an honor to help you.

    "Those who have the privilege to know have the duty to act." - Albert Einstein

    — JF Ranger

    I am merely a road cop with over 28 years of experience. Currently still working the road as a sergeant. I have three years of electrical engineering training at San Diego State University. I have four years of military service as an electronic technician working on small missile guidance systems. I also completed some graduate work at Cal State Northridge.

    I have seen many vehicle fires in my 28 years as a cop (police officers) but never seen a steel frame vehicle reduced to a pile of rubble. I have seen vehicles burn until self-extinguished and still the frame of the vehicle is intact. Watching WTC #7 fall as it did opened my eyes to the impossibility of 911 occurring as the government's shills claim. I am saddened many of us refuse to face the truth the physical evidence shows. Governor Dukemajian awarded me a Medal of Valor for bravery in the line of duty, which I would gladly bestow upon Mr. Richard Gage for his efforts here.

    I am a 911 truther and have handed out many DVD's and flyers. I recall the first time I heard Mr. Richard Gage on the Alex Jones show; he made me proud to be an American. I have protested with Alex Jones in Chicago in 2006 and even shook his hand. My fight for truth and justice is small compared to many but I am fighting for America's survival.

    — John A. Meaders

    Please call me anytime (24/7)! I want to help. What you are doing is great. When I see all the "rubbish" going on I get frustrated. But by joining forces with people like you I am sure we can change this world we live in for the better. I am a professional engineer and for once I feel proud to see fellow professionals taking a determined stance against "falsehood." May God bless you and keep you going through the tough times when they do arise.
    — Ameen DeRaj

    Thanks for your courage.
    — Mike Shoen

    We just watched the DVD of the updated version of Richard Gage's talk
    ' 9/11: Blueprint for Truth.' It's superb -- even we, with no scientific
    background, could understand the whole thing. We'll share it widely.

    — Dennis & Sheila Linn

    A/E 911 Truth is the most comprehensive study of the buildings collapse that I have read. My hopes are to see these findings received on a wide spread global scale. Not only Americans, but the world deserves to have access to the scientific conclusions and proof of what really happened on 9/11/01 and post 9/11. Thank you for the devotion to these studies!!
    — Debra K. Harris

    I am writing to thank you for your involvement in the 9/11 truth movement. It is voices with professional expertise such as yours that really make a difference in the public's perception. I am glad you are involved. I am glad you have strength and determination in your presentation.
    — Edward Reasor

    I'm very much impressed by the facts you reveal and I admire your courage. Don't give up. This struggle is vital for the free world we (would like to) live in!
    — Wibren Visse

    This website, and Gage's lecture, integrate all the details into a powerfully convincing story-- here is the explanation we need.
    — Tina Dickey

    I would have to say I know this was an inside job, based on the evidence. Since my day of realization, I sign this on all my correspondence. I also have this as a sign on my truck. I quote Gerald Massey: "They must find it difficult ....Those who have taken authority as the truth,rather than truth as the authority". I will never see the world the same way again.
    — Stephen M. Lucas

    Your perseverance is awe inspiring. I have personally sent a number of engineers your way in recent months and I am as thrilled as you at the 500 threshold being topped. Between you and Naomi Wolf ( as well as many other genuine souls) I think there is hope for the Republic. Keep it up!
    — Glenn Davis, WI

    You guys are doing great work, very, very enlightening.
    — Mike Sharkey

    I wish to thank you. I have been amazed at the inconsistencies you and
    your peers have revealed.

    — Jolyon Yetes

    I applaud Richard and the other members of AE911 -- and other groups -- for the superb job you're all doing back Stateside. Keep up the great work! The world needs you.
    — Nila Sagadevan

    I listened to the A&E conference call after the NIST WTC 7 report... really well done and great information as usual.
    — Drew Gibbs

    Please continue your good work, it is much appreciated by those of us who believe as you.
    — Charlie Marshall

    I have been greatly inspired and filled with admiration for your work and your courage. I feel compelled to do my small part in exposing this outrageous fraud on Americans and the world. Thanks for your efforts.
    — Kathy Nathan

    I just happened to catch Dr. Gage's presentation on an OLELO community television channel yesterday, 8/10/08. I am trying to find out when it will be aired again and will call many friends, young and old, to tune in. I Thank your organization for your magnificent effort.
    — Norma Carr

    I want you all at AE911 Truth to know that I sincerely believe that you will go down in history as being the heroes of our time.
    — Mark S. Von Wald

    Thank you, guys, for standing up for the truth!
    — Victor Tachiquin

    "We continue to push for an Independent European investigation, and thank Richard for all he does for the 9/11 Truth Movement and the credibility he
    gives to it."

    — DJDaveMark

    In terms of Psychological effect, the aviation analogy would be: 9/11 was like a "cabin pressurization emergency," sucking the oxygen from our brains. AE911truth is like the oxygen mask hanging from the ceiling. Put it on and "Breathe!"
    — Dennis Spear

    I want to sincerely thank you all for your work. You are true patriots and heroes, and I appreciate your courage to speak your TRUTH. God Bless
    — Joshua Lamothe

    BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO RICHARD! You did an outstanding job in the debate with Ron Craig on No Lies Radio (11/17/07 http://noliesradio.org/)! I am so proud to be your fellow citizen ... keep fighting for the truth to come out! Thank you!!!
    — Dr. Anthony Holland

    Thank you for the great website, and for presenting the information without any
    unhelpful, unfounded speculation.

    — Jay Bell

    You have my full support and I find AE911Truth to be one of the most respectable 9/11 Truth groups around. I'll continue to do my best to make people aware of the inconsistencies of 9/11, as well as the dangers of an unquestioned and unchecked government. Best of luck to you all, and never stop.
    — Chis Horlacher

    Just listened to the entire call with Gage and others and the NIST people from December of 2007. His passion is unparalleled, incomparable, it was great.
    — Justin Edwards

    "I am behind you 110% and I think what you are doing is an act of a real patriotism. I want you to know that it will pay off and to continue what you are doing because it is great service for many people."
    — Jason Hope

    Late last night I ended up on www.ae911truth.org (Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth) and spent till 5AM this morning reviewing the 570 page ppt. and a few other items. My world is forever changed after reviewing it and selected other items listed here.
    — Steve Smith

    Thank you for being so brave and giving so many a voice.
    — Lori Grant

    I wish to pass to you my compliments regarding your personal commitment to truth and justice. May we all succeed!
    — Roslyn Aubrey

    IMHO you are doing a wonderful job :-).
    Perry Winkel

    — Perry Winkel

    Your indefatigable efforts in informing people and recruiting fellow professionals to join the call for a new investigation is having a growing effect on tipping the scales toward the side of truth. The truth will out!
    — Robert Burkley

    I just wanted to contact you and tell you that what you are doing is a
    GREAT thing!! You people are among the few providing our last chance to
    take back our country.

    — Mike

    Yours is "the" most credible site regarding this issue I've seen. Your work is invaluable to America, the continuation of our soverignty, and the continued freedom of our nation. My God bless and protect you.
    — S.T.

    I want to thank you for coming to Davis and for your tireless efforts in exposing this treachery and treason.
    — Connie Valentine

    We found you to be a very easy person to listen to and your passion on this
    subject was inspiring.

    — Dean

    Mr. Gage's presentation is by far the best I've seen on this subject since it focuses on the facts and doesn't become speculative.
    — Markus Lindstrom

    I would like all of you to know, and Richard Gage in particular, that I have tremendous respect for your courage and for your sense of honor and justice.
    — Sean Turnbull

    Not polemical or conspiracy-hounded in any way ... the video concerns
    itself solely with the forensic science debunking the possibility
    that the planes alone could have brought down these 3 buildings.

    — Elizabeth Lopez

    Thank you so much for being strong, for speaking out, and not giving in to
    the fear that keeps so many people quiet.

    — Daniel Sheppard

    I wish I could make clear the extent of my gratitude to all the people who continue to work for this cause.
    — Mary Ellen Tanabe

    I think, with your credentials, you're encouraging others to speak up -before it's too late- and this is absolutely wonderful.
    — Craig Robinson

    Love your presentations ... You guys are doing GREAT work. Thank you.
    — June Forster

    The data are there. It's undeniable. I didn't believe it until I saw your website and DVD. Good work! Let's get the word out.
    — Margaret Ann Wood

    You did a great job with your presentation, Richard! Good idea to poll people's stance at the start and again at the end. You covered a lot of
    ground! Thank you !!

    — Craig Robinson

    When several laws of physics must be broken in one time and place
    repeatedly for the official story to begin to be plausible, it is impossible for me to continue to believe such a story. Watch the talk by Richard Gage if you have not already. It is unanswerable.

    — Clifford M. Cassidy

    I have great respect and admiration for your knowledge, character, and
    willingness to put your reputation on the line to get the truth out there.

    — John Herstek

    I am very appreciative as a US citizen living abroad in Germany of your courage and the courage of others with specialized professional skills--for writing a letter to NIST, organizing seminars, and other effortss to EXPOSE the US Gov. cover.
    — Bruce Munro

    I have seen,I think, all the films on 9/11, and yours is far and away the most lucid and cogent.
    — Philip Brown

    Thank you for your courage and love of freedom, and for holding our government accountable.
    — Harry Grothjahn

    A&E for 9/11 Truth gives the Truth movement amazing credibility.
    — Mike Bird

    I just wanted to let you know that I have just completed and posted on
    YouTube a "Tribute to the Truth Movement", and have included you in the
    tribute for your courageous work. I do hope you enjoy it and I thank you
    for your truly honorable service to your country.

    — Steve Ramsey

    I just saw the presentation at youtube for Mr Gage's talk about the destruction of the towers and I just wanted to say thanks and to acknowledge the effort as a true act of courage.
    — Bryan Behie

    Wonderful interview on Pacifica's KPFK here in L.A. last night, Richard...I often wake up in the night and read but I happened to turn on the radio and heard your interview and immediately got up at 4 am to visit this site.
    — David Scally

    I found the powerpoint very compelling. Great job!
    — Sheila Casey

    Truth can only be found by exposing the lies and I say thank you very much for all of your work to do so.
    — Richard Elkins

    I am so very thankful for your organization, as the
    voice of sanity and reason has been absent in the
    official narrative of the events surrounding the
    collapse of the WTC sturctures. The evidence for
    demolition is overwhelming.

    — JoAnn Castiglione

    I am thankful that you and others like you are "fighting the good fight."
    God bless you many times over, I wish I could do more/

    — Richard Bentley Nichols

    Yours is about the 10th video I've seen so far, and one of the best, convincing me beyond any reasonable doubt that the towers were
    deliberately demolished.

    — Betty J. Westman

    Richard, thank you so much for your dedication. We showed "9/11: Blueprint for Truth" at the monthly meeting of Colorado 9/11 Visibility last Friday in Denver (30 people in attendance) and it was a tremendous success.
    — Tim Boyle

    I am so very grateful to all of you professionals and fellow citizens who are putting your very livelihoods and lives on the line to bring this out.
    — Jamie Halverson

    Your video is excellent, compelling, world changing.
    — Reed Simpson

    Thank you so much for your brave honesty.
    — K. R. Pence

    I believe that the truth must come out for the sake of all Americans, and I applaud your very fine efforts in trying to make this happen. Richard is the inspiration that defines the quest for the truth. You do your country very proud.
    — Al Dati

    I am grateful that you are willing to risk what you do in order to find the truth on this matter. I think your information is extremely factual and very clearly laid out. Thank you for your patriotism."
    — Richard Caplice

    Thank you for your work and Godspeed ae911truth.org!
    — Walter G. Staley III

    I praise and honor your efforts and hope for the love of freedom and democracy that you never give up until the truth is exposed. You are a true Patriot and I thank You from the bottom of my heart.
    — Mark

    I heartily recommend that this talk become a visiting lecture series throughout the states so as to enlighten as many people as possible, to create discussion, continuing investigation and due process for those responsible.
    — Melanie Sawyer

    This is the best site I've found on my 911 truth
    quest, thank you.

    — Shawn Matthews

    Just a note to let you know that I was so impressed with your responding to the NIST meeting on such short notice and the great presentation by Richard Gage there that I wrote a little something on it to try and spread the word. I'm not a writer (I hate it) but just my way of helping you fight.
    — James

    What Richard Gage portrays is not media and is not entertainment. It is a revelation of science that unveils a masked truth that lurked behind the scenes of horrid affairs. Richard's report empirically proves that the fall is derived from a organized and systematic demolition. There are no more means and methods to negate this theory. The facts have been exhumed by assiduous and persevering individuals like Mr. Gage. Now, it is our duty to be proponents of such a cause and exercise and radiate the truth behind these broken towers before it is too late.
    — Andrea Riccio

    My wife and I attended the Boston911truth.org event this weekend. I want to thank you for your courage, integrity and leadership. It gives me hope that we can save our country.
    — Mike Serio

    You are ... the seeds of our freedom. Your personal sacrifice to do this work is significant. I humbly thank you, sir, as well as all the others for what you have done and continue to do. One day, hopefully soon, this country will fully grasp and appreciate your contributions to our 'reborn' democracy.

    May you all keep strong.

    — Steve P.

    The AE 911 effort has added significant credibility to the already compelling evidence for concerned Americans to demand and be granted a complete criminal investigation into the events of 9/11/2001.
    — Harold Saive

    I'm in awe not only of your material, but your courage, your sacrifices and dedication.... Thank you for all you have done.
    — Barry Fiore

    I support your fantastic efforts 100% which are helping to bring to light this terrible crime.
    — Rickey Gostenik

    What an amazing site, well laid out, easily negotiated, simple and elegant.... I believe your work to expose the truth will strengthen people's moral core and give huge numbers the spines they need....
    — Stephen Goulet

    I had never heard of building 7 imploding previously, or the evidence of the two towers exploding. This news was horrifying to me and I am proud to be taking action. I would be honored to help in any way....
    — Rene Casallas

    About the best presentation on the fall of the towers I have seen to date.
    — Dr. Peter Moscow

    Thank you Richard and other ae911truth.org patriots for having the courage to stand up for truth and justice.
    — Barry R. Nicholson

    My deepest appreciation goes out to the architects, scientists and engineers who are exposing the truth and paving the way for the investigation and indictment.
    — Mia Hamel

    Your professionalism, composure and detailed presentation is exactly what this fight needs.... Your presentation is very-well prepared.
    — Dave D'Arche

    Richard Gage, AIA and the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth have taken a courageous stand by publicly calling for the truth about 9/11 with a calm, clear and professional approach. Future generations will see AE911TRUTH as the leaders we needed when leadership was hard to come by.
    — Kevin Ryan

    Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth has done a very extensive analysis of the destruction of the WTC Towers and WTC 7, including fall-times and evidences for the use of thermite. The "official" story of what happened on 9/11 is shown to be faulty. I highly recommend this presentation to all who seek facts and careful analyses of what really happened that day.
    — Dr. Steven E. Jones (Physicist)

    "The emergence of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth is clearly one of the most important recent developments in the 9/11 Truth movement."
    — David Ray Griffin, author of "Debunking 9/11 Debunking"

    Through his courageous and comprehensive work revealing the facts of the World Trade Center's destruction, Richard Gage, AIA has inspired and awoken the very professionals on whose ignorance and silence the cover-up of the 9/11 crime depend, and have brought to bear key credentials for exposing the hollow core of the official collapse story.
    — Jim Hoffman

    I have learned a lot from watching your presentation. And I can see that it is a huge contribution to the effort to get at the truth about 9-11.... Thanks for all your good, brave, and noble work! You inspire me and give me courage
    — Eric Wilson

    The "official" report defies all logic and reason. After having seen Mr. Gage's seminar regarding the collapse of all three buildings, I am convinced that they were indeed "controlled demolitions".
    — Kimberly Kent

    Thank you for what you are doing.... The evidence is all so very disturbing. Every American and citizen in this world need to join this cause! Whether you agree or not, open the investigation. Why doesn't the 911 commission report even mention WTC7? Why is the NIST report so full of problems as well?
    — Albert Lucientes

    Everything I learned in the four semesters of Architectural Structures classes supports the information being presented on this site. I want to thank all of you. Patriotism is about facts and the search for them aside from our own personal interests. All truths will be revealed in time.
    — Shawn M. Fullington

    I applaud your courage in leading the effort to expose what is a hard-to-accept scenario.
    — Dr. David A Johnson, FAICP, Asheville, NC

    I was very impressed with your recent presentation at the Grand Lake Theater on 9-11-07. I think it resonates so well because it is non-sensationalized and sticks to facts that are straightforward and not dubious within the community.

    I took a friend with me that evening. Although she has looked into only some of the evidence for the last year she said she was still conflicted, one might say on the fence regarding the possibility of non-gravitational collapse. After witnessing your presentation she turned to me and said, "It's indisputable, seeing those explosions... the squibs." Our overall impression was that it was a very thorough job by assembling a variety of sources. She is now convinced.

    — Adam Sherman

    I do not typically consider myself a conspiracy theorist. But lately, with all of this evidence and my own gut feeling just a week after 9/11/01, I feel like I have turned into one and I want to know that I'm not crazy. Thank you for this
    website for helping to alleviate some of that craziness I feel.

    — Laura Barry

    I was so overwhelmed [by your online video presentation] that I needed to pause after ten minutes; but I kept coming back to it and finished viewing it within a few hours. Now I feel like some alien from another planet because it is so contrary to what everyone thinks; yet, it lines up so well with other theories and trends in the world today.

    Thank you for fighting the good fight.

    — Tom Brodie

    It is your credibility as A&E professionals that will get people to listen.
    — Don McPeak

    I greatly admire your commitment to this difficult and extremely important work.
    — Alex Kershaw

    [T]he people this movement really needs are professionals who have some credentials and are focusing on the strong evidence. Richard has done an amazing job of putting together his website and group and able to feature a DVD like this on the Anniversary. He never sold out to the hoaxes, never offered utter speculation to the public to make us look nutty, never talks about ridiculous nonsense for the sake of "hype".... He sticks to the best evidence, treats others with great respect and focuses on professionals.... [A]n extremely powerful case.
    — Victoria Ashley

    I applaud and support the work of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and thanks to this shot of credibility, thousands of others are waking up every day.
    — Nicholas Filippelli

    I believe that A&E for 911 Truth is the approach that is needed to ever get any mention on the MSM (main stream media)....
    — Lyle Sansom

    [T]hank you... for your bravery, courage, intelligence and your clarity and rounded, straight forward manner of communicating about what could potentially be the pivotal issue that serves to wake this sleeping country up!
    — Barbara Getrost

    [Y]our work is very important in finding the truth about what really happened on 9/11; it is important for everyone on this planet! ... [I]t takes a lot of guts to do what you are doing now. God bless you.
    — Igor Andrejev

    As a concerned citizen and advocate of the 9/11 truth movement I am delighted with your DVD, "9/11: Blueprint for Truth".... Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the 9/11 truth movement. I have been spreading the word about your work to as many people as possible.
    — Erik Michaelson

    [P]eople don't trust their own instincts and need to hear that scientists with credibility agree on the facts. My family is quite progressive but I still cannot convince them.... Even my material science friends at work have had their basic physics but they can't quite take the plunge.... people come up with excuses. I ordered a couple of Gage's DVD's.... People respond to video in a comfortable setting more easily.
    — Adam Sherman

    I never doubted the official story. I am completely stunned by the presentation I just saw. I believe that every American should take the time to see this presentation and form their own opinion.

    I feel like my world view has been turned upside-down in the past four hours: I watched "Zeitgeist", which led me to Richard Gage's 2 hour presentation. Until today I dismissed 9/11 truth talkers as off-kilter...but now I will be one.

    — Marina Stover

    [T]his straight forward, sober, no-nonsense presentation is one of the most important educational videos of the 21st century.... 'truly life changing' - yet, remarkably easy, as well as painless, to watch....

    This presenter did - by far and away - the most comprehensive and dignified job possible. These architects and engineers have professionally and expertly organized what I and others have needed to see and hear....

    No one can watch this presentation - in its entirety - and remain unsure of what occurred - in total detail.

    — Sperry Andrews

    Your presentation is very thorough and professional, the best I have seen yet! Keep up this important work.
    — David A. Fetterolf

    Keep up the excellent work -- you guys are great!!!
    — Allan D. Searle

    Your professionalism and excellent web presence is appreciated.... Your work is helping to bring truth, love, peace, and justice to a world in dire need.
    — Michael Brocato

    [F]ascinating and encouraging.... Having actual, credible architects and engineers put forth this kind information is really amazing. [F]antastic site!
    — Thomas Bonanno

    [T]hanks and congratulations to those of you who do not follow like a proverbial well-behaved sheep.... [T]he work you do is fantastic. You guys deserve much more recognition than what you get - of course we couldn't have that now could we!

    I'll spread this site AND OTHERS, as far as I can to let the truth come out more widely, I'm only one person, but one person who asks questions is worth 100 of those who dont.

    Time to fight for truth, to show those 3000 did not die in vain!

    — Erin Wilson

    I appreciate your dedication to this cause. I am relieved that professionals such as yourself are on board for this truth. I will steer any engineers and architects that I meet towards ae911truth.org.
    — Connie Beech

    I bought 3 copies of your DVD, which is a superb presentation, and I will probably purchase more when available. It is the most convincing and inclusive and pointed presentation I have yet seen.
    — Mark Sauer, MD

    This site is like a big breath of fresh air.... [A]rchitects and engineers certainly bring a unique degree of credibility to the table. Each time I log onto the site and see the number of members climbing, it's like a little seed of hope that is slowly growing.

    Also, Richard Gage's presentation is in my opinion the best presentation of the most important evidence out there that's been done so far. It doesn't draw extreme conclusions without sufficient facts like Loose Change and it isn't couched in links to JFK or space weapons like James Fetzer. It's a clear and concise presentation of the huge body of real evidence given by a person who brings real credentials to the table.

    The approach this site is taking has renewed my hope.... Keep up the fight!

    — Lee Phillips

    "I support the 9/11 Truth movement and appreciate your drive. Please don't stop. What you are doing is important and necessary."
    — Kyle Otto

    Thank you for presenting the truth about the WTC collapses. It is only by professionals such as yourself taking a stand that the truth will eventually come out. May God bless your efforts!
    — Bryan Huie

    Richard sounds very credible and well spoken. I like his style. Sounds like a combo between David Griffin and Steven Jones.
    — Steve Walker

    The evidence compiled by Richard Gage is striking and in my eyes, defies official reports.
    — Susie Bonham-Craig

    "I offer my admiration and respect for all of you for starting this research and this movement. I hope that when this all comes to light and the truth is understood by the majority that all your sacrifices will be vindicated. I have stood up for what I believe in and have suffered for that. This is not the easy path, it is the courageous one. I admire your courage."
    — Katrinka Anne Gmerek

    Thank you so much for this web page. You are real Peoples, real Citizens, real Professionals. Thank you for Truth. You have all my Support.
    — Zhanna Zabolotskaia

    [M]y hat is off to you, I know this will be trying on your personal as well as professional life. Thank you for your hard work and sacrifice."
    — Steven Chad Calland

    I was very impressed by Richard Gage's presentation at Cooper Union last weekend. Keep up this most important work.
    — Harvey Lewis Newman

    "You are a true hero!... [S]omething has been very wrong with this picture and it's a joy to me that someone, who has the physical proof and credibility to present it, has the courage to step forward."
    — Judy Harris

    I 'm in awe not only of your material, but your courage, your sacrifices and dedication....
    — Barry Fiore

    Anyone who could study your website, and not doubt the official government conclusion about 9/11 would have to be at least 3 quarters of a bubble off center, and be suffering with chronic constipation of the mind!
    — Ray Walter Swangkee

    Thank you for your deep commitment in seeking the truth about 9-11 events. We look forward to your public presentation, here in Bloomington, on 10 September!
    — John Robert Russell

    [Y]ou guys are really brave. I'm very VERY proud of you. I don't know what else to say. I've been up all night reading and now I'm spent.
    — Karen D. Carter

    Thank you for your deep commitment in seeking the truth about 9-11 events. We look forward to your public presentation, here in Bloomington, on 10 September!
    — John Robert Russell

    Thank you, Mr. Gage, for the professional, logical, compelling presentation. I hope to be able to obtain a copy on DVD to share with others soon!
    — Laurie J. Hasler

    That [we have been lied to about 9/11] is quite possibly the most stomach-turning realization that I have ever come to, and likely
    ever will.

    — Christopher Corsi

    The truth always comes out. And the truth will be more horrific than what happened that day. Thank you for your actions to uncover that truth.
    — Lisa Toth

    Thank You for being a torchbearer, we are grateful for your time, energy and focus on bringing truth, light, and justice.
    — Shaba Mohseni

    [T]hank you from the bottom of my heart for taking on this important issue. If we manage to get the truth out to the world, then this will be a world changing event....
    — Werner Simbeck

    You guys are doing a wonderful job. I was enormously pleased by the very factual presentation of your case. I consider it very welcome and a great contrast for the-average-conspiracy-theory that the internet seems to provide us with every so often (insert crying smiley here). It's good to know that there is some serious thinking going on....
    — Joost Brugman, B. Eng.

    The presentation by Richard Gage and the Zeitgeist documentary have opened my eyes to the web of deception that has ensnared so many of us since 9/11 (and many years earlier).
    — Dustin Beisell

    I just want to commend Richard Gage for stepping forward the way he has, and for forming this very important organization.
    — Yarrow Mahko

    Richard Gage makes a good prima facie case for re-opening the investigation of the 9/11 WTC collapses.
    — Phil Tompkins

    I am an architect from Slovakia (middle europa state). Few days ago I found the page about the 911 truth in Slovakia at http://911.yweb.sk/.

    It's really unbelievable job You're doing. And I am very disappointed by the facts known about the demolition on 91101.

    I believe, You will get the truth out of this. Just go ahead with this job! I will be with You many thousands miles away!

    — Tomas Sobota

    I admire, and am inspired by, your courage.
    — Michelle Dick

    I'm glad you're providing a forum for engineers to help lend technical credibility to the 911 truth movement.
    — Sebastian Canaday

    I am very impressed with the stance you are taking & the courage you all are showing. I would like to be associated with this historic effort.
    — Kenneth Charles Parry

    Good for you guys. It's a breath of fresh air to see that people are taking action and for once coming together to confront all the questions that the media/congress sweeps under the rug.
    — Vik Jae

    I just wanted to congratulate you on the great job you did this morning on the Alex Jones Show. The interview was very clear and I am very proud to be associated with you (and our Northern California 9/11 Truth Group).
    — Chris Rawson

    Thank you so much, Mr. Gage, for tackling this extremely important issue for all American citizens, whether they see it yet or not.
    — Sue G. Brand

    Thank you for the work you have done to let us know the facts.
    You are appreciated.

    — Kristen Denton

    I was at the Bite of Seattle today and saw [guys with signs saying] "Google 9/11 truth." Well, I did.... [Mr. Gage's presentation] has raised many questions for me regarding all of the events.... In 2001 it seemed absurd but [the Bush Administration's] every move makes me believe more and more that anything is possible with them. Thanks for being on this and I am now going to do my part.
    — David Alan Winspear, General Contractor, Seattle, WA

    Thank you very much for the video. I have forwarded it far and wide.... [T]his message is simply to thank you and express my admiration for your courage. I know it wasn't easy to do.
    — Philip Kauffman

    It is so important that your group is composed of intelligent professionals with documented, reasonable presentations that raise questions that have not been adequately answered. It is not quite so easy to marginalize or dismiss your critique of the 9/11 commission cover-up.

    I appreciate your brave work to require an investigation to secure the truth for those who have died, for those who live and for future

    — Nancy Griffith

    [I]t is clear that you're not a hired gun. You may stumble to find words and get frustrated.... [I]t adds an element of absolute truth and humanity that will get lost if you sounded like a Foxpert!... [T]he bigger your audience, the more important it is NOT to be a skilled public speaker because even if I didn't speak English I can still hear truth!
    — Erick Hassan

    Richard, thanks so much for what you have done with 9-11. With God's help, we will bring the dark forces into the light.... [W]e can and will bring the guilty to justice...sooner, or later.
    — Derek Johnson E.I.T., C.W.I.

    The most SANE reporter out there is Richard Gage. He calls it like it is - he doesn't beat around the bush and he presents the evidence so coherently that only a fool or a demon would deny it.
    — "CriticalThinker" at 911blogger.com

    Brilliant .... Finally, someone with a balanced mind, professionally skilled, world-class educated, and with proper maturity explains the matter correctly... rather than ranting, agitating, [or] associating a hidden agenda [or] political discourse of a Bush attack to 911 truth.
    — "kevmetric" at 911blogger.com

    [C]larity and a sense of necessary emphasis in his style....
    — "Mr. Id" at 911blogger.com

    [T]his website is the most clear and concise presentation on the subject I have ever seen. The scientific manner in which the information is presented puts forth an argument that is undeniable to any person who has a basic understanding of the laws of physics.
    — Jason Carter

    I'd been waiting a long time for someone to get engineers and architects formally involved in the 9/11 Truth Movement. I have very high hopes....
    — Ted Walter

    There are more people than will admit who have grave concerns about the "attack" and what has followed; the more it is in the open the more the voiceless will become vocal. Keep up the great work!
    — Marc Battaglia

    Please do not let this effort stall. I am proud of all who seek the truth, most especially those who are professionals in the architectural and engineering disciplines. Thank you......."
    — James F. Karlsberger

    I can only imagine how time consuming an endeavor like this must be. I admire you and your associates for taking the time and risking the criticism for such a fete. Your educated and experienced critique of the falsehoods presented by our government is indispensable.

    There will be a special place in heaven for you guys. Your countrymen, most of whom aren't even aware of your contributions, will someday have the scales fall from their eyes and be moved by the truth of your work.

    Every Personal Regard

    — Skip Cook, Little Rock

    Thank you for forming this society and providing this incredibly important research and analysis to further our study of what happened on 9/11. We finally have an answer for those who ask, "Why aren't architects and engineers supporting your quest?" They are! Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth is a much needed, and appreciated, resource. Thank you each for your courage and persistence in the pursuit of truth and justice. Many blessings on the organization and your work.
    — Janice Matthews, 911Truth.org

    Your effort here is badly needed. The structural engineering Community of the United States has been collectively out of touch and out of tune on the topic. The truth cannot be shut down.
    — Keith McCartney

    Your work is of the utmost importance, THANK YOU. Arch. and engineering testimony is critical.
    — Shaun Janoschka

    Thank you for the time I know you must be spending to create this site. I am deeply angry at the community of scientists, engineers and architects who also know this but who have remained silent.
    — Mark Patterson

    Great job organizing such a vital group of expertise for this matter, which hinges on both architecture and engineering. Good Luck and Godspeed.
    — Jay Broderick

    GO FOR IT!
    — Dennis j. Edwards

    Thanks for your efforts to bring out what really happened on that tragic day.

    This does not only concern the USA but all of us in this world whose liberties are taken away and are herded into an Orwellian nightmare by this so-called war on terror

    — VII

    I'm glad to see engineers and architects finally coming together to dispel the myths and add weight to the science backing the questioning of the coverup...
    — K D Cruz

    I just finished watching Richard Gage's presentation and think you guys did a great job with this one.. I work in the structural engineering field and this presentation is spot on.
    — Joe Martin

    The greater population is conditioned to only listen to authority figures. But that is also what makes your contribution so important and convincing. Thanks for putting it all together and going public
    — Jonathon Vreeland

    Good luck guys. We can use all the help we can get. Please do your job proudly.
    — Shawn Cooper