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Mittwoch, den 24. Juni 2009 um 00:00 Uhr | |||
Ed Asner introduces Richard Gage, AIA, in Los Angeles
To measure our effectiveness, Richard Gage, AIA always asks for a show of hands before and after the evidence sections of his talk. The dramatic change in opinions in favor of controlled demolition is one measure of our success. The first stop on the recent AE911 Truth SoCal RV Tour on May 26, Fresno/Clovis, exemplified the hand counts for the entire tour. 18 people arrived convinced that fires brought the WTC buildings down, while 27 were unsure and the remainder already believed the controlled demolition hypothesis. There were no official-story believers after the talk and only two who were unsure. We tripled the size of the hardworking and dedicated 9/11 Fresno Truth group that included Dennis, Trevor, Jordan, Steve and Manuel. Welcome TV coverage was provided by local Fox affiliate KMPH because of the persistent efforts of We Are Change Fresno and Manuel (introduced earlier), a Fox employee. On KMPH's 10pm News, they showed clips from the live presentation and an interview, but failed to show any of the evidence presented with each. A local firefighter hero was brought in to cast aspersions. But on the morning show Great Day, Richard was interviewed in studio, and was able to present a lot of evidence as well as Building 7 on video to hosts who were fascinated and open-minded. If you haven't seen this sharp, well-received 7.5-minute interview, be sure to do so now. In Los Angeles, Richard was introduced by Ed Asner, who called him "a tireless and tenacious advocate for questions that all too few are willing to ask…and truths that fewer still are willing to face, truths that may shake the foundations of our world view." We were pleased to have heard such encouraging words from this committed activist and famous actor.
The San Luis Obispo truth group won the prize for delivering the most people of any tour stop to the on-campus auditorium, where we received a rousing ovation. Ten architects and 17 engineers were in the overflow crowd of over 260 mostly young people, and 75 had to stand or sit in the aisles. Our warm thanks to the SLO Truth team's Mark Phillips, Rich Besco, Don Koberg and others. The gathering in Monterey on May 30th at the Unitarian Universalist Church included two other informative 9/11 Truth speakers, Mark Gaffney, who wroteThe 9/11 Mystery Plane, and Barbara Honegger, author of The Pentagon Attack Papers. The hand count before "9/11: Blueprint for Truth" was 3 for the Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT) and 22 unsure; afterwards we had 1 OCT supporter and 3 unsure. A mix of political types gathered in Santa Cruz on the 31st. Before the talk, 18 believed the OCT and 27 were unsure. Afterwards, the OCT had no adherents whatsoever and 2 were unsure. We were heard on Santa Cruz's pirate station, Free Radio Santa Cruz 101.1 FM on Tereza's program Third Paradigm. Next was the Conspiracy Conference in Santa Clara June 6 and 7, where Richard gave this spirited, aware group his science-based evidence for claims of demolition of the three high-rise towers on 9/11. Two hundred and fifty people attended. Musician and 911: In Plane Site filmmaker Dave von Kleist introduced Richard, and the crowd was primed for the talk by none other than George Noory of Coast to Coast AM, who stated that having AE911Truth on his radio show was long overdue. Russia Today TV was one of four stations to interview Richard at the conference. An unofficial part of the RV Tour was our flight back to San Diego on June 13th. The Encinitas Community Library was the auspicious location of AE911 Truth’s 100th public presentation, where the San Diego 911 Truth group brought in 175 people. Eleven thought fires brought the buildings down beforehand, but afterwards, only one did. Richard was introduced by local 37-year aeronautical engineer Dwain Deets, a frequent contributor to AE911Truth articles. Richard stood up to tough neo-con radio host Chip Franklin on KOGO 600. Listen to this clip from the recorded-live interview below. In San Diego, 232 attended Richard’s talk at the Joyce Beers Community Center, where 17 believed fires/planes brought the buildings down beforehand, and afterwards, none did. The 29 unsure beforehand became just 3 after hearing the evidence. Twenty-five local activists strategized afterwards about how we can break through into mainstream media this year with the help of 1,000 architect/engineer petition signers on the AE911Truth.org website.
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