Geschrieben von: Staff Writer
Montag, den 14. März 2011 um 00:10 Uhr |
VIP Packet – Ladies T-Shirt – 9/11 Investigator Viewer
VIP Packets help reach people of means and influence
New Pre-assembled VIP Packet |
We now have the perfect pre-assembled literature package, our VIP Packet for that high-value elected representative, celebrity, or media personality. This is the packet that we gave to every member of the Senate and House. In one shot you’ll be handing your VIP the new AE911Truth San Francisco Press Conference DVD with all the core evidence presented in just one hour, appropriate for media representatives and other busy professionals. This enveloped DVD features Richard Gage, AIA, David Ray Griffin, Steven Jones, and Erik Lawyer. You also get our elegant “Street Brochure” with the evidence in bulleted form, with photos, as well as our informative and colorful broadsheet newspaper, the 9/11 Investigator. We’ve also included an introduction letter from AE911Truth and a business card as well. We’ve made it so easy for you.
Geschrieben von: Dick Scar
Sonntag, den 13. März 2011 um 23:45 Uhr |
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A great way to get ideas and information in front of a lot of readers is to get a Letter To the Editor (LTE) published in newspapers and magazines – the wider the circulation, the better. It costs nothing but a little of your time. Spread the word on the scientific evidence of how the three WTC buildings really came down. Many readers will be learning about Building 7 for the first time!
Readers everywhere get more out of reading the Letters To the Editor |
Not a writer? Don’t worry. Sample letters are available on our website, making it easy to compose a letter you can submit to a newspaper. Just click Take Action at the top of our home page and scroll down to “Write a letter to the editor.” All the letters currently posted have been published in newspapers. Additional examples will be added when you do your part and send in your published letter to us at
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Geschrieben von: Dick Scar
Sonntag, den 13. März 2011 um 22:56 Uhr |
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Intense But Cordial Debate Engages Locals
Moderator Tom Kiely, Chris Mohr and Richard Gage, AIA, during the intense debate |
AE911Truth has engaged several opponents in some productive educational debates in recent years, but last week hit a new high. hosted journalist Chris Mohr and architect, Richard Gage, AIA, of AE911Truth in a polite but grueling debate on the campus of University of Colorado in Boulder Sunday evening, March 6. Tom Kiely of INN World Report proved to be a warm and professional moderator. The grueling debate lasted a total of 4-1/2 hours to a packed house of 225 students, faculty and interested citizens.
Geschrieben von: Eli Rika
Sonntag, den 13. März 2011 um 22:17 Uhr |
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“BuildingWhat?” Day-Long Conference Hartford, CT, Saturday March 26

Bob McIlvaine, Manny Badillo and other 9/11 family members are looking forward to building on the success of last year’s “BuildingWhat?” ads |
Over the past year, the “BuildingWhat?” campaign has made amazing strides in raising public consciousness about the destruction of WTC Building 7. Now, the next step in the journey towards a new Building 7 investigation is upon us. On Saturday, March 26, Richard Gage, AIA, will join other prominent activists in Connecticut for the “BuildingWhat?” National Conference at the University of Hartford’s Millard Auditorium.
This all-day event, sponsored by NYC CAN, will unite some of the most influential advocates in the 9/11 Truth movement to provide the explosive evidence for the need for a new WTC 7 investigation – in the most thorough, yet concise, set of presentations yet. The speakers will also focus on the discussion of the next steps for the “BuildingWhat?” campaign and explore ways of breaking the media silence behind the third skyscraper to fall in NYC on September 11, 2001.
Geschrieben von: Editor
Sonntag, den 13. März 2011 um 21:43 Uhr |
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The following written answers were provided to Chris Mohr, Investigative journalist, by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) on 2/25/11 in preparation for the debate that Mohr had with AE911Truth in Boulder, CO on 3/6/11. Listen to that debate here.
From: "Newman, Michael E." <
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> To: Chris Mohr Sent: Fri, February 25, 2011 10:23:53 AM Subject: Answers to Your Questions
Below are the answers to your questions as requested. We apologize for the delay in getting these to you but we wanted to be certain that we provided you with the most complete and up-to-date responses that we could. Hopefully, these will help you as you prepare for your debate.
Thanks for your patience. Let us know if we can be of further assistance.
Best wishes,
Geschrieben von: AE911Truth
Freitag, den 04. März 2011 um 01:19 Uhr |
Natürlicher Einsturz oder kontrollierte Sprengung?
Sonntag, 6. März 2011, 17:00 Uhr University of Colorado - Boulder University Memorial Center, Raum 235 1669 Euclid Ave. Boulder, CO
BOULDER—Die intensive und kontroversielle Debatte zwischen den Verfechtern der Theorie des „natürlichen Einsturzes“ und jenen der „kontrollierten Sprengung“. Der international gefeierte 9/11 Sprecher und Architekt Richard Gage, AIA wird die Beweise für eine explosive Sprengung der drei Wolkenkratzer des World Trade Center am 9/11 präsentieren. Der Event wird am Sonntag, 6. März, 17:00 Uhr, in Boulder, in der Universität von Colorado, stattfinden. Gage wird über 1.400 Architekten und Ingenieure vertreten, die die offizielle Version des Einsturzes dieser Gebäude am 9.11.2001 anzweifeln und eine neue, unabhängige Untersuchung der katastrophalen Vorkommnisse fordern. Chris Mohr, ein unabhängiger Journalist und Vertreter der Theorie des „natürlichen Einsturzes“, wird Beweise präsentieren, die die offizielle Version des Einsturzes durch Feuer stützen.