
    Architects and Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7)

    RT TV Show Interviews AE911Truth Experts About ReThink911 Campaign

    Ben Swann, formerly of Cincinnati's FOX19, questions the official story of the collapse of the World Trade Center High-rises

    Ben Swann, formerly of Cincinnati's FOX19, has to admit that World Trade Center Building 7 probably did not collapse due to normal office fires as NIST would want us to believe

    Architects and Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7

    Architects & Engineers:
    Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
    A 15-min Documentary with Ed Asner

    9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out (4-minute trailer)

    9/11: Explosive Evidence -
    Experts Speak Out - Trailer
    Duration: 4:09

    9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out (58 minute free version)

    9/11: Explosive Evidence
    Experts Speak Out
    Free 1-hour version

    FOX TV, Fresno, with Richard Gage, AIA

    FOX TV, Fresno,
    with Richard Gage, AIA

    CBC the fifth estate unofficial story

    CBC - The Fifth Estate
    "The Unofficial Story"

    The Reality Report with Richard Gage

    The Reality Report
    with Richard Gage, AIA

    CCTV, with Richard Gage, AIA

    with Richard Gage, AIA

    FOX News with Richard Gage, AIA

    FOX News
    with Richard Gage, AIA

    Vancouver Omni TV,
    with Richard Gage, AIA

    Richard Gage Live on TV3 - The Masterplan Event

    Richard Gage Live on TV3 - The Masterplan Event

    Read it at AE911Truth.org
    2,560 architectes et ingénieurs diplômés authentifiés, en plus de 20,434 citoyens concernés,
    ont déjà signé la pétition exigeant du congrès
    américain une enquête véritablement indépendante.

    La pétition est ouverte à tous.

    William Pepper, Attorney at Law, Pursuing NIST via OIG Re: Fraudulent WTC 7 Report
    Écrit par Dennis P. McMahon, Esq.   
    Samedi, 15 Février 2014 01:25
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    Investigation Demanded Based on FOIA Release Info

    Pepper ReThink NYCDr. William Pepper speaking for AE911Truth and ReThink911 in Times Square on September 11, 2013On behalf of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, esteemed human rights attorney William F. Pepper has written to the U.S. Department of Commerce's Office of the Inspector General (OIG) demanding that the National Institute of Standards and Technology (“NIST,” a non-regulatory agency within the Commerce Department), for which OIG has oversight responsibility, “be directed to produce a corrected analysis and report on the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7.”

    The demand was triggered by the discovery that the official steel fabrication drawings of Building 7’s construction, released in response to a FOIA request, reveal critical structural features that were inexplicably missing from consideration in the NIST report on the collapse of Building 7. Specifically, as explained in the recent article “MaladmiNISTration” by David Cole, upon close examination of the depiction, in Frankel shop drawing #9114, of the connection between Column 79 and the adjacent girder–a connection that NIST claimed had failed–one can see another steel element in the drawing that NIST had never mentioned, i.e. “stiffener plates,” that were specified at the end of the girder and welded in place to both sides of the web and to the bottom flange.

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    AE911Truth to Present WTC Evidence in 17-Stop ReThink911 Canada Tour March 13 to April 1, 2014
    Écrit par David Long   
    Jeudi, 13 Février 2014 00:07
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    ReThink911-Canada-Tour-Map-article-revThis will be the third nationwide tour of Canada by AE911Truth. Why? A real 9/11 investigation is more likely to evolve from outside the US. Canada’s hundreds of 9/11 Truth activists have been the most unwavering in their pursuit of this goalThe 9/11 Truth Movement has been re-inspired throughout Canada by ReThink911, the successful ad campaign from Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. From coast to coast, local organizers are getting behind the ReThink911 Canada Tour started by Winnipeg promoter, Jaime Sparkes.

    Sparkes conceived the idea of the Tour, and 9/11 activists applauded. ReThink911 was an American lead initiative that has now gone global. Started by Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, Rethink911 ads were displayed in 12 major cities around the world. Canadians have welcomed ReThink911, and the movement is taking the next step in its evolution with a national tour.

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    Want to hold NIST accountable? Become a member for just $2.50/month
    Écrit par AE911Truth Staff   
    Dimanche, 02 Février 2014 00:30
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    header splash-rethink

    Holding NIST Accountable in 2014:

    It Starts with Your Support

    Dear Fellow Activist,

    NIST's Final Report on the Collapse of World Trade Center Building 7NISTs Final Report on the Collapse of World Trade Center Building 7Did you know 2013 was a breakthrough year in our efforts to hold NIST accountable?

    For years we have known that Building 7 came down in free-fall and that the NIST report failed to explain why. We knew that NIST’s collapse model looked nothing like the actual collapse, and that NIST’s “probable collapse sequence” was anything but probable.

    But in 2013, NIST’s explanation went from highly improbable to absolutely impossible, thanks to the discovery that NIST deliberately omitted critical structural features from its model – features that make the supposed collapse initiation impossible. With this new discovery, we have the evidence to prove definitively that Building 7 could not have collapsed as NIST says it did.

    Now AE911Truth is leading efforts to hold NIST accountable for this inexplicable omission. In December, renowned lawyer William Pepper wrote the Department of Commerce Inspector General on behalf of AE911Truth to request an investigation into the misconduct. In 2014, AE911Truth will begin pursuing legal avenues to require correction of the NIST report and holding NIST investigators personally accountable.
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    Claim your poster & DVD set today – Become a Member for $2.50/mo
    Écrit par AE911Truth Staff   
    Vendredi, 24 Janvier 2014 22:41
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    Reaching Thousands More Technical Professionals Depends on You

    Become a Member and Receive Your Free Poster & New DVD

    Unwavering supporters of AE911Truth,

    Denver AIA ConfDenver AIA Conference

    Like you, we at AE911Truth are dedicated to exposing the truth behind the events of September 11, 2001. For 8 years, we have advanced this goal through broad education of the public, the media, elected representatives, and technical professionals.

    Join us today as we embark on the boldest phase yet of our 8-year history – the uncharted waters of the ReThink911 campaigns that will go viral on the internet targeting architecture and engineering professionals as well as academic institutions.

    nasaThese target audiences are among the millions who, this year, will find themselves confronted with the irrefutable video evidence of WTC 7’s catastrophic destruction.  Why?  Because you’ve asked us to not just continue the successful ReThink911 ad campaign – but take it to the next level in 2014 – to the computers used by those who are in positions of influence in technical circles.  This is the second strategy of our Bold Agenda in 2014.  We are asking you to help us put the video of the free-fall collapse of WTC 7 in their faces. You can do this by becoming a member of AE911Truth in 2014.

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    AE911Truth Store Special: 50% Discount Blowout on Classic 3-Beam Poster!
    Écrit par AE911Truth Staff   
    Jeudi, 23 Janvier 2014 00:10
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    3 Beam poster3-Beam matte-finish poster with photo by Scott Star

    We have an exciting special for you in our AE911Truth store this winter.

    You get half off our 18" x 24" cover-stock 3-Beam matte-finish poster – the masterpiece of photographer Scott Star, who captured the third beam of light that dedicated volunteers projected into the sky above lower Manhattan in 2010, for only $4.99!

    Shortly after 9/11/01, officials commemorated the tragic events with two powerful beams of light projected into the New York evening cityscape – promoting the false story that doesn't explain, or even mention, the collapse of the third tower. Nine years later, we got it right when we erected a third beam to light up the Manhattan skyline – in another brilliant testimony to the worldwide effort by activists to end the cover-up and educate New Yorkers about the truth of the explosive destruction of all three WTC skyscrapers. Order yours now!

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    Why Do Good People Become Silent—or Worse—About 9/11?
    Écrit par Frances T. Shure   
    Mardi, 21 Janvier 2014 02:40
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    Part 3: Obeying and Believing Authority 

    © by Frances T. Shure, 2014

    911-experts-shureEditor’s Note: Frances Shure, M.A., L.P.C., has performed an in-depth analysis addressing a key issue of our time: “Why Do Good People Become Silent—or Worse—About 9/11?” The resulting essay, to be presented here as a series, is a synthesis of reports on academic research as well as clinical observations.

    In answering the question in the title of this essay, last month’s segment, Part 2, addressed the anthropological study, Diffusion of Innovations, which discusses how change occurs in societies. These anthropologists discovered that, within diverse cultures, there can be found groups that vary in their openness to new ideas and technology—groups that fall within a neat bell curve. The success of the spread of an innovative technology or new idea reliably hinges on one point: whether or not opinion leaders vouch for it. In this context, the mainstream media can rightly be seen as promoting the official myth of 9/11, and therefore aiding and abetting the crimes of September 11, 2001.

    We continue Ms. Shure’s analysis in Part 3 with the authority experiments of Stanley Milgram, Jane Elliott, and Philip Zimbardo.

    In his famous 1961 experiment on obedience to authority, Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram set out to answer the question, “Could it be that Eichmann and his million accomplices in the Holocaust were just following orders? Could we call them all accomplices?”

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    Don't miss it! AE911Truth is gearing up…
    Écrit par AE911Truth Staff   
    Lundi, 06 Janvier 2014 00:08
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    AE911Truth is Your Organization

    Become a Member Today!

    Incredible supporters of AE911Truth,

    ReThink Times SquareReThink911 Times Square

    Of all the amazing projects that you have sponsored us to carry out in 2013, none was more inspiring to me than the 50-foot tall billboard towering over tens of thousands of people in New York's bustling Times Square below - where, on September 11th, we delivered a powerful set of speeches to the crowd of 250 AE911Truth supporters and others gathered beneath.

    I was also deeply struck by the massive letter-writing campaign to pressure local and global corporate media centers. Because of your sustained efforts, New York's metropolitan giant, the Village Voice featured the ReThink911 call for a new 9/11 investigation in its New Year's front page story about the "changes New Yorkers want to see in 2014" – yet another sign of the great effort AE911Truth supporters have been making and why you should join them today.

    This milestone raised the bar of achievement for AE911Truth's top agenda item in 2014:

    Outreach to the Public and News Media:

    Austin-NYT-Action-VOICE-must-AA-articleWith you as a member on our team, we will also have much greater success in breaking through the corporate media’s censorship – as local New York AE911Truth Action Group leader Austin Farwell did recently with NY’s Village VoiceYou know that the people must be given the facts about the intentional explosive destruction of the World Trade Center and that they must be inspired to act. You know that the corporate media must be pressured and embarrassed until the censorship of 9/11 Truth cracks wide open. And you know that only if you join with us and play your part in this historic endeavor will we be able to break through in 2014. It is not too late.

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    Conclusion of Our Report on September Congressional Outreach
    Écrit par AE911Truth Staff   
    Lundi, 30 Décembre 2013 01:05
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    AE911Truth Teams Sweep Through Capitol Hill

    banner-at-capital-bldgAs the sun sets in Washington DC – let us not lose faith in the latent power of the American people to awaken and force their elected representatives to deal with the actual crimes of 9/11.We reported back in October that we were Encouraging the Senate to ReThink 911 when we visited them during our September Action of the Month. We detailed Pamela Senzee’s visit with Ben Sundholm, Legislative Correspondent for Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ). In this article we highlight the other actions we took to educate members of Congress while we were in Washington.

    Wayne Coste, P.E., visited several Congressional offices the week before the DC911Truth Conference. We then invited conference attendees to join us in visiting their members of Congress. AE911Truth founder and CEO Richard Gage, AIA, hosted a group amounting to a dozen who traversed the honored halls the day after the conference.

    We attempted at least two dozen drop-in visits, with a constituent, for each of these members of Congress:

    Members of Congress table

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    New Award-Winning Documentary Exposes Taboo, Challenges Intellectuals to Face Discomforting 9/11 Facts
    Écrit par Gregg Roberts   
    Dimanche, 29 Décembre 2013 03:42
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    Film Review: 9/11 in the Academic Community

    911 academic comm film poster lg9/11 in the Academic Community is more watchable than most “9/11 truth” filmsThe exciting new documentary whose upcoming release we announced in a September 8 article is now here. 9/11 in the Academic Community was released for purchase on October 8, after having won an award for “Documentary Achievement” at the University of Toronto Film Festival earlier this year. At a manageable running time of 75 minutes, with a title designed to appeal to its target audience, and by avoiding hot-button phrases such as “9/11 Truth,” the film has an excellent chance of slipping out of the conspiracy theorist jacket and making inroads into the American and Canadian intellectual communities.

    This is certainly a film that needed to be made. With few exceptions, there has been a deafening silence in the classrooms of North American campuses regarding many obvious and undeniable facts that undermine the official account of 9/11. If the faculty and students at institutions of higher learning cannot question and even contradict what we have been told by media and government about the “crime of the century” without being called “conspiracy theorists,” then what has become of the academic community? Those who wrote the U.S. Constitution and defeated the British Empire’s dominion over the American colonies well understood that the spirit of free inquiry and an understanding of history were key to a properly functioning democratic republic. Even with those freedoms and values, Benjamin Franklin famously predicted that it would be difficult for us to “keep it.” Nothing less is at stake with regard to the issues covered in this film.

    9/11 in the Academic Community is more watchable than most “9/11 truth” films. One of its biggest strengths is that all of its speakers express criticisms of the way that the 9/11 account was advanced and how it’s been treated in the 12 years since then – mostly without sounding angry.

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    Two More Calls to C-SPAN…Two More Members of Congress…
    Écrit par AE911Truth Staff   
    Samedi, 28 Décembre 2013 23:42
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    Representatives Express Willingness to Look at the Evidence

    For several months supporters of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth have been dialing into C-SPAN's morning call-in show, Washington Journal, to confront members of Congress, the media, and others with the scientific evidence proving that pre-planted explosives brought down the Twin Towers and World Trade Center Building 7 on 9/11. Some callers have implored legislators to support a new investigation into the complete, rapid destruction of all three modern steel skyscrapers.

    degetteRep. Diana Degette, (D-CO)On October 20, 2013, Diana Degette, (D-CO), appeared as a guest on the morning show. Questioning Congress's credibility, a caller asked:

    "My question is concerning credibility of Congress in all of this. What credibility does Congress have left to govern with when basic physics have already proven that Building 7, World Trade Center 7, was brought down by explosives on 9/11, and the majority of Congressmen are willingly ignorant of this fact or can only offer rehearsed outrage in response to direct questions about this evidence?"

    Degette replied:

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