Join Us Now!
Welcome to our new Membership Opportunity at AE911Truth! Please see the letter below with all the details. See IMPORTANT UPDATES also.
A Personal Message From Richard Gage, AIA
Dear AE911Truth Supporter,
I hope my letter finds you well!
I am delighted that your generous support of AE911Truth and hard work at our cause are paying off!
After an incredible year at Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, we are finally getting close to a tipping point!
Outreach is getting easier. More people are receptive to our message. Our milestone documentary, 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out became the #1 Most Viewed and Shared video on the website during the…
week of the 9/11 anniversary (84,000 views in one week!).
I am writing to you to invite you into a closer relationship with AE911Truth – membership. In order to keep us moving forward to the next stage of our joint mission, we are adopting membership, a more reliable and consistent funding approach used by leading…
grassroots activist organizations.
One of the key benefits of membership is that you will be the first to hear about – and have an opportunity to help shape – our new strategy that will put real teeth into our mission for ultimate accountability.
Only with your participation in our new membership program can we accomplish our ambitious goals for 2013.
Here are a few of these goals:
- Outreach to 300 PBS stations to air “Experts Speak Out,” (four are already on board for 2013!)
- Advertise in 100 college newspapers
- Expose four million new visitors on each month to the AE911Truth evidence,
- Distributing “Experts Speak Out” throughout Europe and to members of Congress
- Pursue legal action against NIST
You know we are at a critical time in history. The threat we face is losing our democracy – based on the massive deception of 9/11. We cannot afford to fail. I know we can count on you as a loyal supporter to choose to be a part of our vital organization that is rapidly getting even greater.
Become a member of AE911Truth today at and claim your special gifts. Together we will ensure that AE911Truth, a well-respected leader in our movement, is central to reaching the critical mass in public awareness of 9/11 Truth that is forthcoming..
Gratefully Yours,
Richard Gage, AIA
As a member you will get very special and unique benefits and know that you are doing your part to make the world a free place for you and your children. For more information on our new Membership program visit “Why Membership Matters.”
(Existing Sustaining Members, please see below in regards to converting your existing recurring donation to a Membership)
If you prefer to make a one-time or monthly sustaining donation without joining, you can simply Donate Now.
Richard Gage, AIA, Architect
2342 Shattuck Ave., Suite 189, Berkeley, CA 94704 ph (510) 292-4710 fx 925 938-1489 membership [at]
Why Membership Matters
Only You Can Catapult AE911Truth into Public Awareness
Now, more than ever before,
People are responding to our message!
Help us harness this momentum for the next crucial phase of our mission.
Because only by joining together will we succeed.
AE911truth must grow and change in order to create and handle the realities of the forthcoming critical mass of public awareness.
That’s why we are inviting you to play a key role by becoming a valued Member of AE911Truth today.
Let me explain…
Many of us believe that we, the 9/11 Truth movement, have already made it much more difficult for mass deceptions to occur because the perpetrators know that we are watching and willing to stand up for the truth.
Continuing this vigilance and demanding the truth will help save our country from the disaster of yet another false flag event by the perpetrators of 9/11.
Because… we are right on the verge of tipping public awareness….
…and – other nations are sure to follow. (Here's why we say this.).
Your new AE911Truth membership places powerful tools in your hands to do your part to help tip the country – and the world!
Some benefits you can receive are:
- An Action Pack of DVDs, Evidence Cards and more.
- Invitation to the new quarterly Steering Committee conference calls with the most influential AE911Truth Team and Board members.
- Have an influence in setting the course for AE911Truth’s direction for the next five years.
- Serve a substantial role in shaping our efforts to achieve an unimpeachable investigation with subpoena power
As well as many other great benefits!
Membership Levels
(Available in monthly and quarterly installments)
(Existing Sustaining Supporters, we will automatically convert you to Membership status!)
Patriots Group
Students – $30/yr
- 10% discount on all products at the AE911Truth Store
- Mini–documentary narrated by Ed Asner, Architects & Engineers: Solving the Mystery of WTC7, on a 3-inch mini-DVD
- Monthly email Newsletter “The Blueprint
- with new Member Feedback Column
Associates – $60/yr
Advocates – $150/yr
All the benefits listed at the Associates level – plus:
Patrons – $250/yr
All the benefits listed at the Advocates level plus:
Benefactors – $500/yr
All the benefits listed at the Patrons level plus:
- The Three Beam poster – signed by Richard Gage, AIA
- Five (5) copies - of Solving the Mystery of WTC 7, the powerful 15-minute Ed Asner Mini-DVD
- The iconic AE911Truth T-shirt – in your size
Sponsors – $750/yr
All the benefits listed at the Benefactors level plus:
Torchbearers Group
Bronze Circle of Torchbearers – $1,000/yr
All of the benefits listed at the Sponsor level of Patriots plus
- Bronze level AE911Truth Certificate of Appreciation personally signed by Richard Gage, AIA
- 20% discount at the AE911Truth Store
- Activist Pack of AE911Truth resources
Silver Circle of Torchbearers – $5,000/yr
All of the benefits listed at the Bronze Circle of Torchbearers plus:
- Silver level AE911Truth Certificate of Appreciation personally signed by Richard Gage, AIA
- Invitation to quarterly telephone steering committee meetings
Gold Circle of Torchbearers – $10,000/yr
All of the benefits listed at the Silver Circle of Torchbearers plus:
- Gold level AE911Truth Plaque of Appreciation personally signed by Richard Gage, AIA
- Invitation with honors to the Annual Board meeting in San Francisco
Platinum Circle of Torchbearers – $25,000/yr
All of the benefits listed at the Gold Circle of Torchbearers plus:
- Platinum level AE911Truth Plaque of Appreciation personally signed by Richard Gage, AIA
- Privileged phone and meeting access to Richard Gage, AIA, & Board Members
Diamond Circle of Torchbearers – $50,000/yr
All of the benefits listed at the Platinum Circle of Torchbearers level plus:
- Diamond level AE911Truth Plaque of Appreciation, personally signed by Richard Gage, AIA.
- Special Access to AE911Truth national and international events as personal guest of Richard Gage, AIA, including special honors announced at all events.
Founders’ Circle – $100,000 - (Lifetime Membership)
All of the benefits listed at the Diamond Circle of Torchbearers level plus:
- Founder’s Circle level AE911Truth Plaque of Appreciation, personally signed by Richard Gage, AIA
- Benefits package – customized for you
Now it’s time to grow… in order to be effective in the next phase of our mission. AE911Truth has proven that we can get things done consistently and effectively, and we have engendered great respect as a leader in the 9/11 truth movement. Look at what we have accomplished in the last 2 years.
When you become a member of AE911Truth, you make that growth possible by enabling us to harness and amplify the substantial momentum we’ve built this year. Check it out:
Indicators of Public Awareness
- Most 9/11 Truth activists now estimate that as much as 50% of the country is aware of the 9/11 truth issue and/or is supportive of a new investigation.
- We connected with over 1,000 students and campus activity advisors in the Midwest, Northeast and Southwest who were previously unaware of the evidence for explosive demolition and yet were quite open minded and interested in learning more.
- Malaysia – We testified at the first international hearing on 9/11 at/near the state level in November 2012, which assembled 9/11 activists from around the world and paves the way for even greater legal proceedings in other countries.
- We opened our college speaking campaign and gave presentations at five college campuses to thousands of faculty members, administrators, and students, most of whom agreed that a new investigation was needed.
- PBS aired our 5–minute video about WTC 7 narrated by Ed Asner on their “Spotlight On” series 500 times to a total audience of over 9 million viewers
- During the successful 9/11 Journey for Truth cross-country bicycle trek, Action Group leaders Pam Senzee and Rena Patty received a 70% positive reception to the AE911Truth mission in the heart of rural America.
Join AE911Truth today and show your commitment to liberty because we may not have another chance to restore our lost civil liberties for your children and their children.
The midnight hour is here.
It’s time to mount our horses...
and awaken our friends, relatives, neighbors and co-workers…
- and everyone else.
Then join us now and let’s boldly ride into the future TOGETHER!!
Most gratefully,DON’T BE LEFT BEHIND!
The AE911Truth Staff and Volunteers
P.S. — Want to help in other significant ways? We also need volunteers and petition signers
Note: AE911Truth is a 501(c)3 organization, and as such, contributions are tax deductible to the extent provided by laws and regulations. You may wish to consult your tax professional. Per our Articles of Incorporation, our memberships do not come with voting rights.
- Created the 15-minute mini-DVD version of the five-minute Ed Asner mini–documentary, which has been very popular (almost 1 million YouTube views) with the 9/11 truth movement for its simplicity, effectiveness and compact size.
- Wrote and distributed to 26,000 on our mailing list 59 powerful articles that appeared in our eNewsletter “The Blueprint”.
- Produced dozens of action alerts and bulletins inviting thousands of activists around the world to participate in coordinated effective action for 9/11 truth awakening -- leading perhaps millions more to awareness.
- Launched the 9/11 Family Member Petition on which helps the Family members pressure the U.S. President to review “Experts Speak Out.”
- Verified and added 245 credentialed architects and engineers to our petition.
- Spoke to students and faculty at five colleges, the majority of whom were unaware of the explosive 9/11 evidence. For example, at St Cloud State University 44 attendees believed the official 9/11 story before our presentation, but afterwards only one person still subscribed to the government's account of events.
- Initiated our College Speaking campaign, via the APCA conference system, which we will use to wake up the younger generation who are new to our message.
- Spoke to 1000 students and faculty members and answered questions at our APCA exhibit booth.
- Launched our new college speaking tour website at 911ExplosiveEvidence.orgdesigned for faculty and students
- Collected and posted scores of written and video testimonials from students, faculty, campus activity directors.
- Approached 100,000 “likes” on our Facebook page, 300 Twitter posts, and 7 million website views with 8,000 at any given time (up from 6,000 in 2011).
We do not rest. We do not sit on our laurels at AE911Truth.
Accomplishments in 2011
- Completed the pre-release version of “9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out” – which features interviews with 43 technical and building experts, eight psychologists, and four 9/11 family members.
- Distributed 12 editions of “The Blueprint”, our monthly newsletter, internationally to over 20,000 subscribers.
- Distributed 2,000 “Experts Speak Out” DVDs to the public via the 9/11 Truth community with thousands of additional online views.
- Increased website traffic to from 4,000 to 6,000 hits per week.
- Teams of volunteers distributed millions of our newspapers, brochures, cards, and DVDs at street fairs, etc. across the country.
- Conducted approximately 75 radio interviews.
- Toured ten cities in the “AE911Truth Midwest Tour 2011”
- Presented the “9/11: Blueprint For Truth” lecture in 38 locales around the world
- Added nearly 300 new architect and engineer petition signers
- Appeared at several conferences, including the Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles, bringing the 9/11 World Trade Center evidence to a new demographic.
- Debated a top defender of the official story in a formal setting at the University of Colorado at Boulder.
- Wrote and published our first book, “9/11: The Simple Facts”
- Debated two physicists, Dave Thomas and Richard Mueller, on the Pacifica Radio network carried by four stations.
- Completed a second European tour with ten stops, including Ireland, Scotland and Wales, reaching over 1,500 people live and thousands of others in TV appearances.
- Testified at the four day long “Toronto Hearings”, along with a dozen other top 9/11 researchers.
- Completed the translation of “9/11: Blueprint for Truth” DVD into six languages and made it available in the online store, bringing our total number of language translations to twenty-two.
- Filmed, edited and produced a five–minute WTC 7 mini–documentary featuring Ed Asner, which aired across the country on PBS.
- Wrote 91 articles that appeared in our eNewsletter “The Blueprint”.
We do not rest. We do not sit on our laurels at AE911Truth.
Goals for 2013
- Launch our Europe-wide Outreach monthly conference and 9/11: Blueprint for Truth on TV network distribution.
- Air 9/11: Blueprint for Truth on Japan's mainstream Nippon TV
- Expand our speaking tour and screenings of “Experts Speak Out” to hundreds of college campuses across the country and around the world.
- Reach out to over 300 PBS affiliates and work with them to air “Experts Speak Out” and other AE911Truth documentaries
- Post advertisements in major architectural and engineering journals across the country
- Grow the AE911Truth organization to fulfill the needs of the massively expanding 2013 public outreach
- Get a copy of the “Experts Speak Out” DVD into the hands of every member of Congress
- Fax our urgent letter about the 9/11 evidence to every Police Chief in the country
- Aid the international community in exposing 9/11 via testimony at the 2013 Kuala Lumpur hearings in May, sponsored by 21-year former Prime Minister Tun Mahathir Mohammad and at the ICC via the historic breakthrough efforts of Italian Supreme Court head Ferdinando Imposimato.
Good Questions
- Q: I'm already a Petition signer. Do I need to sign up again to be a member?
- Anyone can sign. This is an act of courage where you publicly take a stand on our website. However this does not support AE911Truth financially. We very much need your monetary support and encourage everyone to also become a Member of AE911Truth.
- Q: I’m currently a monthly Sustaining Supporter. Doesn't this qualify me as an AE911Truth Member?
- A: We will automatically convert our existing Sustaining Supports over to Member status! You don’t need to do anything. Your actual member level will be assigned according to the equal (or lesser) value of your annual donations. We will not be shipping the associated member benefits for automatic member conversions. We hope to complete the conversions in January and will let you know. We do encourage you to consider upgrading your membership soon in order even better support AE911Truth.
- Q: I don’t like to join organizations. Can’t I just donate?
- A: Yes – you can Donate Now and even do so anonymously.
- Q: Do I have voting rights as a member?
- A: No. Per our Articles of Incorporation our memberships do not come with voting rights. However, we make great efforts to listen and respond to our Members concerns and suggestions.
- Q: Will my membership status be confidential?
- A: We will not share your membership information on our website or with third parties without your permission.
Update from Laura K (Dec 14, 2012)
The initial results from our first ever AE911Truth Membership Drive and team "phonathon" have been very positive! We welcomed 112 new members and raised $12,000 in our first week! We now have 20 new members at the $30 “Student/Limited Income” level, 60 at the $60 “Associates” level, 11 at the $150 “Advocates” level, 11 at the $250 “Patrons” level, three at the $500 “Benefactors” level, and one at the $750 “Sponsor” level. Which level is right for you? Join us now!
Fifteen ‘fearless’ Team members came together ‘virtually’ over three nights in the first week of December to encourage our existing petition signers to come on board and become the first members of AE911Truth. We don’t meet physically at a phone bank on this team like in a traditional phonathon. We connect with each other in cyber-chat mode to share successes and questions.
We called 2,600 AE911Truth petition signers and reached 60. Those conversations generated 20 memberships!
Richard G. called a petition signer and got a wrong number – and the guy who answered was, by coincidence, another petition signer who was delighted to hear from us!
Laura K. spoke to a very articulate and enthusiastic young woman who was sharing the evidence with all of her friends at school. “I assumed she meant graduate school or college. She didn’t have a checking account or credit card but could send five dollar in cash herself and thought she could collect $30 from her friends. I later found out that her school was high school and she was 16!”
Joe D. had a wonderful conversation with hi-rise architect (Peter) Wellington Wells, who, with his wife, is active with the New Hampshire 911 Truth Group, and has given away more than a thousand copies of our videos over the years.
Most of us had no prior phone fundraising experience. It took a lot to overcome our fears and lift up the "300lb phone", but we all did it! And we had fun to boot. We enjoyed sharing our experiences as we reconnected with our wonderful petition signers, almost all of whom were delighted to receive our calls and hear the latest in our efforts to achieve our mission.
Many more of you responded on your own to the personal letter from Richard Gage, AIA, which we sent out earlier. Thank You!!
UPDATE 2: All of our current sustaining supporters will be granted membership status automatically before the New Year. (You won’t have to do anything!)
UPDATE 3: We are also adding a monthly installment option (in addition to quarterly and annually).