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    Read it at AE911Truth.org
    BBC Court Case Result Ignites New Push for 9/11 Justice Imprimer Envoyer
    Écrit par Peter Drew and Eli Rika   
    Lundi, 15 Avril 2013 02:19
    Nous sommes désolés, il n'existe pas de traduction de ce texte pour le moment.

    How You Can Make a Difference in the UK and Worldwide

    Documentary filmmaker Tony Rooke’s “moral victory” in his historic UK court case with the BBC last February was a significant outcome for the 9/11 Truth movement. It may even become one of the defining moments in the ongoing struggle to have the truth of 9/11 uncovered and conveyed to the general public, but it’s only the beginning of our revitalized pursuit of 9/11 justice – and you can be a part of that crucial effort.tony-rookeWith your help, Tony Rooke’s moral victory in court against the BBC will lead to major triumphs for the 9/11 Truth movement

    Tony Rooke withheld payment of his government-mandated BBC license fee because the BBC is violating UK anti-terror laws.by withholding evidence that the official 9/11 story is not true, which in turn shields the real perpetrators of 9/11. While the judge in the case was legally obliged to find Rooke guilty of not paying his TV licence fee, the judge “conditionally discharged” the conviction against Rooke, did not fine him, did not ask him to…

    repay the licence fees that had already been withheld, and only charged him the lowest level of court fees legally possible under the circumstances (£200).

    The judge had privately seen summaries of all the evidence that Rooke was planning to present, and we believe that this evidence and the experts he brought in his defence, plus the overwhelming support for him outside the courtroom, had a significant influence on the judge’s decision.

    Therefore, we believe that by using the right legal approach, focusing on the right evidence for that particular legal approach, and having the right defence team, the evidence that contradicts the official story of 9/11 can successfully hold up under the significant political and legal pressures of a court of law.

    Is the 9/11 Evidence of Controlled Demolition Incontrovertible?

    As part of his continuing effort to expose the public to 9/11 Truth, Rooke is working on Incontrovertible, a new documentary that chronicles his legal battle against the UK’s most powerful news agency. (He is also the producer of Offensive, a film about former UK police intelligence analyst Tony Farrell and the persecution he endured after questioning the official explanation for 9/11 and the 2005 London terror attacks.)

    According to Rooke, the primary goal of Incontrovertible is to motivate people to follow his lead. “It’s a film that we hope will encourage others to do the same,” he explained. “Anti-terror laws are global. Just as we utilized [the British government’s] own legislation against them, so too can Americans, all Europeans, and anyone in the world who doesn’t want to let the 9/11 lies carry on anymore.”

    Explosive 9/11 Evidence Premieres Down Under


    For one of the film’s intended highlights, Rooke is assembling a grand jury of retired police officers and judges to view the same 9/11 evidence he planned to present in court. These respected law-enforcement and judiciary experts will then hand down a verdict that, while non-binding, will make an impact in the UK and around the world.

    “Let’s find out what our police and judges have to say about 9/11 when there is no risk of losing their jobs,” said Rooke.

    You can find out more about the film and support its production at killingauntiefilms.co.uk.

    You can also take action by signing the BBC Royal Charter petition, which demands that the BBC be held accountable to its charter.

    Taking Legal Action of Your Own

    If you have already been inspired by Tony Rooke’s stand against the BBC and are interested in taking similar action, we are ready to assist you with technical support.

    brittish-justiceWhether you want to bring the 9/11 evidence into the halls of justice in the UK, the US, or elsewhere, AE911Truth is here to provide technical supportWe have all the available scientific evidence regarding the destruction of the WTC skyscrapers and we can provide expert witnesses of the highest calibre to assist you in presenting that evidence in a court of law.

    While this legal approach with the BBC license fee is available only to UK residents, there could also be venues for pursuing similar legal action in the US and other countries.

    UK Residents - What you can do Next

    If you reside in the UK and would like to consider taking legal action against the BBC regarding its coverage of 9/11, please Email Tony Rooke or Email Peter Drew

    Here is a quick summary of the options Rooke considered before he moved forward with his case:

    1. Withholding his TV licence fee on the basis of the BBC’s breach of contract to present information that is impartial and accurate, and the requirement to correct any errors that they make and notify the public of these corrections
    2. Withholding his TV licence fee on the basis of Section 15 of the 2000 UK Anti-Terrorism Act
    3. Filing civil or criminal charges against the BBC for withholding evidence that strongly suggests terrorist activity by elements other than those already implicated in 9/11
    Selecting the Winning Points of Evidence

    After choosing to withhold his TV license fee based on anti-terror legislation, Rooke’s next step was to determine which pieces of 9/11 evidence to use in his defence. 3-frame-collapse-of-wtc7Tony’s decision to make WTC 7 the centerpiece of his defence appeared to influence the judge in his caseThis was absolutely crucial because in these types of scenarios, the BBC and other defenders of the official 9/11 story want to find any evidence that can be misconstrued, twisted, and debated long enough to create confusion and doubt, leading a judge to dismiss all evidence as inconclusive or irrelevant. With that in mind, Rooke knew that less was definitely more, which is why he focused mainly on the evidence surrounding WTC Building 7.

    The key points of evidence that Rooke and his legal team delivered to the judge were as follows:

    1. The BBC refused to correct its 2007 error about WTC Building 7 not achieving free-fall acceleration during its “collapse”, even after NIST confirmed in 2008 that free-fall did occur
    2. The BBC has withheld evidence that clearly shows WTC Building 7 was destroyed through controlled demolition
    3. On the afternoon of 9/11/01, the BBC reported that WTC 7 had “collapsed” 20 minutes before it actually came down. The BBC has since refused to reveal the source of that news report. Since we know, due to point 2 above, that WTC Building 7 could only have come down through controlled demolition, it is possible (if not likely) that whoever provided the BBC with that news report had inside information that WTC Building 7 was going to be intentionally demolished. Therefore, the BBC must divulge exactly the source of that news report.
    4. The BBC clearly breached its impartiality requirements in the 2011 documentary 9/11: Conspiracy Road Trip, which attempted to discredit and smear the 9/11 Truth movement.
    For Supporters in the US & Other Countries

    Tony Rooke and his defence team will gladly provide whatever assistance they can to people in other countries who would like to take similar legal action. While there may be some differences in the legal approach in other countries, much of the evidence that is now available can still be very relevant, and lessons learned about the strategic approach can be shared.

    Anyone who has some good ideas about possible similar legal strategies is encouraged to contact either Tony Rooke or Peter Drew to discuss these ideas and promote them to others.

    It will only take a few people to take legal action like this to create a huge impact for the 9/11 Truth movement and potentially change the world we live in. Right now, like no other time in history, is the time for ordinary people to stand up and do extraordinary things.