
    9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out (4-minute trailer)

    9/11: Explosive Evidence -
    Experts Speak Out - Trailer
    Duration: 4:09

    9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out (58 minute free version)

    9/11: Explosive Evidence
    Experts Speak Out
    Free 1-hour version

    FOX TV, Fresno, with Richard Gage, AIA

    FOX TV, Fresno,
    with Richard Gage, AIA

    CBC the fifth estate unofficial story

    CBC - The Fifth Estate
    "The Unofficial Story"

    The Reality Report with Richard Gage

    The Reality Report
    with Richard Gage, AIA

    CCTV, with Richard Gage, AIA

    with Richard Gage, AIA

    FOX News with Richard Gage, AIA

    FOX News
    with Richard Gage, AIA

    Vancouver Omni TV,
    with Richard Gage, AIA

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    News - News Releases By AE911Truth
    Written by AE911Truth Staff   
    Tuesday, 12 March 2013 21:47

    Recent and Upcoming Events Bring AE911Truth to San Francisco, Las Vegas and Atlanta

    AE911Truth has important events planned for just about every month in 2013. If you feel the need of an AE911Truth presence to “light a fire” in your city, just let us know. Your support will enable us to visit your area and inform your community about the explosive 9/11 evidence.


    January 11, 2013: St Mary’s College – Moraga, CA

    AE911Truth rang some bells in this sleepy St. Mary’s campus with the help of a no-holds-barred activist professor

    Professor Albert Dragstedt, from the Classics department of St. Mary’s College, asks us each year to teach a 2½-hour class in the special January session course that he has created called “9/11 Studies”. It’s all about what really happened on 9/11, which is quite illuminating to the students, most of whom are caught unaware. Many guest speakers have provided their insight, including William Veale, the attorney for April Gallop; Mickey Huff of Project Censored; James Hoffman of 911Research.com; and Paul Rea, author of “Mounting Evidence”. It is also refreshing to have a course in today’s colleges whose required reading includes David Ray Griffin’s “Pearl Harbor Revisited”!

    Before the presentation to 37 students, seven believed the official story and 24 were unsure. Six students agreed with the evidence for controlled demolition. Afterward, only one student believed the official story and nine were unsure. The remaining 27 students agreed that the WTC skyscrapers had been intentionally demolished.

    Professor Dragstedt has a long history of exposing his students to the harsh realities that most of them would prefer to ignore

     The evidence is quite compelling – and the show of hands demonstrates that. Yet the apathy of some of the students nevertheless bothered Darlene Ondi, an AE911Truth volunteer who helped set up the venue here at St Mary’s. She noted:

    “I thought, from the disturbing evidence that Mr. Gage was sharing, that there would have been more participation, more outspoken comments. It was like they were numbed out. I just wanted to get up and shake someone. Are we taking our freedoms for granted? That is certainly what I was sensing. Do these college kids even know what rights they are already losing through the Patriot Act, the National Defense Authorization Act?”

    Still, many of the students took home DVDs of 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out and thanked us. We’ll come back for our sixth year in January 2014.

    February 16, 2013: Powerful Women International – San Francisco, CA

    Written by Darlene Ondi

    Richard Gage, AIA, presented the AE911Truth evidence to an intrigued crowd of 25 business owners and entrepreneurs for our first speaking engagement with Powerful Women International (PWI).

    Gage was more passionate than usual as he dismantled one piece of the “official conspiracy theory” after another through scientific example after example to show why almost 2,000 architects and engineers are on record stating that there must be an independent 9/11 investigation.

    Before the presentation, 12 of the 25 attendees – most of them success-driven members of PWI – believed the official story that fires and jet planes brought down the Twin Towers, and 9 were unsure. Afterward, only two people in the audience believed the official story and three were unsure; the vast majority agreed with the evidence for controlled demolition.

    PWI inspires women. Gage was asked to focus on what inspired him to step forward and climb this uphill grade for 6 years. Gage started: “I had no choice but to learn to speak to groups. I couldn’t live in a world where this level of deception went unchallenged, by me, or by other architects and engineers, and I knew I could make a difference.”

    Many questions were raised after the well-documented presentation concluded. One guest, who chose to remain anonymous, wrote, “When 9/11 happened, I was living in the UK and was not lulled into submission like so many in the US. Hearing the 9/11 evidence confirms suspicions I already had about the reasons why an attack like this could have happened.”

    Another woman couldn’t wait to share what she had just learned and was excited that she was now able to show the latest DVD from AE911Truth, 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out. She could not believe what she had just learned and was adamant that others needed to know more.

    One attendee, a tele-summit expert, loved the fact that Gage was able to take such complex information and present it to this group of mostly women “in an interesting, compelling, yet coherent way.” She was impressed with how he explained the “free-fall” collapse of a 47-story structure, and it caught many by surprise because most hadn’t even heard of the third skyscraper to be destroyed that day – World Trade Center Building 7.

    Valeri Bocage, Founder and Co-Chair of PWI, had this to say about the presentation:

    “What he shared really got people thinking. Prior to Richard’s presentation I really didn’t pay too much attention to 9/11, and had never heard of WTC 7. What Richard is doing is opening the eyes of people that will shift the thinking of the world. People will want to know the truth about more things. The presentation was very well put together, informative. What AE911Truth is doing is very well supported and has the ear of some top people around the world.”

    After hearing the presentation, Valeri feels that an independent investigation should be done. “People should know the truth,” she concluded.

    And when you have two women of PWI who choose to become involved as volunteers with AE911Truth after just an hour-long presentation about one of the most tragic – and manipulated – events in world history, you know that the urgent message is striking home, and that we are making the difference.


    Friday, March 22, 2013: Las Vegas, NV

    AE911Truth has presented the explosive 9/11 evidence in Las Vegas twice before – once at our third stop along the 32-city Experts Speak Out Tour last summer

    We are coming back yet again to Las Vegas – on Friday, March 22, 7 p.m., at the Las Vegas Hookah Lounge restaurant – which is near the University of Nevada – Las Vegas (UNLV). Join us if you are in the region – but you must RSVP very soon! Seating is limited to 60. Dinner (free to students and faculty!) is at 7 p.m. The presentation (also free to students & faculty!) starts at 8 p.m.

    We owe a great thanks to James McCabe, a dedicated AE911Truth supporter who is making this extraordinary event possible.

    A $20 donation for dinner is requested from AE911Truth supporters who are able to afford it.

    We should be joined once again by two more stars from our successful documentary, 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out: Steve Dusterwald, P.E. in structural engineering and Danielle Duperret, Ph.D., who explains the difficulty most of us face internally when we confront the implications of the evidence.

    Saturday, April 6, 2013: Atlanta Music Liberty Fest, Atlanta, GA

    Written By Dan Hagen

    On the heels of the successful Music City Liberty Fest on Nov 3rd, 2012, in Nashville, TN, Liberty Train founders Barbie Dunn and Dan Hagen have planned Atlanta Music Liberty Fest for April 6th, 2013, at Atlanta’s Center Stage Theater. The event will run from 4:30 p.m. to 12:00 midnight.

    Inspired by the gains made in spreading the ideas of liberty in Nashville, we are planning an even more impressive event in Atlanta. While hundreds of people attended Nashville’s festival and more than a thousand watched the live stream of the event in real time, we plan to grow the number of attendees in Atlanta and those viewing the live stream with an all-star national and local line-up of talent.

    The goal is to bring “We the People,” in all of our diversity, together to celebrate and educate about liberty with a diversity of music and speakers. We are looking forward to making a difference by spreading the principles of liberty on a local and national level.

    Download the flyer and pass it around!

    Share the Atlanta Music Liberty Fest with all your Facebook friends.