Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
Proudly Announces:

In spite of the fact that the 9/11 truth message has been censored by many in the media, ignored by Congress and the President, and shunned by most academic institutions, polls still show that more than 30% of US citizens doubt the official story about 9/11. Let’s reach out to the rest!
The terrifying specter of
drone strikes on US civilians, the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, and the
National Defense Authorization Act… these are just a few disturbing consequences that continue to follow widespread acceptance of the official 9/11 narrative.
Your Words Can Change The Course Of History
NOW… MORE THAN EVER… it’s time to expose the facts that undermine that narrative, get this message out, and empower the people…
Operation Tip the Planet (OTP), the first ever global, trans-media 9/11 Anniversary event, capitalizes on reaching 2000 Architect and Engineer Petition Signers!
With your support, we’ve already raised close to $350,000 in matching funds, more than 2/3's of the $500,000 we need for our billboard, subway, and grassroots-to-global multi-city campaign!
Here’s How Your Words Can Change The Course Of History
By the March 31 deadline, you create and submit the ultimate slogan or ad to be seen all around the world this September. Not a creative type? No worries. Help out by voting on April 1st! Or donate to help pay for more ads in more cities!
We’re looking for provocative, compelling, tasteful, slogans or full ads to help jumpstart the most massive 9/11 Truth campaign ever!
We’re taking this worldwide… to hundreds of cities – in subways, on billboards, storefronts, bumper stickers, posters, tee shirts and more. But we need your genius to make it work!
Together, let’s generate enough media coverage to finally bring widespread attention to the 2,000+ architects and engineers calling for a new investigation into the destruction of the 3 WTC skyscrapers on 9/11.
We challenge YOU to come up with a memorable, innovative concept that will intrigue 9/11 Truth newcomers and give mainstream media a story they can’t resist.
This “pull out all the stops” viral, trans-media campaign is supported by a coalition of like-minded 9/11 Truth organizations, including:
- AE911Truth
- 9/11 Truth and Justice in Canada
- The 9/11 Consensus Panel
- We Are Change groups
- Citizens Aware and Asking
We anticipate support from many celebrity sponsors, including famed actor Ed Asner.
Our month-long global advertising and grassroots action campaign beginning on September 1, 2013, will coincide & synergize with:
- AE911Truth reaching 2,000+ architect and engineer petition signers
- “9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out” airing all across the world
- AE911Truth petition & DVD copy of ESO delivery to Congress members
- 2013 Washington DC 9/11 Truth conference
We are counting on these simultaneous actions to have a multiplier effect that captures the attention of the public, and the media, and finally tips the entire planet toward 9/11 awareness.
An Important Message From Ed Asner
formal Asner
It’s been twelve years since 9/11. Isn’t it time that people around the world know what really happened? In spite of mainstream media’s refusal to cover this story, millions of people everywhere are becoming aware. Surveys reveal that more than 30% of US citizens doubt the official 9/11 hypothesis.
Now we’re at a turning point, thanks to years of grassroots outreach, and with your help, are finally ready to “Tip the Planet.”
Fast forward to September:
For the entire month… a single message appears all around the world – on billboards, subways, and highway overpasses… On lawns, office windows, storefronts, bulletin boards, tee shirts, bumper stickers, and even televised sporting events… On Facebook, Twitter, YouTube… In places like New York City, Washington, D.C., Woburn Massachusetts, La Mesa California, Tokyo, Madrid, Montreal, Buenos Aires, London – and countless other cities…
This is the concept behind Operation Tip the Planet, the first-ever global 9/11 Truth anniversary event. Be sure your city is included!
Join me in making 2013 the year of 9/11 truth.
Ed Asner
$1000 in prizes!