
    9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out (4-minute trailer)

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    Experts Speak Out - Trailer
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    Read it at AE911Truth.org
    New Planned Giving Opportunities! Print E-mail
    News - News Releases By AE911Truth
    Written by AE911Truth volunteer Laura Katleman   
    Wednesday, 16 January 2013 22:12

    Help AE911Truth Succeed in the Years to Come


    Laura regularly supports AE911Truth with her creative fundraising talents and passion

    Do you want to support Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth financially but find yourself a bit short on cash? Creative solutions are at hand! There are many other ways to contribute to our efforts!

    Do you have appreciated stocks that would create tax liabilities if you were to sell them?

    Do you have tangible assets such as real estate, vehicles, jewelry, rare books, or artwork that you would be willing to give to ensure the success of our vital mission?

    By donating your resources to AE911Truth, you would get the full tax-deductible value of your gift on your tax return and the great feeling of knowing that you helped spread the truth about 9/11.

    What about your IRA? Did you know that the balance in your retirement account is potentially subject to double taxation if it passes to your heirs? In some cases, over 75% of the account’s value may be owed in taxes. So, do what I have done and list AE911Truth as a beneficiary in your will.

    Creative Ways to Donate to AE911Truth

    Would you like to make an important difference at AE911Truth? We have many worthy projects sitting idle because we are unable to finance them. Please consider helping us fill our funding gap in one or more of these creative ways:

    Pledges allow donors to make a generous commitment to AE911Truth with a flexible payment schedule of up to five years.

    Gifts of appreciated securities – one of the best tax incentives left! You pay no capital gains taxes, and you get the tax deduction!

    Gifts of real estate or tangible personal property are deductible at the appraised market value.

    Retirement accounts and regular IRA rollovers are subject to “double taxation” when left to heirs. Consider leaving them less-vulnerable assets!

    Life insurance policies that are fully funded are eligible gifts!

    Matching gifts – Many employers match employees’ contributions. Several employers of our supporters currently send quarterly gifts!

    Gifts from your trust – Ensure AE911Truth’s future viability and strength for the duration of our mission; your asset remains in your control during your lifetime; specify an appropriate percentage to AE911Truth; no limit on tax deduction.

    Questions? Contact:

    Laura Katleman 401-578-5505
    Email Laura