LOS ANGELES — May 10 & 11, 2014
The Belasco was built in 1926 and originally seated 1,600 people. It opened to the hit movie “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.”AE911Truth appeared on May 10, 2014, at the United We Stand Festival alongside a couple dozen other truth-and-freedom-oriented speakers and musicians at the historic Belasco Theater in downtown Los Angeles.
Belasco Theater insideThe theater proved to be the perfect, if unplanned, venue for the festival, which had originally been scheduled for UCLA's Pauley Pavilion. Legal maneuverings on the part of UCLA venue administrators caused the event to be cancelled, for dubious reasons, the day before it was scheduled to start, even though payment had already been made to UCLA.
“Do you really want to know what happened on 9/11?” Gage asked, offering clues already provided by the other panelistsThis betrayal severely impacted the dedicated work of United We Stand organizers, led by Christina Tobin (founder of Free and Equal Elections), and rendered them unable to pay for accommodations for the first-time festival's speakers and musicians. As a result, all participants in the event were forced to double up in hotel rooms. One fortunate outcome of the fiasco was that AE911Truth founder Richard Gage, AIA, was "honored" to get to know his weekend "roommate," Ben Swann. The two-time Emmy-winning investigative reporter had covered, with his usual candor and integrity, the AE911Truth-sponsored ReThink911 campaign in New York City last September, the twelfth anniversary of 9/11.
According to Tobin, after UCLA notified her that the event had been cancelled but would be retaining the funds that United We Stand had already paid, an anonymous "angel donor" came through with $90,000. The generous sum allowed the event to be held at an alternative site, which turned out to be the charming, historic Belasco Theater located in downtown Los Angeles.
"We are so very grateful to the Belasco Theater for accommodating Saturday's festival on less-than-24-hours notice," a relieved Tobin announced. "This event sets up an even greater path for future festivals and our road tour. We look forward to producing an inspiring and empowering event for our talent and guests today."

The success of the festival, insisted Tobin, was due to the hardworking volunteers and coalition partners, including musicians Immortal Technique, Wu-Tang Clan members Cappadonna & U-God, Paul Masvidal of Cynic, The Siren, Kellee Maize, Rooftop Revolutionaries, A-Alikes, and Luminaries; emcee and hip-hop activist Rosa Clemente; comedian Lee Camp; actress Pamela Donnelly; poet Nano Munoz; writer Luis Rodriguez; journalists Abby Martin, Ben Swann, Amber Lyon, Maytha Alhassen, Luke Rudkowski, and Mnar Muhawesh; activists Sean Stone (film producer, director, actor), David Swanson (War Is A Crime blog), Jill Stein (physician and Green Party presidential nominee), Marianne Williamson (spiritual teacher, author, lecturer), Foster Gamble (Thrive), Nick Bernabe (March Against Monsanto), Dan Johnson (People Against the NDAA), Emma Cape (Free Chelsea Manning), and Richard Gage (Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth); and many more.
The speakers, arranged in groups in a panel format, were given about five minutes per panel to make their pitch.
In his allotted time of approximately one and a half minutes, Gage ably elucidated the case for AE9/11Truth. After briefly explaining that he represented more than 2,100 architects and engineers who are calling for a new investigation into the complete destruction of the World Trade Center's Twin Towers, Gage focused on the little-known fact that a third skyscraper had fallen that day. The 47-story WTC Building 7 collapsed in the late afternoon at free-fall acceleration, straight down uniformly and symmetrically into its own footprint.
The AE911Truth booth was right up front at the entry where, in one stop, those who attended could register to vote and also sign the petition calling for a new 9/11 investigation
World famous rapper Chuck D, of Immortal Technique, offered to give Gage free lessons on working the crowd like this
Gage then disclosed that Building 7's demise had to have been triggered by "controlled demolition" and suggested that the Twin Towers were demolished in the same fashion. At that point, he invited the enthusiastic audience to attend one of two Mother's Day Brunch presentations that were being held the next day. There, he promised, they would learn the details of the three structures' demolition and discover what can be done about the implications of 9/11.
At the conclusion of Saturday's festival, AE911Truth volunteers handed out nearly 300 flyers to people on the way out. Gage says he was inspired by the many compliments he received on the talk. Later that evening, he joined fellow speakers at a party celebrating the occasion at the W Hotel in Westwood.
Kimberly and Foster Gamble of the Thrive Movement, and Marianne Williamson, spiritual leader and candidate for Congress, were introduced by event hostess Christina Tobin and were big highlights for the crowdMany representatives of the alternative media were present at the event. Among those who interviewed Gage was We Are Change Colorado's Brian Baumann. During their informal discussion, Gage said he was surprised how many people in the festival audience were wearing 9/11 Truth t-shirts. He added that he "was deeply moved" to realize that many of his fellow speakers "were indeed aware and quite supportive of 9/11 Truth. Those who were not got a big dose of it."
Mother's Day Brunch — Twice
Kathleen Rosenblatt, dedicated mother and 9/11 Truth activistAbout 20 people attended each sitting at the home of Kathleen Rosenblatt on Sunday. After serving them an exquisite champagne brunch on her sunny patio with an amazing view of Los Angeles, the hostess introduced Gage to her guests.
Ellen Brown, author of The Web of Debt, attended the Mother’s Day Brunch and 9/11 presentation. She answered several questions about the banking system, her area of expertise and a subject that many truth-seekers tie directly to the roots of the 9/11 scamMost guests were familiar with the alternative-to-the-official story of what happened at the World Trade Center, but they eagerly listened to Gage's 90-minute presentation, which provided a wealth of detail as to why 2,100 architects and engineers want a real investigation.
California State Assembly candidate Zachary TaylorCalifornia State Assembly candidate Zachary Taylor inspired each brunch crowd with his patriotic fervor for 9/11 truth and justice. He asked Gage to join him in speaking the truth about 9/11 as he stumps through his district in southern California.
After the second brunch, Gage wrapped up his Los Angeles activities with a scheduled in-studio radio interview conducted by radio talk show host and world famous Jiu-Jitsu expert Eddie Bravo of 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu. The interview included an unexpected debate with magician Zach Waldman, a supporter of the official 9/11 story. Bravo, with a distinct tactical advantage undoubtedly acquired from his martial arts training, verbally outmaneuvered Waldman with a few uniquely aggressive moves. You have to listen to this entertaining three-hour interview — unlike any other Gage has experienced — in order to believe it!
Several dedicated mothers brought their kids to the Mother's Day 9/11 presentation!