Enjoy Writing? Then Help Spread the Truth
We need a few more good scribes on our Writing TeamOur Writing Team produces many kinds of documents: action alerts, newsletters, correspondence, bulletins, handouts, press releases, and last but not least, answers to frequently asked questions. Many of our articles are distributed by email. The twice-a-month newsletter "Blueprint," for example, goes to 35,000 readers, while as-needed action alerts are sent to 44,000 supporters.
The front page of the AE911Truth website always contains pieces authored by the Writing Team. Past newsletters can be found in an archive on the website.
Consider joining the Writing Team if you like to write and have a little spare time. Some of our documents are technical, requiring that writers be knowledgeable about architecture or structural engineering or a science such as physics or chemistry.
While we aim to adhere to AE911Truth's mission of bringing forward the physical evidence of controlled demolition of the three World Trade Center buildings, sometimes our writers have been known to let their zeal for putting 9/11 in a cosmic context come through in their prose. After all, none of us would have joined this team were we not dismayed by the official whitewash job. James McDowell, for one, admits to being "passionate about the subject. We're in the middle of a horrendous injustice, and I want to help rectify it in any way I can. I like to write articles that allow me to explore the crime itself — the injustices, the ironies, and the incredibly elaborate cover-up that's taking place."
The impetus Preston Ward needed to sign up for our writing squad came when he watched the film Confronting the Evidence & Painful Deceptions: A Call to Reopen the 9/11 Investigation. "The fact that nothing was being done all these years later and that the media were still discounting truth-seekers made my frustration level rise even higher, and that's when I decided to see what I could do to help AE911Truth get the truth out."
Pick up a pencil and fill out our online volunteer formFor myself, I've been a member of the Writing Team since 2009. I regard my volunteer writing for AE911Truth as some of the most important work I've ever done.
If you have the desire and dedication, the talent and time to write for us, you can pick up a pencil (or, better yet, head for your mouse and keyboard or touchpad) and fill out our volunteer form.
After that, you can expect to hear back from us after we conduct due diligence. Please follow up with a phone call (see form) if you feel you've been placed on hold for too long. (Our apologies. We get busy and sometimes need a friendly reminder.)
If you become a Writing Team member, you'll be asked to participate in the team's weekly conference call. There, you will meet fellow members from a wide range of states and even from abroad. Before long, we hope your byline will appear on an important article that will be seen by thousands. Your contribution to the cause will help us reach the critical mass of public awareness that it will take to get a real, honest, objective, independent investigation into the truth of 9/11.