Grassroots Movement Grows
with 9/11 Anniversary Education and Action!
We have just experienced an amazing twelfth anniversary of 9/11 with AE911Truth. Because of the success of the ReThink911 campaign it’s been a time during which many thousands of people have been educated about the third tower that came down rapidly and symmetrically on 9/11 – World Trade Center Building 7.
Vancouver ReThink911 take to the streets jumbo size in September. See the ReThink911 vinyl banners that you can download for free and printWe have an opportunity to both reflect and move forward. In communicating with a number of activists around the world, I’ve discovered that there is a great deal to feel enthusiastic about – change is in the air!
From Texas to Canada to Australia, activists supporting AE911Truth, ReThink911, and the message of the experts represented in the groundbreaking film 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out have been raising their voices and generating awareness! During the lead-up to the twelfth anniversary, on September 11, and as we launched another heroic anniversary effort, we strived for massive public awareness toward a new investigation. With our banners, signs, literature, DVDs, film screenings, and just plain talking to people all over the world, supporters are stepping up and standing tall.
Guerrilla Advertising? A global community emerged during this twelfth anniversary season, from freeway blogging, banners and lawn signs to just plain old guerrilla advertising like this effort to circulate 150 ReThink911 signs in Sydney, Australia. Supporters around the globe brought the message home to their local communities
In Austin, Texas, Brave New Books owner Harlan Rich – who has hosted 9/11 speakers from AE911Truth founder Richard Gage, AIA, to physicist Steven Jones, to radio personality Alex Jones – gathered his fellow Texas supporters to do some twelfth anniversary freeway blogging. Harlan reported a lot of honks and thumbs up. As Harlan put it, “Truckers just love us!” There’s no doubt about it, the Texas Truthers have energy!
In my home state of Arizona, Jeff Russeau, an Iraqi war veteran who served during both “Iraqi Freedom” and “Iraqi Enduring Freedom,” has turned his patriotic energies toward publicizing the science and evidence of AE911truth. As an ASU engineering student, he tells of the “Truth Booth” periodically set up by the 9/11 Studies and Outreach Club at ASU’s Memorial Union Courtyard. During the buildup to the twelfth anniversary, the club set up a 37-inch flat-screen TV and arranged to have a continuous loop showing the WTC 7 collapse at free-fall acceleration. Jeff talks about the jaw-dropping effect this effort had on skeptical students. Faculty members, too, approached the booth with conspiracy on their lips, but left with a sharp awareness of the tough questions implied by the scientific evidence for the explosive demolition of Building 7. Students and instructors alike exclaimed, “I had no idea about this!” Realizing the implications, some took the next step and added, “How can I get involved? How can I help?”
ASU 9/11 Truth Studies Club president Jeff Russeau (center) and AE911Truth College Outreach Team leader Steve Cohn speak with an ASU student about the hard science and forensic evidence presented by the experts of AE911TruthResults like these come from solid and well-organized outreach!
I personally worked with Connecticut volunteer Bowen Roberts on the ReThink911 campaign. I was genuinely impressed by both his volunteer ethic and his big heart. Bowen is a “people person” who goes the extra mile with folks. He spent countless hours connecting to New Yorkers, telling them about the ReThink911 campaign and encouraging them to go to the ReThink911 twelfth anniversary event at Times Square. In Bowen’s own words, he recalls, “I spoke with a lot of intelligent folks, and these calls opened a door which, it seemed to me, some felt had been previously closed. I was deeply moved by a long talk I had with a retired NYC cop who had been a 9/11 first responder. To this day, he is unable to tell his story publicly, but he supports the mission of AE911Truth. I got to know a recently returned veteran who has a young family. He’s come back to the States determined to promote the AE911Truth mission. I spoke with all kinds of people, from all walks of life, a talk-show host, an attorney, and so many others. People need to talk about this. People just need to know they’re not alone, that’s where it begins. Folks say one is the loneliest number. That may be, but it’s also a powerful number – because together, we make one voice – a strong voice!”
Thanks in part to the volunteer ethic of supporters like Bowen Roberts, hundreds showed up for the ReThink911 event at Times square in NYC on the twelfth anniversary of 9/11 under the prominent billboard

With the kind of devotion and dedication that people like Bowen exhibit – we definitely are becoming one solid voice!
Big-time Texas activists, Hank, Aaron, Joe, Tom, and Bruce, stand tall and encourage Texans to Rethink 9/11 on Dallas’ busiest interstate, the Stemmons FreewayI also spoke with Dallas activists Tom Theimer and Joe Stokes, who told me about a barrage of flyers that were mailed to news agencies – what a wonderful media outreach action! This resulted in an article in the Dallas Observer about the ReThink911 billboard on Dallas’ busiest interstate – the Stemmons Freeway. The North Texans for 9/11 Truth Group, which is also an Independent AE911Truth Action Group, has been extremely active in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metro area, having brought 9/11 Truth movement leaders to the area for speaking engagements. The group has distributed some 57,000 DVDs, including the landmark AE911Truth documentaries 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out and 9/11: Blueprint for Truth. Joining with a sister Truth group, the Dallas activists did some freeway blogging along the route to the Bush Library. One thing Tom wanted me to convey more than anything else, for this article, is the genuine and deep gratitude the group feels for the people around the world who donated toward the ReThink911 Dallas billboard – so here goes – from Dallas, a great big Texas, “THANK YOU!”
Seattle firefighter Erik Lawyer is featured as one of the experts in the groundbreaking film 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out. Seattle AE911Truth Action Group members passed out copies of the DVD like candy to curious passersby as part of their September ReThink911 actionsFrom Seattle, Washington, activist Rodger Herbst writes that during the course of the past year, since the eleventh anniversary, some EIGHTY law enforcement agencies as well as fire departments have received hand-delivered copies of 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out. An additional 32 copies of this important science-based DVD were mailed to the police chiefs and fire chiefs of these departments as well.
During the recent twelfth anniversary, the same DVD sets were delivered to five structural engineering firms in downtown Seattle. Stand by for a follow-up report on that effort.
Elizabeth Woodworth, who co-founded the Consensus Panel along with David Ray Griffin, recounts the exciting events in Victoria, Canada, surrounding a billboard off Highway 17, which is documented in’s 30-minute video by two independent Canadian journalists, Paul Stein and Greg Hill, for their program “Freedom Free For All.”
Canadian mechanical engineer Brian Burchill wrote a detailed 384-word letter to the editor about the ReThink911 campaign, which was published in VicNews on September 27, 2013, under the title 9/11 Explanation Needs to be Revisited. This newspaper is delivered to all households in the region.
Canadian reporter Greg Hill reports on the sweeping global ReThink911 advertising campaign about Building 7All in all, this twelfth anniversary and the ReThink911 advertising campaign have inspired dozens of grassroots actions and raised worldwide awareness of the explosive WTC evidence. Help us take the momentum to the next level over the coming months, this week, and even today by signing our petition, making a donation, and signing up to volunteer.
London AE911Truth Action Group members carried the message to Englanders and tourists everywhere, including at the world famous Tower Bridge
135 taxicabs in Chicago, Boston, and Washington DC encouraged city residents to rethink 9/11 in September
ReThink911 taxi-top ads are in a league of their own
In Sydney, more than 100 posters plastered throughout the less-developed areas of the city enticed residents from all walks of life to rethink 9/11
Marvin Sannes and his son were not going to be left out of the September 11th front yard dialogues. His ’62 Austin Mini Countryman carried the day in the sleepy central Oregon town of Salem
Kenny Bent of Pahrump, NV, leads one of the most active AE911Truth action groups in the country. At “Beatty Days,” a regional fair in Beatty, NV, the gateway to world-famous Death Valley, they challenged thousands of passersby with the ReThink911 brochure and WTC evidence
BART train commuters in the San Francisco Bay Area and one of the ReThink911 campaign ads
Richard Gage, AIA, conducts an informal survey on the BART train in the SF Bay Area. He found that most people are completely unaware that a third high-rise building was completely destroyed on 9/11. Most people immediately become very curious about this when it is brought to their attention
AE911Truth Action Group in Wellington, New Zealand, held a ReThink911 exhibit that drew the public and challenged locals Down Under. Special thanks to Helen Waddington and Roger Morris and crew!
Here’s the truck story: James Macdonald reports from Vancouver that it started with a supporter they call “Deliverance Dave” since a) he delivered the truck, and b) “we have like six Daves.”
Gery W. printed the banner at his tent factory, Dave brought the truck out there, and they mounted the sign permanently to it. Vancouver will never be the same. So now the van goes around Vancouver and surrounding cities, where it’s very well received. Dave says he gets all sorts of honks and thumbs-up of approval
"Never underestimate the power of a few committed people to change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead
Inspired by the NYC campaign, we are gonna take the truck and the Rethink sign, again supplied by Gery, and go to the media outlets and say hello!