Experts Speak Out from Coast to Coast: An Inside Look at the Historic “9/11: Explosive Evidence” World Premiere Tour (Part 2 of 2) |
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Written by AE911Truth Staff | |||||||||||
Wednesday, 29 August 2012 14:59 | |||||||||||
Following last month’s article that featured some of the most memorable moments from the World Premiere Tour of our new documentary, “9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out,” here are more highlights from the 32 nationwide screenings that brought Richard Gage, AIA, and other 9/11 experts together and exposed audiences across the country to the 9/11 evidence the government doesn’t want you to see. Seattle, WA – May 25 written by Richard Gage, AIA
Eric Lawyer of Firefighters for 9/11 Truth joined as a special guest and answered questions about firefighting in high-rise buildings, explosions, and the testimony that he provided in the powerful documentary.
Jeff Rische was another special guest who told us about his persistent efforts to educate US Senator Maria Cantwell about 9/11 Truth. Jeff inspired an email-writing campaign to supporters to write Sen. Cantwell and demand a new investigation. Jeff described why this issue is personally important to him. 1.2 MB MP3 Audio File of Interview. AE911Truth Action Group Leader Rena Patty, a resident of the San Juan Islands, north of Seattle, graced the stage after the film and shared with the audience her inspiration for the AE911Truth Virtual Action Kit. She also gave the local attendees a real sense of how this tool can be used to share the 9/11 evidence with associates, friends, coworkers, and VIPs. Portland, OR – May 26 written by Dave Fura The event almost ended in disaster when a severe rainstorm hit the area right at the start of the presentation. This knocked out the public address system, and it took 45 minutes to get it working again. During that time, Richard deftly fielded a constant stream of questions from the audience. After the screening, people remained lined up in the aisles with more questions until we had to leave the theater around 11:30 p.m. About 25 people made their way to the nearby Savoy Tavern, where discussions, food, and drink lasted until 1:00 a.m. The impact that the premiere had on everyone who attended it will last for a long time to come. Las Vegas, NV – May 27 written by Eli Rika
Phyllis Weimer, an American Airlines flight attendant, told the audience about her encounter with Mohammad Atta and some of the other alleged 9/11 hijackers when they boarded her airplane on September 1, 2001 – less than two weeks before 9/11. She knew the official story was suspect as a result of her subsequent interactions with the FBI. With more whistleblowers like Weimer, experts like Steve Dusterwald, an AE911Truth structural engineer, and 9/11 activists like John Niems, the education of the public about 9/11 will spread far beyond the success of our tour. Minneapolis, MN – June 4 written by Bruce Stahlberg In an effort to reach technical professionals in the area, we invited all of the local AE911Truth petition signers, engineering and architecture professors at two local universities, and members of the American Society of Civil Engineers. We even posted the event on the Minnesota calendar on the website of the American Institute of Architects.
The theater management also helped out by putting up posters and small postcards. They also sent out several e-mails to their list of 5,000 regular moviegoers and said there was a lot of interest and response. Detroit, MI – June 7 written by Stan Beattie There was a quite animated discussion during the Q&A session, which lasted until about 11 p.m. Fifteen attendees joined us afterward for food and beer, and our conversations lasted late into the night. We hope that these conversations will lead people to take positive action and educate others about this vital information. Buffalo, NY – June 8 written by Elaine French At many of these events, the majority of the audience is already aware of and in agreement with the evidence for controlled demolition, but out of the 36 people who attended the Buffalo premiere, 5 believed the official 9/11 story and 15 were unsure. At the end of the screening, only one attendee still believed in the official conspiracy theory about the collapse of the Twin Towers and WTC Building 7.
The event ended at midnight, and afterward a few of the participants went out for drinks with Gage. The next day, he went on an early morning tour to see the iconic Darwin Martin house, designed by legendary architect Frank Lloyd Wright, before catching his plane to the next tour destination. “The house was an expression of the ideal of freedom, which has suffered significantly in this country since 9/11,” Gage said. “Hopefully, our efforts will eventually help to restore it.” Burlington, VT – June 13 written by Elaine French Many people bought copies of the new Experts Speak Out DVD after the screening. William Rice, a structural engineer who is featured in the documentary, answered technical questions about the collapse of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers.
Two people came from Providence, RI, for the event. They had attended a NetRoots conference in Providence, and they knew that AE911Truth had been excluded from the conference. They wanted to learn about the 9/11 evidence, so they drove all the way from Providence to attend the Burlington premiere. New York, NY– June 24 written by Elaine French and Richard Gage As the central location of the 9/11 cover-up, it was only fitting that New York be a major focus of the current tour’s publicity. Hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers viewed our double full-page centerfold ad in the Village Voice. We were proud to join forces with the Remember Building 7 campaign and its founder, Ted Walter, in funding this extraordinary ad. “This massive ad, featuring quotes from eight architects, engineers and other technical experts, will be seen by 250,000 to 300,000 New Yorkers,” Walter said, according to 911 Blogger. “The size, beauty, and placement of the ad are sure to make anyone who opens the paper notice it, and the powerful quotes will make all but the most resolute adherents of the official story begin to question what we've been told about 9/11.” There was a packed audience of 181 people for the afternoon screening. Before viewing the film, four people believed the official 9/11 story and 38 were unsure. There were 16 attendees who knew nothing about WTC 7. After the presentation, only one person believed the official story, and nine were unsure. We were honored to have 9/11 family member Jane Pollicino join us at Theatre 80. She lost her husband, Steve, in the North Tower. We also had a surprise visit from Lorie Van Auken, who lost her husband, Ken, in the North Tower as well. Since the two women had never met, we introduced them to each other. Both came up on stage to answer questions, and they touched the audience with their strength and courage.
Atlanta, GA – July 2 written by Elaine French and Richard Gage We were graced in Atlanta by the presence of an icon in the 9/11 Truth movement, former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, who spoke to the crowd for at least ten riveting minutes and answered many tough questions. At one point, McKinney took Gage’s arm and praised the work of AE911Truth for “bringing the credibility of so many technical, degreed professionals to the table of the 9/11 Truth movement.” Download the audio of McKinney's speech here. (2.3MB MP3 file) We were quite fortunate to have yet another very special guest here in Atlanta: independent journalist Paul Craig Roberts, a master economist who served as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He was an editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and Scripps Howard News Service. An Atlanta native, Mr. Roberts recalls watching Tarzan movies in the 7 Stages Theatre as a child. Two days after our event, he reviewed the video with a powerful July 4th blog entry entitled Can Americans Escape the Deception? Alameda, CA – July 9 written by Elaine French and Richard Gage
We ran an ad about our event in the East Bay Express, which brought in a number of people. Bonnie Faulkner from KPFA 94.1 FM in Berkeley also interviewed Gage on the show Guns and Butter. As a part of KPFA’s pledge drive, they gave away our new DVD, 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, to people who pledged a donation of $80 or more. They played clips of the documentary on the air, potentially reaching hundreds of thousands of listeners. San Francisco, CA – July 11 written by Elaine French Before showing the film, Gage introduced the producer, Francis Battaglia, who made this powerful statement: “Before we got hit in the forehead with shock and blame – blaming 19 evil-doers within 45 minutes of the total destruction of both Twin Towers, there was a moment of open discussion – so it’s nice to have a moment returning now – as the world was hit with a crime so enormously blatant it was categorized as an act of war. Almost 11 years later, the act marches on. This act of war has affected and continues to affect all of us worldwide. The actors of this twisted play still elude us despite the best intentions of a world of intelligence. Somehow an apparatus maintains a fixed hold on our reality: “something in the way,” as musical mates Nirvana might explain, of our collective ability to make sense of things. Our global intelligence has been hijacked along with so many of our institutions, including the owner of our primary common source of understanding, our media, which defines the very parameters and meaning of that word intelligence. And so all efforts to reclaim what’s ours: our government, our elections, our media, our criminal justice system and the rule of law, become a very uphill battle. But at last we have a root form of intelligence, and that is science. Let the empirical evidence take us where we need to go. Thank you, Richard… thank you AE911Truth for lighting the way.” Please visit the Tour Blog on our website to see more photos, audio interviews, news articles and blog reports from this influential tour, and be sure to visit 911ExpertsSpeakOut.org to view the film online, download it onto your computer, and to order the deluxe 2-DVD set. We also encourage you to expand the tour’s impact by hosting an independent screening of Experts Speak Out. Download our screener’s guide, which provides easy instructions on how to show this film in your community.