Controversial Philly Conference Hosts Experts, Whistleblowers & 9/11 Heroes
Geschrieben von: Mike Smith   
Montag, den 29. März 2010 um 10:00 Uhr
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Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth was recently a featured speaker in the March 6/7 Philadelphia conference robustly titled "Treason in America: 9/11, the Wars & Our Broken Constitution" — a key event in the energizing and uniting of activist communities across the country — particularly on the heels of our recent Feb. 19 "1,000 Architects & Engineers press conference" held concurrently in 48 worldwide locations, which was still a hot topic on the minds of the Philadelphia attendees.

According to conference organizers Betsy Metz, a self-professed Philly housewife and independent 9/11 truth activist who put up $20,000 of her own money to ensure its success, and Jon Gold, the Master of Ceremonies and organizer at, this conference was:

"a two–day non–partisan truth conference with speakers, movie clips & music discussing our current state of affairs and how we got here. From 9/11, the "wars on terror" and the private, not public, Federal Reserve to the undermining of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights via Patriot Acts 1 & 2, to connecting the dots between different events that go unreported (or under-reported), as a whole, in our mainstream media. Calling on left & right truth–seekers to find common ground and work together to help revive our country. Come learn what many do not know, but what many are waking up to. Knowledge is power."

Cindy Sheehan, the famous "Peace Mom," was another featured speaker who epitomizes the spirit of non–violence. She was there in solidarity with the 9/11 truth seekers – having met and warmly conversed with Mr. Gage about the forensic evidence at the WTC a couple of times now. Ms. Sheehan was given a standing ovation as she outlined the many 9/11 events that occur each and every day as the wars take their deadly toll. She was clear to note that the reason she took so long to "come around" to 9/11 truth was due more to the rudeness of the activists who approached her on the subject than to any doubts that she might have had. (Mr Gage swears that he was on his best behavior with her.) Let this be a lesson to the 9/11 Truth movement – that, while we are all impatient for action on the part of the Left, the Right, the media, and our government officials, our politeness can be far more effective than our anger.

Emotional and Analytical Appeals AE911Truth Strategy session with A/E’s
Geschrieben von: Dwain Deets and Laila Selk   
Montag, den 29. März 2010 um 00:00 Uhr
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Packed in a classroom–style conference room, eager to get on to the next phase after achieving the 1,000 A/E petition signers and experiencing the exhilarating AE911Truth Press Conference and Luncheon, all fifty or so were ready to start the first annual assembly of A/E petition signers in the strategy session. Richard Gage, AIA, having shed his coat and rolled up his sleeves, began calling on person after person among the raised hands. Everyone had something to say – even the shy but eloquent 911Blogger and FOIA hound Aidan Monaghan, who many recognized and were honored to have join us. The ideas began rolling – faster than anyone could write them down.

Although coming late in the session, an exhortation from the producers of "BetterBadNews" to replace our current traditional two light–beam image in the NYC skyline with a three light–beam image seemed to symbolize the sense of purpose and improved vision the session brought. Gage notes "Of course! The ‘two-beams’ image is ‘disinformation’. The three–beam image hits you on the side of the head and is an immediate attention grabber because of the cognitive shift that it forces — encouraging the stunned observer to open brochure and figure out the puzzle of the 3rd beam – which is revealed to be about the 3rd skyscraper to be destroyed on 9/11."


ABC Nightline Reveals Its Agenda - Equates 9/11 Truth with Gun-Wielding Crazies
Geschrieben von: Shawn Hamilton   
Freitag, den 26. März 2010 um 00:00 Uhr
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Ed: The following is the body of the letter sent to ABC Nightline producer Katie Hinmanon on behalf of AE911Truth.

ABC Nightline's piece on the 9/11 Truth Movement qualifies as nothing short of journalistic fraud. Instead of presenting an objective look at the surprisingly large numbers of people who are questioning the government's official conspiracy theory involving 19 Arabs, Chris Bury's piece was clearly intended to equate in viewers' minds those in the 9/11 Truth Movement with gun-wielding crazies like the recent "Pentagon shooter" John Patrick Bedell.

While this movement includes a wide variety people including thousands of architects, engineers, firefighters, academicians and scientists, Nightline seemed intent on creating an oversimplified caricature of what it disparagingly called a "viral community of true believers," that is, people who are crazy enough to suspect the government might be hiding something when there's no evidence to support that idea. There's actually a lot of evidence, but TV shows like Nightline are not interested in looking at it, much less refuting it. The Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth were featured as keynote speakers at the same conference that you attended and now host over 1,000 A/E petition signers—all demanding a new investigation into the destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11. Why did you not ask us what evidence we might have to support our call for a re-investigation? We understand that you were even re-directed by no less than three of your interviewees to speak with us.

With that Fabulous Milestone Achieved – Now, On to… What a Variety Lies Ahead
Geschrieben von: Mark Sebesta and Richard Gage, AIA   
Freitag, den 26. März 2010 um 00:00 Uhr
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We are very excited to report that our momentum still continues forward from the tremendous successes that we achieved in 2009 and early 2010 — especially off the heels of the historic milestone press conference, with David Ray Griffin, Steven Jones, and Erik Lawyer — highlighting our 1,000 A/E petition signers demanding a new WTC investigation. There were no less than 48 concurrent AE911Truth press conferences hosted all around the globe, and we garnered some mainstream media attention for a change. Congratulations to all the international affiliates of AE911Truth who organized your local press conferences — and a huge "hats off" to volunteer coordinator Dave Slesinger who made it all possible. The amazing videos and photos are quite a testimony to the spirit and perseverance of our dedicated supporters around the world.

Now, to build on that historic event, we look forward to 2010's 2nd quarter:

March 29th will find us on our fourth trip to San Diego. This time we will be at a first class venue — the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice on the Campus of the University of San Diego. This event is presented by Toreros for Truth as part of their Freedom Education Lecture Series. San Diegans for 911 Truth is also promoting this event. Please visit these websites for details.

An Aversion To Scientific Facts? Is the Washington Post involved in the 9/11 Cover-up?
Geschrieben von: Graham Pardun   
Donnerstag, den 25. März 2010 um 10:00 Uhr
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The Washington Post recently published an editorial raging against a well-respected member of the Diet of Japan, Councillor Yukihisa Fujita. The 'hit piece' titled "A leading Japanese politician espouses a 9/11 fantasy," 3/8/2010, struck me, even in this age of melodramatic sound bites, as especially baseless and exaggerated.

"Mr. Fujita's ideas about the attack on the World Trade Center…are too bizarre, half-baked and intellectually bogus to merit serious discussion," writes the Post. What are his "bizarre, half-baked and intellectually bogus" ideas about 9/11? Well, for one, Councillor Fujita "hints that controlled demolition rather than fire or debris may be a more likely explanation for at least the collapse of the building at 7 World Trade Center." The Post then wonders how a "man so susceptible to the imaginings of the lunatic fringe" could occupy such a high position in the government of a "nation that boasts the world's second largest economy" – and ends the piece by suggesting that the US-Japanese alliance, the "cornerstone" of Japan's security, could be threatened, if Prime Minister Hatoyama "tolerates elements of his own party as reckless and fact-averse as Mr. Fujita."

1000-Petitioners Event Gives Blast of Positive Energy
Geschrieben von: Laila Selk, Firefighter (Ret.), Palo Alto FD, CA   
Donnerstag, den 25. März 2010 um 09:00 Uhr
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One firefighter gains foundation for speaking out with truth

On February 19, 2010, I found my previously angry self in a room full of highly educated, and obviously dedicated, professionals listening to a press conference which announced the 1000 architect and engineer petition signers. What I didn't know at the time was the impact all that positive energy would have on me. Perhaps it was compounded in the strategy session after the conference where, once again, I found myself in a small room full of educated, energetic people. I just couldn't help but be transformed. I was ready and it happened.

In a matter of days after that press conference, I found that an enormous weight had been lifted off my shoulders. It was the weight of desperately wanting to bring what I knew as the truth of 9/11 to my very close friends. Up until then, not one of them wanted to hear what I had to say, mostly because of my poor presentation. I have also alienated someone that I've known for over 40 years because I couldn't pull off a factual overview at the time.

AE911Truth Welcomes New Partners in 9/11 Science—the Medical Professionals
Geschrieben von: Editor   
Donnerstag, den 25. März 2010 um 03:42 Uhr
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AE911Truth is very pleased to broadcast news of our new fellow professional truth group, the Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth, which already has more than 100 petition signers.

Given the 800,000 practicing physicians in the US (about half the number of architects and engineers) we believe that Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth has the potential to rapidly expand its numbers.

We encourage all of you to forward the website link ( to all medical professionals that you know – for doctors, nurses, dentists, and allied health professionals are generally great listeners and have receptive scientific minds.

Co-founder, together with three other co-founding members, Dr. Jonathan Weisbuch has served as the Chief Health Officer for the States of Wyoming and North Dakota, as well as Los Angeles County, CA, and Maricopa County, AZ. He says: "We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents."

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