9/11 Myths Exposed: Firefighters, Architects and Engineers Re-investigate the Destruction of the Three World Trade Center Skyscrapers
Geschrieben von: Editor   
Samstag, den 08. Mai 2010 um 00:00 Uhr
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Double header presentation: Two speakers, two nights, two Bay Area cities

Click here for May 8 presentation video archive


Friday and Saturday,
May 7 and 8, 2010

San Rafael and San Leandro, California

9/11 Myths Exposed: Firefighters, Architects and Engineers Re-investigate the Destruction of the Three World Trade Center Skyscrapers

On September 11th, 2001 the greatest destruction and loss of life associated with the terrorist attacks took place in New York City.  After almost nine years and numerous government investigations, many public misconceptions persist about the events of that tragic day, especially regarding the unprecedented destruction of the World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan.

Upcoming Speaking Events and DVD Releases
Geschrieben von: Editor   
Freitag, den 07. Mai 2010 um 00:46 Uhr
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Emphasis will shift to the development of several DVDs over the next couple of months. There will be speaking events featuring architect Richard Gage, AIA, with his groundbreaking work, 9/11: Blueprint for Truth –The Architecture of Destruction, in June and July, prior to some very exciting international engagements into the Fall. Specifics include: Tucson, AZ Jun 26, 2010; Las Vegas, NV July 17, 2010; and South Africa Sep 1, 2010, and the Architect Africa Film Festival 2010.

On October 8th Mr. Gage will be interviewed in China on national prime time TV. on The show is “Dialogue”—China’s “60 Minutes” with 1.1 billion viewers–followed by a multi–city speaking tour. The Chinese sponsors have already translated our DVD, 9/11: Blueprint for Truth, and are expected to be ready for the demand. We need your financial support to make this historic trip, to speak to an audience 4 times the size of the US population, a reality. Remember—donations are deductible for U.S. taxpayers.

AE911Truth is pleased to announce that we will be rolling out our next exciting DVD in June which immortalizes the historic San Francisco Press Conference on February 19,2010, including the spectacular speakers luncheon packed with the stories from our architect and engineer petition signers. Presentations at the press conference include architect Richard Gage, AIA, emeritus professor/physicist Steven Jones, emeritus professor/theologian David Ray Griffin, and the founder of Firefighters for 911 Truth, Erik Lawyer. This event marked the momentous milestone of 1,000 architect and engineer petition signers as well as providing the focus for the 48 concurrent press conferences were held across the country and abroad. Check the store early in June for availability.

We are also in the initial stages of creating a new DVD, Witness for Truth—Experts Speak Out, which will feature 50 of our most highly qualified credentialed petition signers including high rise architects, structural engineers, metallurgists, chemists, physicists, firefighters, demolition experts, etc. among us—who will be speaking out one by one on all the topics of the scientific evidence in this informative new DVD to be released before September 11, 2010.

And the third DVD that we are working will be a joint release by FF911Truth and AE911Truth to be filmed on the special night announced near the top of this article, where Erik Lawyer and Richard Gage, AIA, will be presenting together in two Bay Area cities.

AE911Truth Structural Engineer Dismantles the NIST Analysis of WTC 7
Geschrieben von: Dwain Deets   
Donnerstag, den 06. Mai 2010 um 23:26 Uhr
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Structural engineer Ron Brookman probes the NIST analyses of World Trade Center Seven (WTC 7). This article titled The NIST Analyses: A Close Look at WTC 7 is available free as a download, or can be purchased as a spiral-bound hardcopy in the AE911Truth online store. Brookman‘s careful examination of the NIST final reports regarding WTC 7 reveals an abundance of deficiencies and discrepancies. These come in many varieties. Some are erroneous, in that they conflict with scientific findings reported in the open literature. Others are inconsistencies internal to the NIST reports. And finally, others are incomplete with respect to failure to investigate matters that had been flagged as needing further investigation in official reports from other government agencies.

Once the final edits were complete, Brookman offered the following comment to accompany the article’s announcement.:

NYC CAN, AE911Truth Ask NYC Council to Investigate Building 7
Geschrieben von: Shawn Hamilton   
Mittwoch, den 05. Mai 2010 um 19:00 Uhr
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A group called New York City Coalition for Accountability Now (NYC CAN) is working with Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth on a campaign to make the New York City Council launch an investigation into the anomalous destruction of World Trade Center Building 7.

The group emerged a little over a year ago to reorganize the petition drive for the ballot initiative that city officials eventually deemed legally invalid because it sought powers to initiate an investigation that State law doesn't confer upon citizens. Officials claimed that such powers are properly the domain of existing city agencies, the Manhattan District Attorney and the federal government.

NYC CAN, a coalition of 9/11 survivors, family members, first responders, and concerned citizens, is focusing on New York City’s 51-member city council rather than creating a new referendum. Group representatives, including NYC CAN’s Executive Director, Ted Walter, Bob McIlvaine, whose son Bobby was killed in the 9/11 attacks, along with engineers Tony Szamboti and <redacted by request>, have already discussed 9/11 related issues with seven council members, and reported that all but one were supportive.

McIlvaine said his only role in the meetings is to represent his son, Bobby. Explaining how he became involved in 9/11 activism, he said, “On April 8, 2004, I was absolutely livid after the testimony of Condolezza Rice. I've been angry ever since. I walked away from that hearing knowing that forces within the US orchestrated the murder of my son. I challenge anyone to prove me wrong.”

On March 1, McIlvaine personally delivered AE911Truth petitions to each of the New York City Council’s 51 members. Walter said that event marked the beginning of NYC CAN’s revised campaign. The group posted a video of McIlvaine on its web site to publicize the effort.

Tony Szamboti, a mechanical engineer who performs structural design and analysis in the aerospace industry, said the engineers’ role in the meetings is to answer questions council members may have about the science behind the destruction of WTC 7. “You have to discuss the fact that the building was undergoing full freefall acceleration for at least two and a quarter seconds in its initial fall, which NIST (National Institute for Standards and Technology) has admitted to. That’s about eight stories or over a hundred feet.” Szamboti said. “I explain to them that it’s pretty hard to have that occur without something removing the strength of the columns unnaturally, since freefall acceleration requires all of the potential energy to be converted into motion, with none of it being available to do any other work.” The group shows council members films of Building 7 falling and compares them to a model of what NIST describes in its report, pointing out the contradictions.

Asner Voices AE911Truth TV Spots Airing in New York City
Geschrieben von: Robert McGee   
Mittwoch, den 05. Mai 2010 um 18:26 Uhr
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Another first. AE911Truth ran the first-ever 9/11 truth television ads on NY1 March 30 and April 2, 2010. NY1 is a cable-news television channel focusing on the five boroughs of New York City. Featuring the voice of Ed Asner, these 30-second spots mention nanothermite, show WTC 7 imploding and have great coverage of the AE911Truth.org website. They also coincided with Week 3 of the "Building # What?!" campaign. Watch the provocative TV ad and let us know what you think.

Special thanks to Jim Cirile and Deborah Blake for producing the video clip. I was delighted to help get this “on the air” and was honored to be able to fund it. I believe that it is one HOT commercial! And we couldn't ask for a better place to break new ground. NY1 News, which now has 1.5 million cable viewers, is Time Warner's 24-hour news channel in New York City, covering the city with more than 25 full-time reporters. NY1 is possibly best characterized by its tagline, ”No one reaches the hearts and minds of New Yorkers like NY1.”

Ed Asner is also an active supporter of 9/11 Truth and the voice of AE911Truth's radio campaign. We're pleased to announce that Asner's 30 second spot has aired nationwide on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory as well as Progressive Talk radio station KTLK in Los Angeles the week of March 15.

But this is just the beginning. With your financial help we can take this campaign national. And with a spokesman like Asner, people will listen. Clear Channel has allowed the spots to air without even blinking. To take the Asner campaign to the next step, please contribute now. Let’s make Ed proud of us – and get that new investigation by waking up the American people to AE911Truth.

CANADA Welcomes AE911Truth & David Ray Griffin
Donnerstag, den 29. April 2010 um 19:51 Uhr
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AE911Truth will be included in five evenings of lectures featuring Dr. David Ray Griffin, Richard Gage, AIA, and Dr. Graeme MacQueen which are scheduled in Ontario and Quebec from April 30th to May 4th.

San Francisco Bay Area architect, Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth with more than 1,000 petition signers calling for a new investigation, will present the overwhelming evidence of explosive–controlled demolition of all three WTC skyscrapers on that historic day September 11, 2001. He presents the latest forensic evidence on the features of controlled demolition in relation to the Twin Towers and WTC Building 7: Sudden Onset of Destruction, Symmetrical Collapse & Progression, Explosions, Demolition Waves, Near Free–fall Acceleration, Total Dismemberment, Lateral Ejection of Steel, Adjacent Structures, Sounds and Flashes, Explosions, Pyroclastic–like Clouds, Iron Spheres, Molten Metal, and Evidence of Thermite incendiaries and nano–therimite composite explosives. He also discusses the ASCE, FEMA & NIST Reports, Whistle Blowers, Destruction of Evidence, Expert Corroboration, and Foreknowledge.

Two–time Nobel Peace Award nominee Dr. Griffin is quoted, “Whereas it is widely recognized that the US–led war in Afghanistan is illegal under international law because it was never authorized by the UN Security Council, most Americans believe that it is morally justified as a response to the 9/11 attacks, and many believe it is still justified as a necessary means to prevent another attack originating from that region. My lecture will present evidence showing that both of these beliefs are untrue, and that the 9/11 Truth Movement and more traditional Peace and Anti–War groups should be able to combine forces to oppose this illegal and immoral war.”

Dr. Graeme MacQueen, a student of expert testimony regarding the collapses of the Towers, and author of Did the Earth Shake Before the South Tower Hit the Ground, helped found the Centre for Peace Studies at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, and is currently the co-director of the project Media and Peace Education in Afghanistan.

Letters-To-Editors Work to Spread the Truth
Geschrieben von: Dick Scar   
Montag, den 29. März 2010 um 11:00 Uhr
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Graham Pardun announced in The Blueprint e–newsletter last month five actions we can take monthly to further our cause (The 11th of the Month…'Let's Roll'), and not let people forget 9/11. Another effective thing you or we can do on the 11th of each month, or anytime, is to write a Letter To Editor (LTE) of a newspaper in your state or locality. Any letter published informs and educates a large number of readers and also gets the attention of elected officials. Members of Congress take particular notice of LTEs published in their districts.

A published LTE often starts a dialog with other readers who write their own LTEs and the back & forth exchange among letter writers increases readership of the paper, especially if the subject, like ours, is controversial. One LTE, or a series, gets the subject out in front of the public. The more people become aware of the 9/11-truth issue, the more this leads to discussion on the street.

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