AE911Truth Supporters Raise the Stakes this September
Geschrieben von: Leroy Gmazel   
Montag, den 18. April 2011 um 00:51 Uhr
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9/11 Tenth Anniversary Plans Direct Message to Local Officials

Upcoming Testimony to Come from Dozens of New Experts

Help us by turning your local courthouse into one of the sites of an historic awakening to 9/11 Truth

The 10th Anniversary Team is working on a four-pronged approach to appropriately mark this historic date. The four prongs are courthouse vigils, press conferences, screenings of a new DVD, and outreach to local officials and others.

COURTHOUSE VIGILS with Introductory Outreach and Press Conferences
The Courthouse Vigils are actions taking place during the week on Thursday, September 8 at prominent county courthouses. (Thursdays are far better than Friday for media coverage.) The purpose is to educate local public officials and broaden local awareness of the severity and implications of the key evidence in the destruction of the three WTC skyscrapers. We’ll use AE911Truth materials also to publicize our other 10th Anniversary local actions – especially the premiere of our new DVD 9/11: Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out at local libraries and theaters.

AE911Truth – Blazing a Trail Through the Midwest
Geschrieben von: Richard Gage, AIA   
Sonntag, den 17. April 2011 um 22:15 Uhr
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Milestone 10-City Tour Successfully Winding Up

Several Audiences Left in Complete Disbelief of Official Conspiracy Theory

Milwaukee local event coordinator Matt Naus hosts Richard Gage, AIA, on his 9/11 Truth cable TV Show “Meet the Truth”

We were delighted to be asked to bring the explosive evidence from the nearly 1,500 Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth to the Midwest this April. We’re now almost halfway through the tour and wanted to catch you up on our progress.

We filmed a great little 20-minute TV segment for the tour on the Meet the Truth cable TV show by host Matt Naus, who is also our amazing overall tour coordinator.

Nanothermite Co-Discoverer Adds Canada to Lecture-Tour Portfolio
Geschrieben von: Mike Bondi, PEng   
Sonntag, den 17. April 2011 um 20:52 Uhr
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Chemistry professor Niels Harrit blows away audiences in six cities with the explosive evidence

One of the key figures in the 9/11 truth movement, University of Copenhagen chemistry professor Dr. Niels Harrit, along with his wife, peace activist and actress Pernille Grumme, recently completed a Canadian speaking tour which included engagements in six cities and three provinces:

- Feb 22: Edmonton, Alberta (Stanley Milner Library)
- Feb 24: Vancouver, British Columbia (University of British Columbia)
- Feb 26: Victoria, British Columbia (University of Victoria)
- Mar 1: Hamilton, Ontario (McMaster University)
- Mar 3: London, Ontario (University of Western Ontario)
- Mar 4: Toronto, Ontario (University of Toronto)

Dr. Harrit is Professor Emeritus of Chemistry at the University of Copenhagen and lead author of a peer-reviewed study on thermitic residue found in the World Trade Center dust. Dr. Harrit presented irrefutable evidence from nine researchers and scientists, proving the presence of thermite incendiary explosive in the dust samples collected from the collapse of World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Dr. Harrit has lectured for 34 years at the University of Copenhagen, and has published over 60 articles in major science journals. He has delivered 90 lectures on the World Trade Center in Sweden, Norway, England, Holland, the United States, Australia, and Spain.

9/11: Blueprint For Truth Bursts into TV, Digital Media
Geschrieben von: Tony Taylor   
Donnerstag, den 31. März 2011 um 22:14 Uhr
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AE911Truth is pleased to announce that we have entered into a long-term distribution agreement with one of America’s top independent film distribution companies.

With 9/11: Blueprint for Truth converted into TV and digital formats, channel surfing can become a thing of the past

Celebrity Video Distribution has contracted with AE911Truth to market and distribute 9/11: Blueprint for Truth – The Architecture of Destruction in various soft (non-DVD) formats throughout the United States and Canada.

This agreement places 9/11: Blueprint for Truth in Celebrity Video Distribution’s already impressive stable of high-quality and award-winning documentary films, covering topics such as the history of Iran, heroin culture in the U.S., World War II, and Saharan caravans. Video On Demand (VOD), digital, Internet, television and other technologies are a particular specialty of Celebrity Video Distribution.

Be the Change You Want to See in the World: Join an AE911Truth Volunteer Team
Geschrieben von: Mark Graham   
Donnerstag, den 31. März 2011 um 21:44 Uhr
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Are you qualified to volunteer for Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth? You might be, if:

Richard Gage, AIA, and volunteers like Shawn Hamilton & Fritz Eriksen need your help in the push for a real 9/11 investigation

• You have studied the evidence and you know that the official conspiracy theory of how the Twin Towers and Building 7 were brought down is just not right.
• You have signed the AE911Truth petition.
• You want to do something good for your country and the world.
• You want to take action to help AE911Truth fulfill our mission:

“to research, compile, and disseminate scientific evidence relative to the destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers, calling for a truly open and independent investigation and supporting others in the pursuit of justice.”

• You have 4 to 20 hours per week that you can comfortably devote to volunteering, AND, you would want to be part of a team that's committed to making every minute you spend count. There are two main ways you can help: join one of our Teams, or create or join an AE911Truth Independent Action Group.

RACING With TRUTH: AE911Truth-Themed Dune Buggy Wins 2 Races in First Outing
Geschrieben von: Larry Landon   
Donnerstag, den 31. März 2011 um 19:52 Uhr
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Of all the sponsors that cover Domschot’s winning racer, AE911Truth takes center stage

Watch the video!

Some people go to great lengths to inform others about AE911Truth. In the case of Will Domschot, of Auburn, California, we’re talking about CAR lengths. While getting his dune buggy ready for a series of three races in the Valley Off Road Racing Association (VORRA) on March 12th and 13th, he decided to use it to make a bold statement for 9/11 truth. With new decals and some help from the AE911Truth Graphics Team, he gave his car an AE911Truth theme.

Building 7 Remembered: Hartford 9/11 Conference Features TV Ad Debut
Geschrieben von: Eli Rika   
Donnerstag, den 31. März 2011 um 19:12 Uhr
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Manny Badillo, Leslie Young, Tony Szamboti and Bob McIlvaine joined other family members and technical professionals in the latest ad from the Remember Building 7 Campaign

It’s been almost a decade since the Manhattan Twin Towers were completely destroyed, allegedly by fire and plane impacts, on the same day, taking thousands of lives with them. Yet, the collapse of WTC Building 7, which also occurred on that day, still remains unknown to most Americans. Though its destruction was recorded by news crews and bystanders, reported by first responders, and analyzed by university physicists and scientists, mentioning it in casual conversation often leads to a puzzled response. What many people consider the prime “smoking gun” of 9/11 has been hidden by the media for years. Now, the veil of silence is starting to be lifted. On Saturday, March 26, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and the Remember Building 7 (formerly “BuildingWhat?”) Campaign took another decisive step in exposing the truth, with the Investigate Building 7 Conference at the University of Hartford in Connecticut and the release of a new television ad about this pivotal subject.

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