AE911Truth Action Groups Collaborate in Outreach to Anti-War Community
Geschrieben von: Richard Krushnic and Wayne Coste, PE   
Dienstag, den 29. Mai 2012 um 19:57 Uhr
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UNAC Conference Enlightened by Explosive 9/11 Evidence

Members of several AE911Truth Action Groups, led by Congressional Outreach Team leader Wayne Coste, attended the United National Antiwar Conference (UNAC) in Stamford, CT, last March, and our outreach at this influential event made a significant impact. 

Our exhibit in front of “The Board Room” showed the new AE911Truth banners, 3-D printed models, and a continuously running short video loop about the destruction of the towers.

This event, held March 23–25, was the largest of the four national UNAC conferences held to date, drawing around 600 attendees Almost two dozen 9/11 Truth activists participated in outreach. Our presence was known and felt by all.

Interactions between UNAC guests and AE911Truth supporters were overwhelmingly positive throughout the conference. Many in-depth conversations took place, and innumerable pieces of AE911Truth literature were distributed, including WTC evidence cards and the 9/11 Investigator broadsheet newspaper. We also handed out dozens of copies of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth.  As with many established anti-war organizations, most of the UNAC leaders resisted our message even though it proved to be widely accepted by UNAC’s rank and file, and others.

AE911Truth Landmark DVD “9/11: Blueprint for Truth” Now Available in Nine Languages
Geschrieben von: AE911Truth Staff   
Montag, den 30. April 2012 um 23:05 Uhr
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Download or Watch Online at

At, you can purchase our six-language Companion DVD, download all nine language versions, or watch them instantly online

The timeless documentary that exploded onto the 9/11 Truth scene in 2007 to expose the truth about the WTC skyscraper demolitions is finally available for download and viewing online in nine languages. Our new companion website,   9/, provides instant access to our landmark DVD, with translations in Spanish, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Finnish, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese, in addition to English. Whether you live in North America, Asia, Europe or South America, you now have an excellent opportunity to share the scientific forensic evidence of the destruction of the three WTC skyscrapers on 9/11 with your community and watch AE911Truth’s groundbreaking presentation in your native language.

Team Canada Successfully Completes AE911Truth Nationwide Tour
Geschrieben von: Mike Bondi, PEng   
Montag, den 30. April 2012 um 19:48 Uhr
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12-City Tour Brings Explosive Evidence to Audiences Across Canada

Canada Tour 2012

AE911Truth Founder Richard Gage, AIA, recently completed a very successful cross-Canada tour, visiting 12 cities in eight provinces and speaking to a combined audience of 1,300 people. Another 50 times that many were reached by radio and cable TV.

The unprecedented two-week tour started on March 24 in Vancouver and ended on April 7 in Montreal. It was organized by volunteers all across the country and led by James MacDonald, David Long and others, with support from lead AE911Truth coordinator Wayne Coste.  The tour was done to support the strategic campaign by 9/11 Justice Canada to submit a new Petition to the Canadian Parliament, demanding an official investigation of the WTC catastrophe on 9/11/01.

Vancouver – March 24 – Denman Plaza Theater

The Canadian tour began in Vancouver, British Columbia, where Gage took to the street with Vancouver 9/11 Truth Society members as they handed out flyers and educated people about the explosive 9/11 evidence. At the Denman Theater, the 30+ video clips of evidence and eyewitness testimony from 9/11: Blueprint for Truth convinced all but two attendees about the evidence for controlled demolition at the WTC.

Science and Faith Come Together: AE911Truth Religious Outreach Continues to Make an Impact
Geschrieben von: AE911Truth Staff   
Sonntag, den 29. April 2012 um 23:55 Uhr
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AE911Truth founder Richard Gage, AIA, fields questions from the audience at the Church of All Souls in New York City during the 10th anniversary of 9/11

AE911Truth is dedicated to educating people from all walks of life about the explosive destruction of the WTC skyscrapers, and this mission has enlightened a variety of faith communities. Founder Richard Gage, AIA, and the AE911Truth Presenter Team have reached out to churches, mosques and Jewish groups with the goal of bringing people of all religions together in support of a real 9/11 investigation – and you could be the catalyst for the next breakthrough.

Over a dozen churches from a variety of denominations have hosted AE911Truth events over the last few years, including the Immanuel Presbyterian Church in Los Angeles, the Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Paradise Valley, Arizona, and the First Churches of Northampton, Massachusetts.

Powerful New Outreach Letter Describing Explosive 9/11 Evidence Now Available: Download and Distribute it Today
Geschrieben von: Dick Scar   
Freitag, den 27. April 2012 um 00:56 Uhr
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A new and remarkably effective AE911Truth letter is ready for your use to introduce the most compelling evidence of the WTC controlled demolition to VIPs, associates and friends. It is now available for download in .PDF format as well as .doc format on our website. Signed by AE911Truth founder Richard Gage, AIA, this letter concisely presents the key facts in a compelling short-form manner. This is one of the best tools to enlighten anyone who hasn’t yet been exposed to the evidence.

The letter contains kernels of 9/11 Truth evidence that can be understood even by academicians, elected officials, legal professionals and media representatives

The digital version also contains a link to our 15-minute documentary, Architects and Engineers: Solving the Mystery of WTC 7, narrated by legendary actor Ed Asner.

The beginning of the letter introduces AE911Truth and our call for a new, fully funded, truly independent and unimpeachable investigation of the destruction of the WTC skyscrapers. It then describes the controlled demolition, or implosion, of World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC 7) – a fact of which much of the public is still unaware – and lists ten key elements of the evidence documenting controlled demolition.

Frequently Asked Questions
Freitag, den 27. April 2012 um 00:34 Uhr
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Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find some answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about the destruction of the World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11. As each FAQ response is published in our newsletter and posted on our website, it will be added to this page.

FAQ #1: Who demolished the Twin Towers and Building 7 and why?

We do not know who the perpetrators of this crime are. Identifying the culprits is the purpose of a real criminal investigation. However, we are able to provide overwhelming evidence of a cover-up of this crime. In addition, scientific forensic evidence indicates that only individuals who could gain long-term access inside the highly secure WTC skyscrapers and obtain advanced thermitic materials could have orchestrated the destruction of the Twin Towers and Building 7. A more detailed answer is available here.

9/11 Evidence Rising in Phoenix: AE911Truth Enlightens Arizonans in Latest Tour
Geschrieben von: Pamela Senzee   
Donnerstag, den 26. April 2012 um 01:34 Uhr
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Hundreds of attendees look on at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation as Richard Gage, AIA, lays out the explosive WTC evidence

The recent AE911Truth tour of Arizona brought Richard Gage, AIA, to the Phoenix metro area to educate audiences about the controlled demolition of the WTC skyscrapers on September 11, 2001, and it was a resounding success. All four events, held from March 16-18, raised local awareness of the evidence and the importance of 9/11 Truth. It was a pleasure for me to help organize these informative and inspiring engagements.

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