11th Anniversary Surprises and Inspires 9/11 Truth Movement: New York Events buoyed by PBS-TV successes
Geschrieben von: Richard Gage, AIA   
Freitag, den 28. September 2012 um 02:44 Uhr
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New York Events buoyed by PBS-TV successes

Last year’s 10th Anniversary of 9/11 was a difficult landmark for the 9/11 Truth community. As it approached, we at AE911Truth were filled with tremendous hope. Yet, when it passed largely without a major triumph in our mission, we were forced into deeper reflection about the effectiveness of our efforts to wake up people to the startling realities of 9/11. We were drawn toward the 11th anniversary, humbled and with dampened optimism, but we have been met with both the resounding success of our documentary, 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out (ESO), on PBS, and the inspiration of events across the country that educated the public about the controlled demolition of the WTC skyscrapers.

AE911Truth was invited to participate in several anniversary events this year in New York City and at universities in Massachusetts and Maryland. These events occurred in conjunction with street actions by hundreds of 9/11 Truth activists, who made their presence quite known to New Yorkers and visitors at Ground Zero, Times Square, Union Square Park, and Washington Square Park.

New 9/11 truth documentary among 'most watched' on PBS this week
Geschrieben von: Victoria N. Alexander, DigitalJournal.com   
Mittwoch, den 05. September 2012 um 14:33 Uhr
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"9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out" is getting public attention and casting doubt on the scientific validity of the U.S. government's investigation into the WTC tragedy. PBS is the first major network to air the program.

Just days away from the 11th anniversary of the World Trade Center tragedy and months away from the U.S. presidential election, a game-changing 9/11 documentary is ranking number three among "most watched" documentaries on PBS and number one among "most shared." Available for free online August 18th - September 4th, the documentary could have a significant effect on public opinion. [Update: PBS has extended viewing indefinitely.] Both the Republicans and Democrats, as equally staunch defenders of the official story, stand to be affected if the public's suspicion of government corruption grows deeper.

Join us for Groundbreaking 9/11 Anniversary Events in New York, California and Maryland, September 8-12
Geschrieben von: AE911Truth   
Dienstag, den 04. September 2012 um 05:00 Uhr
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Join us for Groundbreaking
9/11 Anniversary Events
in New York, California and Maryland, September 8-12


Five days of exciting and informative events are planned across the country for the 9/11 anniversary this year, beginning in New York City on September 8 and culminating at the University of Maryland on September 12.

In addition, there will be 9/11 events happening throughout the country, including local screenings of the new 1-hour version of our groundbreaking documentary, 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, which has just been uploaded to YouTube!

One of these local screenings will be at the annual 9/11 Truth film festival in Oakland, CA, organized by NCA911Truth.

The University of Maryland seems dedicated to also enlighten their academic community about what really caused the destruction of the Twin Towers and WTC Building 7, as they are bringing in AE911Truth founder Richard Gage, AIA to speak to 200 students on Sept 12. See below for more details.

Colorado Public TV Leads the Way - Airs "9/11: Experts Speak Out" - Streaming Worldwide 8/18 at 7pm MDT
Geschrieben von: Colorado911Visibility   
Donnerstag, den 30. August 2012 um 05:00 Uhr
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Colorado Public TV Leads the Way –
Airs AE911Truth’s
9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out
Watch Live 8/18 Saturday at 7pm MDT

UPDATE: Not only is the film 9/11: Experts Speak Out being streamed online worldwide through September 2, but Colorado Public Television (CPT12) is also providing local encore airings of this film and of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth this week. Please let your friends know these times, and if you have not, please donate whatever you can afford to CPT12 now!

Rebroadcast Times

Wednesday, August 29, 2012 8:30 PM – 9/11: Experts Speak Out – 90 minutes
Saturday, September 1, 2012 8:00 PM - 9/11: Experts Speak Out – 90 minutes
Saturday, September 1, 2012 9:30 PM – 9/11: Blueprint for Truth – 120 minutes
Saturday, September 1, 2012 11:30 PM - 9/11: Blueprint for Truth – 120 minutes
Sunday, September 2, 2012 1:30 AM - 9/11: Experts Speak Out – 90 minutes

Watch 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out on PBS. See more from KBDI.

Experts Speak Out from Coast to Coast: An Inside Look at the Historic “9/11: Explosive Evidence” World Premiere Tour (Part 2 of 2)
Geschrieben von: AE911Truth Staff   
Mittwoch, den 29. August 2012 um 14:59 Uhr
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Click the Map above to read the AE911Truth Tour Blog

Following last month’s article that featured some of the most memorable moments from the World Premiere Tour of our new documentary, “9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out,” here are more highlights from the 32 nationwide screenings that brought Richard Gage, AIA, and other 9/11 experts together and exposed audiences across the country to the 9/11 evidence the government doesn’t want you to see.

Seattle, WA – May 25 written by Richard Gage, AIA

Seattle area activists Rena Patty, Eric Lawyer and Jeff Riche join Richard Gage, AIA, in highlighting the many actions that they are personally taking to awaken the public to the truth of 9/11

Eric Lawyer of Firefighters for 9/11 Truth joined as a special guest and answered questions about firefighting in high-rise buildings, explosions, and the testimony that he provided in the powerful documentary.

New "9/11 Free Fall" Radio Show Ignites Alternative Media
Geschrieben von: Eli Rika   
Mittwoch, den 29. August 2012 um 00:24 Uhr
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Supporters of AE911Truth have used a variety of methods to educate others about the explosive destruction of the WTC skyscrapers, including holding screenings of “9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out,” distributing educational materials and speaking at public events. Now, a new radio show, 9/11 Free Fall, is building on those efforts and has the potential to massively increase public awareness of this essential issue.

9/11 Free Fall, co-hosted by Andrew Steele and Bernie Suarez, debuted on June 15, 2012, and now airs every Thursday evening at 7 p.m. PST on No Lies Radio, an internet radio station that features a variety of voices in the alternative media. You can find the latest information on the show at 911freefall.com and listen to podcasts of previous transmissions at its YouTube channel.

9/11 Free Fall is the brainchild of Steele, a longtime AE911Truth volunteer and member of the Public Outreach Team. He feels strongly that increasing exposure of 9/11 Truth on the radio can have a tremendous impact.

Gear up for September 11th Outreach! Take advantage of our “Experts Speak Out” DVD special offer!
Geschrieben von: AE911Truth   
Donnerstag, den 23. August 2012 um 16:10 Uhr
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Purchase the new dual-disc DVD documentary
“9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out
Final Edition

for $21.95 and receive all the following AE911Truth resources FREE!

  • 5 free street brochures

  • 9/11: Explosive Evidence bumper sticker

  • 5 free WTC7 evidence cards

  • 5 free Twin Tower evidence cards

  • Solving The Mystery miniDVD

  • 5 free 9/11 Investigator newspapers

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