Experts Speak Out from Coast to Coast: An Inside Look at the Historic "9/11: Explosive Evidence" World Premiere Tour (Part 1 of 2) |
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Geschrieben von: AE911Truth Staff | ||||||||||||
Donnerstag, den 26. Juli 2012 um 16:39 Uhr | ||||||||||||
The unprecedented World Premiere Tour of 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, which began in late May in Beverly Hills and ran through July in San Francisco, was a resounding success, reaching thousands of people in 32 cities nationwide and countless others through live radio interviews and premieres that were live-streamed online. Many of the experts featured in this landmark AE911Truth documentary film joined architect/director Richard Gage, AIA, at tour stops across the country, as did family members of 9/11 victims and prominent supporters of AE911Truth. From the dramatic “Opening Night” premiere in Beverly Hills to the successful back-to-back screenings in New York City to the grand finale in San Francisco, the tour enlightened many attendees who were unaware of the evidence for controlled demolition and inspired supporters to take action and educate others. Here we chronicle highlights from the World Premiere Tour. San Diego, CA – May 21 written by Richard Gage, AIA
Our 32-city tour began informally on Sunday afternoon in San Diego at the home of Ted and Nelisse Muga, whose extremely well-organized and dedicated team, “San Diegans for 9/11 Truth,” gathered at their Ocean Beach home overlooking the Pacific. This group regularly sets up in front of the USS Midway to hand out AE911Truth materials and educate often eagerly curious passersby with their elaborate displays. The actual premiere in San Diego was packed.
Our guest expert on this special “Opening Night” was Robert McCoy, who appears in the film as one of our high-rise architects. He opened the film by stating, “I don't want to be involved in conspiracy theories... What we need to know is how — how these buildings came down.” Robert also answered some tough questions, describing the massive steel structure of these towers and how the buildings couldn’t possibly have come down in a gravitational collapse, as alleged in the official story – in just a dozen seconds. McCoy’s grace and gravitas were matched only by the extraordinary Ed Asner. We were grateful to have both of them with us on one of the most important evenings in the history of AE911Truth.
Tempe, AZ – May 29 written by Pam Senzee The Phoenix crowd really loves the work of AE911Truth and was delighted to meet Mr. Gage later at Boulders on Broadway for dinner and drinks. The upper floor was a full house. This was followed by a real treat for Gage, when two of our members, Enrique Lara and Dante Rios, gave him a much-needed, deep-tissue, back massage. Dante is a professional massage therapist, and Enrique is active in the Latino and Indigenous Peoples’ social justice movement in Arizona. With the weight of the “Experts Speak Out” World Premiere Tour on the shoulders of AE911Truth, we did our best to make the load a little lighter.
Denver, CO – June 1 written by psychologist Fran Shure, M.A. The discussion after the premiere was one of the most intense of the entire tour. Several psychologists featured in the documentary, including Dorothy Lorig, M.A., Marty Hopper, Ph.D., and Bob Hopper, Ph.D., joined me on stage for the Q&A session, and it was rewarding for the audience to hear them expand on what they had shared in the film.
Swanzey (Keene area), NH – June 15 While driving from Burlington to Keene for our next event, we enjoyed the sight of a full-grown female moose ambling across the New Hampshire highway! She was an auspicious and welcome sign, as we had a good turnout in the auditorium at the Monadnock Regional Middle/High School in Swanzey, a town just five miles south of Keene. We Are Change New Hampshire was represented by a half-dozen dedicated activists who shared their stories with the audience after the film – which, as was often the case, convinced almost everyone (by a show of hands) who was originally skeptical of our position Northampton, MA – June 16 written by Richard Gage, AIA
The one attendee who had believed the official story spoke to me later and revealed himself to be a 30-year CIA analyst, now retired. He was absolutely dumbfounded by the presentation and couldn't understand how the WTC 7 skyscraper could have been intentionally demolished without someone in the media reporting it in advance, but he agreed with the other audience members that the towers were clearly brought down by controlled demolition. Washington, DC – June 21 written by Elaine French
Out of 90 people attending this event, 15 believed the official 9/11 story before seeing the film, and 36 were unsure. This was the largest percentage of newcomers to the evidence during the tour. More than half of the audience (49 people) were unaware of the collapse of WTC 7. After the showing, only one person still believed the official 9/11 account, and 13 were unsure; the rest agreed that the WTC skyscrapers were brought down by controlled demolition. The evidence is clear and compelling to almost everyone. Tampa, FL – June 27 written by Elaine French Gage held a separate interview (1.4 MB MP3) with Dylan Franklin, who (as a 9-year-old) saw both planes hit the Twin Towers from his classroom in Queens, along with his teacher and classmates. Dylan found out later that his uncle, Robert Franklin, had died in the Twin Towers. “He was one of the few who were around,” Dylan said, “and it was an awful tragedy.” Pinellas Park, FL – June 28 written by Elaine French
The morning before our premiere in Pinellas Park, Gage was featured on Radioactivity, a very popular radio talk show hosted by Rob Lorei on WMNF 88.5 FM in Tampa. With Lorei as moderator, Gage debated Dave Thomas, a physicist from New Mexico, for the third time in four years. Gage methodically dismantled each of Thomas’s arguments, providing scientific forensic evidence for the controlled demolition of all three buildings. The AE911Truth team was glad to see that, following the radio interview, Lorei attended the screening and watched the film. Since his radio show had a pledge drive coming up, we offered the station ten DVDs to give away as pledge premiums. Not only did he seem glad to have them, but he asked also that they be autographed by Gage. Lorei must have been moved enough by the debate to finally begin digesting the compelling case for controlled demolition. Please visit the Tour Blog on our website to see more photos, audio interviews, news articles and blog reports from this influential tour, and be sure to visit 911ExpertsSpeakOut.org to view the film online, download it onto your computer, and to order the deluxe 2-DVD set. We also encourage you to expand the tour’s impact by hosting an independent screening of Experts Speak Out. Download our screener’s guide, which provides easy instructions on how to show this film in your community.
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