Now on iTunes, Hulu, Amazon, Flixter and Rotten Tomatoes:
9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out Let Millions of People Know Just a Few Clicks!
Update: Great news! 9/11 Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out is also listed on IMDb.com, the #1 movie site in the world! Click here to visit our page on IMDb and write a review about this compelling documentary. Our powerful documentary, 9/11 Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, is poised to take the Internet by storm! It’s now available for sale and streaming on iTunes, Hulu, and Amazon.com.
And now we’re asking you to help by reviewing this myth-shattering film on these popular sites, as well as Rotten Tomatoes and Flixster, exposing it to web users around the world! Here are your quick and easy outreach steps:
Post a five-star review of “Experts Speak Out” on these websites and then click on the buttons you see on the sites to let users of Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and other social media platforms know about your review and reach millions! Just click the links in this article to go directly to the Experts Speak Out “review” page on each site. Simply write your review and copy and paste it to the following platforms: 
iTunes offers thousands of “movies on demand”, in addition to millions of songs. If you don’t already have the iTunes program installed on your computer, download it for free, search “Experts Speak Out” in the “Store” section, and post your 5-star review. You can also watch Experts Speak Out on iTunes right now at $3.99 for an online rental or $9.99 for a permanent download. (Note: there is NO hyperlink for items in the iTunes store). Potential Impact: iTunes has 222,280 followers on Twitter, 24.7 million “likes” on Facebook (US alone). The iTunes store gets 24 million unique visitors per month.

Hulu is one of the most popular sites for watching TV shows and movies online. Just create a quick free account (or login through Facebook) and post a review below the film. Potential Impact: Hulu has 76,878 followers on Twitter, 1,700,000 monthly App users, 843,477 ‘likes” on Facebook. Hulu.com gets 31 million unique visitors per month.

As described in our October Action Alert, Experts Speak Out is also available on Amazon.com, where it has received an impressive overall 4.5 out of 5 stars. You can watch our groundbreaking documentary on Amazon.com right now at $2.99 for a seven-day online rental or $9.99 for a permanent download. The hard copy cased DVD can also be ordered. Potential impact: Amazon has 4.1 million monthly App users, 420,108 followers on Twitter, 15.8 million “likes” on Facebook. Their website got 104 million unique visitors during the fourth quarter of 2012.

Rotten Tomatoes is one of the top movie review sites on the Internet. To rate our film or post a review, create a free account (or log in through Facebook). Potential Impact: Rotten Tomatoes has 6 million monthly App users, 870,359 followers on Twitter, 175,156 “likes” on Facebook. Their website gets 12 million unique visitors per month.

Flixter is another major movie review site that draws millions of visitors every month. To post a review of Experts Speak Out, just complete the site’s quick sign-up process. Click the “F” symbol to the right of your review and it will automatically post it on your Facebook page! Potential Impact: Flixster has 2.8 million monthly App users 9807 followers on Twitter, 39,549 “likes” on Facebook. Their website gets 12 million unique visitors per month.
If you don’t see social media buttons on the site you are visiting, simply go to www.facebook.com and www.twitter.com, search for Rotten Tomatoes, Hulu, Amazon, and Flixster, and paste your review right onto their pages! This method of outreach may be a bit out of your comfort zone, but we cannot over emphasize its importance. The time you spend on this, and encouraging your friends to do the same, is most likely more valuable than any other volunteer activity you could perform for us – especially right now, at this early stage, when our opponents will try to post negative reviews on these sites and harm our overall review status irreparably. Email AE911Truth volunteer Laura Katleman if you need help. Look for 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out on Netflix very soon! Thank you!! Laura Katleman and the grateful staff at AE911Truth