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Benefit for “NO LIES RADIO”
7pm Sunday Oct. 7, 2012
First No. California Premiere of “Operation Terror” The Hollywood 911 Thriller that is Banned from the Theaters
Richard Gage, AIA, will be answering questions following the film about the truth vs. fiction as portrayed in this film relative to the World Trade Center destruction. AE911Truth was not involved at all in the making of this film, but we are enthusiastic about the content which is quite supportive of 9/11 truth. Please join us!

Co-Sponsored by the BFUU SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE James McCullough from the mysterious “Council” gives a special assignment to CIA agent Aaron Delgado to attack the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and pin the blame on Muslim Terrorists. Delgado and fellow agents, Phillip Singer and Chase Jordan, work with a group of unsuspecting engineers to develop unmanned jets that will hit their assigned targets. The Army and the FBI begin to uncover the plot, forcing Delgado to intervene. The CIA agents also have to deal with an increasingly suspicious George Poole, the lead engineer working on the drones, who becomes skeptical on how the remote controlled planes will be used. A battle between good and evil ensues as the plot to attack America becomes a hard-hitting reality. Exclusive: Q & A afterwards with the film's producer, Art Olivier and Richard Gage, AIA, of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

Bonnie Faulkner of Guns & Butter will host. Historic Fellowship Hall 1924 Cedar Street (at Bonita Ave)Berkeley, CA 94709 One block east of MLK Way / Three blocks west of Shattuck Ave. Wheelchair Accessible? Yes! The Ramp is on Bonita Street! $ 10 at the Door or Order Tickets on-line