Écrit par AE911Truth Staff
Mardi, 06 Mai 2014 02:44 |
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United We Stand Festival - May 10!
Elegant Mothers Day Champagne Brunch / WTC Presentation - May 11
This is your lucky month if you are anywhere near Los Angeles. Call your friends there if you are not! We will be speaking in a short panel format at the United We Stand Truth and Music Festival hosted by "Free & Equal Elections" at UCLA's Pauley Pavilion in Los Angeles on Saturday, May 10, 2014. The UWS Festival will showcase music as well as panels of musicians, actors, writers, journalists, and other speakers.

The next day, on Mother's Day we will be presenting the WTC evidence in our 90-min "9/11: Blueprint for Truth" live multimedia presentation to 2 groups of 40 at the home of Kathleen Rosenblatt - just 5 minutes away from the UCLA event. VIP's and Festival attendees alike will be attending the fabulous affair which includes an Elegant Mother's Day Champagne Brunch!
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Écrit par Frances T. Shure
Mercredi, 30 Avril 2014 07:09 |
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Editor’s Note: Frances Shure, M.A., L.P.C., has performed an in-depth analysis addressing a key issue of our time: "Why Do Good People Become Silent—or Worse—About 9/11?" The resulting essay, to be presented here as a series, is composed of a synthesis of reports on academic research as well as clinical observations.
In answering the question in the title of this essay, last month’s segment, Part 5, explored the concepts of denial and cognitive dissonance. We resort to denial to avoid cognitive dissonance, that uncomfortable and sometimes disturbing feeling of losing our emotional equilibrium when faced with new information that challenges our worldview, or when we hold beliefs that are contradictory to known facts.
In Part 6, we continue Ms. Shure’s analysis with the Solomon Asch experiments on conformity and Elizabeth Noelle-Neumann’s theory of the “spiral of silence.”
Soloman AschIn the early 1950s, experiments by Solomon Asch of Swarthmore College vividly demonstrated our human proclivity to conform to a group’s prevailing view. Several students selected prior to the experiment were instructed to act as if they were subjects of the experiment, whereas in reality, they were confederates, or plants. These confederates were all instructed to give the same wrong answer in identifying the length of a line on a card. One real and unsuspecting subject then joined the group, and when the experiment was under way, an instructor assigned the task of matching the length of a line on a card to the correct line among three different sized lines on the same card or another card. In 36.8% of the cases, the real subject would abandon his or her original right answer and would agree instead to the other participants’ unanimous wrong answer.1
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Écrit par AE911Truth Staff
Mercredi, 30 Avril 2014 05:21 |
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20,000 AIA Members Prepare Once Again to ReThink911
As in Denver, CO last year, we need dozens more volunteers to help us to hand out hundreds of brochures, DVDs, and invitations to the presentation to thousands of architects at our evidence booth and on the conference floor. We’ll gather another 100 petitions as well! Who's in?! This Summer, AE911Truth heads into the Windy City for the 2014 National Convention of the American Institute of Architects, the fifth AIA convention that AE911Truth has attended since 2008. It takes place June 26-28, and will be held at Chicago's McCormick Place on South Lake Shore Drive.
Expected to draw nearly 800 exhibitors and over 20,000 building professionals, the event promises to be yet another good opportunity for AE911Truth to sound its wake-up call to thousands of architects and others who remain unaware of the alternatives to the impossible claims of the official story of 9/11.
During the three day convention, Richard Gage AIA, and our team of volunteers will be staffing the 10' x 10' evidence booth where attenders will drop by to learn of the voluminous and compelling evidence, which will show them conclusively that on 9/11/2001, World Trade Center Towers 1, 2, and 7 were intentionally destroyed by means of controlled demolition. In addition to explaining evidence, answering questions, and handing out petitions to sign, Gage and the AE911Truth team will be offering free copies of the DVD 911: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out available to those who wish to take the evidence home and study it for themselves.
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Écrit par David Chandler
Mercredi, 30 Avril 2014 04:28 |
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Physics Teacher David Chandler
Introduction to David Chandler's "Why I Am Convinced 9/11 Was an Inside Job" by Mike Cook
The search for the truth of what really happened on 9/11 covers a broad spectrum that examines every aspect of the official account. Here at AE911Truth, we focus exclusively on the overwhelming evidence for controlled demolition of all three World Trade Center buildings. This is the area of expertise of the professional architects, engineers, and scientists who have signed our petition.
Many points in the article below, written by physics teacher David Chandler, are relevant to our quest for truth. Because parts of it stray beyond our mission, we will print a portion of the piece, and partway through will link readers to the author's website, www.911speakout.org, where the entire text is located.
Chandler has done invaluable work making the evidence for controlled demolition accessible to the general public. Here, he relates how he was introduced to the 9/11 Truth Movement and explains why he is convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt that "9/11 was an inside job."
Why I Am Convinced 9/11 Was an Inside Job
The events of 9/11 were huge. The body of evidence that the administration, or other agencies within the US government, were involved is also huge. The problem with summarizing the information is that the scale of the operation and its cover-up are so vast. Finding smoking guns is like picking up litter on a field. It's hard to move in a straight line. That makes it hard to create a simple narrative.
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Écrit par AE911Truth Staff
Mercredi, 30 Avril 2014 02:45 |
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New Pearl Harbor DVD Only $19.99!
This riveting five-hour documentary is now 30% offThe 3 DVD Set, September 11, The New Pearl Harbor by Massimo Mazzucco, is on sale in the AE911Truth online store. Regularly $29.00 – now only $19.99!
This documentary has already been enthusiastically reviewed by AE911Truth writer Simon Day, who highlighted the impressive quality of presentation, depth of research, and filmmaker Massimo Mazzucco's adherence to the principles of logic and science.
Mazzucco details the similarities between 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, and as Day observes: "The indignation of the public following the attacks appears to have been used to justify entry into wars that had been planned long before."
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Écrit par David Chandler
Mercredi, 16 Avril 2014 22:15 |
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Physics Teacher David Chandler Introduction to David Chandler's "Freefall and Building 7" by Mike Cook
With his background as a teacher of physics, David Chandler has made invaluable contributions to the quest for 9/11 truth and justice, helping to make technical aspects of the controlled demolition of all three World Trade Center buildings more accessible to lay persons. In this article, he covers one of the more crushing pieces of evidence that disproves the official account, the freefall of Building 7.
Freefall and Building 7 on 9/11
Galileo was the first to describe the amazing fact that, apart from air resistance, all objects fall at the same "rate." If you have not experienced this fact directly, try dropping a large rock and a pebble side by-side. The rate we are referring to is not a "speed," because for a falling object the speed is constantly changing. The rate we are talking about is actually the "rate of increase of speed," how quickly the speed builds up, called acceleration. The acceleration achieved by all falling bodies, apart from air resistance, is called the "acceleration of gravity."
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Écrit par AE911Truth Staff
Mercredi, 16 Avril 2014 07:59 |
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AE911Truth Verification Team Volunteers - Elaine French, Mark Peterson and Laura NieboerAE911Truth now counts more than 2,100 architects and engineers (AEs) who have signed our petition for a new investigation into 9/11.
Another 18,000 members of the general public have added their names to the petition.
People sometimes ask us how we know that all those names are real people, and whether we check the credentials of people claiming to be AEs.
Working behind the scenes, committed members of our verification team check the identity, intent, and credentials of each person who signs the petition. They keep detailed records of all steps in the verification process.
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Écrit par Dick Scar, BSAE
Mercredi, 16 Avril 2014 05:24 |
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"Untersuche" is "Investigate" in GermanWibren Visser is a key member of the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Translation Team. Born in Holland, and now living in Linz, Austria, he studied philosophy for two years, graduated from a hotel management school, and has a degree for Dutch translators from the University of Vienna. He currently works as a sales controller specializing in reporting and data mining, but has been doing translations – German to Dutch and vice versa – as a sideline for over 25 years.
In 2008, Wibren was searching the internet on the subject of weapons inspections in Iraq and stumbled onto some information related to 9/11. He says it was "a total surprise to me, as I was not aware of any doubts about the official theory. That intrigued me and I started looking for more information." Coincidentally, Richard Gage, AIA, was touring Europe at that time and likely passed close by Wibren's hometown.
Soon after, Wibren noticed materials from AE911Truth. He felt that our group was the most credible organization within the 9/11 truth movement and signed our petition.
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Écrit par AE911Truth Staff
Lundi, 14 Avril 2014 04:35 |
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WTC Tower construction showing core columnIntroduction
To believe the official conspiracy theory regarding the destruction of the three World Trade Center high-rise buildings requires an Olympian leap of faith. It asks us to accept impossible coincidences, to assume the laws of physics don't always apply, and to ignore common sense. Being one of 9/11's least likely hypotheses, it requires that we emotionally moor ourselves to its tenets, because an intellectual examination or inquiry would quickly reveal dots that don't connect. Fortunately, a much more cogent theory exists. It suggests that controlled demolition, not fire, was the cause of the collapse of WTC Buildings 1,2, and 7.
But this theory, although supported by overwhelming scientific forensic evidence, eyewitness testimony, and visual documentation, is nevertheless rejected by official conspiracy theorists. On the grounds that it presumes impossibly high logistical hurdles for the perpetrators, the official conspiracy theorists argue that a plan of such magnitude would have been impossible to carry out. How was security breached? How were necessary cables and other equipment moved into the buildings unseen, and how did a demolition team gain access to structural members? To investigators and degreed professionals who have studied the evidence, these questions are elementary. What follows is a simple, yet compelling, visual and scientific narrative, which explains how the controlled destruction of World Trade Center Towers 1,2, and 7 was accomplished.
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Écrit par AE911Truth Staff
Lundi, 31 Mars 2014 18:44 |
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Toronto Star - Canada’s Highest-Circulation Newspaper Reports on ReThink911 Video Subway Ad Controversy - "New ad campaign in TTC stations presents alternative 9/11 theory - American group’s 15-second video promotes idea that World Trade Center Building 7 collapsed due to a controlled demolition."A must-read article for anyone who wants to see the official 9/11 myth abolished to make way for a real investigation into 9/11 has been published in Global Research in their March 12, 2014 issue.
AE911Truth activist, Canadian Elizabeth Woodworth, brings us up-to-date on the stunning successes achieved by ReThink911 in bringing about a more accurate and fact-based discussion of the event.
Prominent in this success has been the campaign by ReThink 911 across the U.S. and Canada to raise public awareness.
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