
    9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out (4-minute trailer)

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    Experts Speak Out - Trailer
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    Experts Speak Out
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    Read it at AE911Truth.org
    AE911Truth Condemns the Defacing of Famous Painting in the Louvre Print E-mail
    News - News Releases By AE911Truth
    Written by AE911Truth   
    Friday, 08 February 2013 22:12
    Eugène Delacroix, "La Liberté guidant le peuple"

    On February 7, an unidentified woman who has been described as having "mental health problems" was arrested for defacing a famous painting in a satellite museum of the Louvre in France. According to news reports, the woman used a black marker to scrawl “AE911” on the painting by artist Eugène Delacroix, titled "La Liberté guidant le peuple" .

    We do not know if this act of vandalism was done in reference to our organization. Whether or not this is true, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth) condemns and deplores the defacing of this priceless work of art and all public and private property. Our code of conduct requires all of our volunteers to abide by the laws, rules, and regulations of society. 

    The founder and CEO of the non-profit organization, Richard Gage, AIA, noted, “I was shocked and horrified to learn of this senseless act of vandalism. I sincerely hope that this unbalanced person is not in anyway associated with our many honored French supporters. Our organization prides itself on the integrity of its activists, who are seeking a real, unimpeachable investigation of the destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11.” 

    Over 1,700 architects and engineers have signed our petition to Congress, which cites scientific forensic evidence that proves the Twin Towers and WTC Building 7 were brought down by explosive controlled demolition. The evidence is also detailed in our latest documentary, 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, which calls for the public to peacefully and lawfully demand justice.

    Anyone who is interested in distributing our vital information should do so in obedience with local, regional, national and international laws. 

    More information about our organization and the 9/11 evidence is available at www.AE911Truth.org.