
    9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out (4-minute trailer)

    9/11: Explosive Evidence -
    Experts Speak Out - Trailer
    Duration: 4:09

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    9/11: Explosive Evidence
    Experts Speak Out
    Free 1-hour version

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    Read it at AE911Truth.org
    10th Anniversary Activists Bring 9/11 Truth to Iowa State Capitol Print E-mail
    News - News Releases By AE911Truth
    Written by Dennis Scar, 9/11 Truth of Central Iowa   
    Sunday, 16 October 2011 05:00
    AE911Truth volunteers caught the attention of the Governor and other Iowa officials with though-provoking banners like this one, held by Dennis Scar and Brett Tierney

    Members of 9/11 Truth of Central Iowa, an AE911Truth Action Groups, had a full day in Des Moines on Sunday, September 11, the 10th anniversary of the catastrophe of 9-11-01, with many of us pushing the limits of our “comfort zone”.

    We started at 7:30 AM at the Governor’s 9/11 Remembrance ceremonies on the State Capitol lawn. This was an impressive event, complete with Congressmen, a “ground zero” FBI agent, police officers, firefighters, military officers and other dignitaries.

    International opera singer Simon Estes led the crowd, estimated at over 300, in “God Bless America”, followed by 21-gun salutes that signified the WTC, Pentagon and Pennsylvania events, and punctuated by a military jet fly-over.

    The two of us made a peaceful presence by displaying a large Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth banner during and after the ceremonies. We distributed handout materials to many onlookers, including Iowa Governor Branstad himself. We were received politely and were much relieved and satisfied after our first such endeavor.A larger turnout of ten group members participated in a similar action at 1 PM at the Des Moines Mayor’s ceremony in Gateway Park. The Des Moines Police Chief, Fire Chief, National Guard Commander and other officials added their comments to those of Mayor Cownie before an audience that included Congressman Boswell, impressive lines of police officers and fire fighters, a horse-mounted police trio and a small crowd of citizens.


    As the Field of Flags represented those who died on 9/11, Iowa activists Jeff Timerman and Brett Tierney represented the truth of what happened on 9/11

    Then a few of us took our banner to the “Field of Flags” display on the North Statehouse Lawn, where American Flags had been placed to represent each of the 9/11 victims. What could have been merely a quick “photo op” morphed into very enlightening conversations with interested people that lasted over an hour.At 3 PM, we converged on the Varsity Theater across from Drake University to prepare for our 4 PM free premiere screening of the new AE911Truth documentary, 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out. While some of us displayed our banner and distributed AE911Truth brochures and screening invitations on the nearby street corner, others manned our table, distributing free DVDs, the 9/11 Investigator broadsheet newspaper and other materials, and greeted attendees as they entered the theater. More than 100 people attended the premiere, most of whom were “blown away” by the film, and we received many compliments for providing it. I distributed more than 200 other DVDs and many other free materials at this event, and we gratefully received enough donations to cover our expenses. While physically and emotionally draining, the day’s activities were very satisfying and educational for many of us. We were inspired and energized to step up our efforts of spreading the knowledge about this most critical quest for 9/11 Truth.