How People newspaper jumped on the handling Washington Post / 11 září September |
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Saturday, 13 March 2010 00:00 | |||
From Google Translated page: Since autumn last year ruled in Japan after the first fifty years of opposition and with the ambition of at least partial straightening relations with the United States, the issues are, inter alia, the U.S. military base (less than 50tisíc men) and geopolitical priorities in the Asia-Pacific region. Yukihisa Fujita, influential member of the upper chamber for the Japanese government's Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), director of the Foreign Section of the previous official request granted 3rd března tohoto roku Lee Hockstaderovi z amerického listu The Washington Post o poskytnutí rozhovoru na domluvené téma imigračních trendů. March this year, Lee Hockstaderovi from the U.S. newspaper The Washington Post to provide the arranged interview on the topic of immigration trends. Interview se též účastnily lidé z Japonského zahraničního tiskového střediska a tento byl nahráván, píše z hlubin kyberprostoru čtenářka, která se představila jako "Sylvania Oddio" . Interview also involved people from the Japan Foreign Press Center and this was recorded, writes a reader from the depths of cyberspace, which is introduced as "Sylvania Oddio".