VIDEO: 9/11 Truth Movement Fights for Freedom of Speech in Canada: ReThink911 Ads Controversy in Ottawa |
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Written by Global Research News | |||
Friday, 13 December 2013 01:07 | |||
Reposted by permission from Global Research News
Global Research, November 25, 2013
Transit Commission Chair and City Councillor Diane Deans called these ads “insensitive” and proposed to review OC Transpo’s advertising policy: “Ms. Deans called the ads ‘insensitive’ and apparently believes that the ads violate standards of community acceptability. Ms. Deans did not change her position or apologize when it was made clear that the ads were sponsored in part by 9/11 victims’ family members”. (Statement: Ottawa’s Transit Advertising Policy and the December Ad Campaign in Canada) On November 20, members of the 911 Truth Movement asserted their right to free speech before the Transit Commission. Speaking on behalf of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Isabelle Beenen told the commissioners: Should such an activity be blocked because some in our society are uncomfortable about the implications of this building being brought down by controlled demolition? The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms says “no,” our right to share this information respectfully – as we have done – is protected. A statement was also read on behalf of Robert McIlvaine who lost his son on 9/11. He clearly states that the 9/11 Truth Movement and the ReThink ads are not disrespectful to the families of the victims. In fact, it is quite the opposite: I attended the great majority of the [9/11] Commission hearings. I felt that the Commissioners were condescending and obsequious. They never asked the hard questions that the family members requested… The Rethink 9-11 campaign is merely asking the world to take another look at the facts of that day. To state that these ads do an injustice to the 9-11 families is horribly wrong and misguided. We families need to find the truth. (See all the complete statements below.) The commissioners voted in favor of a review of the advertising policy even though a councilor and lawyer said that offensive or disturbing (to children) ads could be removed by the authority, but the ReThink911 ads were nowhere near the legal test for this. There will be a new round of ads running in December. It comes as no surprise that the ReThink911 ads are portrayed as “conspiracy theories” by the mainstream media. David Reevely from the Ottawa Citizen even took the liberty of putting this propagandist term in the activists’ mouths: “New ads promoting conspiracy theories about the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings on Sept. 11, 2001, are coming to buses in December, activists told Ottawa’s transit commission Wednesday.” (David Reevely, Fresh 9/11 ads coming to OC Transpo buses amid review of advertising policy, Ottawa Citizen, November 20, 2013) If you read all the activists’ statements below carefully, you will clearly see that none of the “activists told Ottawa’s transit commission” that “(n)ew ads promoting conspiracy theories” were coming to a bus near you. Another deplorable example of the sadly biased state of the mainstream media, discrediting honest citizens fighting for a new independent investigation on the tragic events of 9/11. You will find all the transcripts of the statement below, as well as a video of the activists appearing before the commission. ReThink911 at the Ottawa Transit Commission
StatementsIsabelle Beenen This statement is from the organization Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, the sponsor of the ReThink911 ads: ReThink911 is a global public awareness campaign launched on September 1, 2013 to educate the public and galvanize support for a new investigation into the events of 9/11. In September the ReThink911 campaign ran ads on 300 buses in Ottawa asking riders the simple question: “Did you know a third tower fell on 9/11?” This question was in reference to the 47-story World Trade Center Building 7, which collapsed suddenly, symmetrically, and at free-fall acceleration into its own footprint at 5:20pm on 9/11. When you watch this video, it is not difficult to understand why more than 2,000 architects and engineers signed the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth petition calling for a new investigation into this building’s destruction. It is also not difficult to understand why 51% of Canadians who watched this same 30-second video said that they suspect the building’s collapse was caused by controlled demolition, and only 18% suspected it was caused by fires, which is what the U.S. government tells us. Unfortunately, still to this day, millions of people around the world are not aware of the collapse of Building 7, let alone have they seen it. The goal of ReThink911 is to make this information widely known by running advertisements in cities around the world, encouraging the public to look at the evidence, and decide for themselves. Should such an activity be blocked because some in our society are uncomfortable about the implications of this building being brought down by controlled demolition? The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms says “no,” our right to share this information respectfully – as we have done – is protected. And so we continue onwards. Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is pleased to announce that we are launching a second round of ReThink911 ads in Ottawa and Toronto this December to raise further awareness of the collapse of Building 7. Starting the first week of December, thanks to the generosity and commitment of hundreds of supporters, ReThink911 ads will be seen on the backs of dozens of buses in Ottawa and inside hundreds of subway cars and buses in Toronto, featuring a new question: “Have you seen the video of World Trade Center 7’s collapse? 51% of Canadians who see it suspect it was a controlled demolition.” AE911Truth’s ongoing efforts to raise awareness are dedicated to the victims, families and all others throughout the world affected by the tragic events of September 11, 2001 and its aftermath. We ask for your support in helping to bring about a future of peace and justice, based on a solid foundation of truth. Statement read on behalf of Mr. Bob McIlvaine, who lives in Philadelphia and could not be here today. Mr. McIlvaine lost his son on 9/11 at the World Trade Center:
My son, Bobby, age 26, a Princeton graduate and employee of Merrill Lynch, died in New York City on September 11, 2001. Like most of the world, I believed that Osama Bin Laden and a group called Al Qaeda perpetrated these horrible acts. But as time went on, I began to think differently. I attended the great majority of the Commission hearings. I felt that the Commissioners were condescending and obsequious. They never asked the hard questions that the family members requested. Finally, after the hearings ended, the Commissioners admitted that the hearings were compromised. They even admitted that they knew Pentagon officials lied. Commissioner Richard Ben Veniste stated, “The hearings were an exposition and not an investigation.” Max Cleland, another Commissioner, quit the 9/11 Commission, stating that it was “nothing but a sham.” Hundreds of family members agree with this assessment. We have never had an investigation and it is time that we had one. The Rethink 9-11 campaign is merely asking the world to take another look at the facts of that day. To state that these ads do an injustice to the 9-11 families is horribly wrong and misguided. We families need to find the truth. Thank you. Robert McILvaine David Long 911 Justice Canada Honourable transit commission members, My name is David Long. I’m a 9/11 survivor. (I am here today to speak on behalf of myself and Bob McIlvaine, who lost his son Bobby McIlvaine on 9/11.) In 1999, I moved from Ottawa to the United States and was at Merrill Lynch in New York City by 2001. Bobby McIlvaine was also an employee of Merrill Lynch. On that morning I left the subway at Fulton and was about to go between WTC1 and 2. I stopped on Fulton and if I hadn’t I would probably be dead. The first explosion blew out the back side of WTC 1 and scattered debris widely. I felt the heat from the second explosion. I could see molten metal coming out of the towers. This looked very peculiar and these fires burned for weeks after. The smell was like burnt plastic and dead bodies. I didn’t understand what that was until AE911Truth explained it. These were not natural burning fires, but highly engineered incendiaries containing their own source of oxygen. From that point, I had doubts about the official story. There were huge explosions and many of them. The first one felt like an earthquake. As the towers collapsed there were sounds of many massive explosions. Ms. Deans and respected committee members, the ad policies are fine as they stand. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms gives me the right to speak freely about what I saw and heard on 9/11, just as it gives the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and the ReThink911 campaign the right to share information about what happened on 9/11. Therefore, in the spirit of this brave and important campaign, I stand with Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, with Bob McIlvaine, father of Bobby McIlvaine – one of my co-workers killed during the attacks, my fellow New Yorkers and our many supporters here in Ottawa. We ask you to ReThink911.