Recent Successes and Upcoming Events |
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Written by Rich Caragol, Architect | ||||||||||||||
Sunday, 05 December 2010 01:46 | ||||||||||||||
Richard Gage, AIA, presents at Sonoma State University,
On the stormy eve of November 9, Richard Gage, AIA, presented “9/11: Blueprint for Truth – The Architecture of Destruction” at one of his alma mater(s), Sonoma State University in Rohnert Park, CA. The event was hosted by Project Censored, an organization that since 1976 has published an anthology of 25 of the most censored newsworthy articles of the year, highlighting significant issues that the corporate media has avoided. Project Censored Director and event organizer Mickey Huff commented, “Though we are not a 9/11-centric organization, we at Project Censored believe the more recent scientific publications and research on problems surrounding the events of 9/11 are significant and should be part of the dialogue about controversial issues that should be a focus of any free press system. Richard Gage and the architects and engineers he represents are doing very important work exposing major flaws in the official accounting of the 9/11 tragedy in NYC. Based on their expertise, Gage and over 1300 A/E’s are demanding a new, transparent, scientific investigation based on all the available evidence. The fact that such stories have been mostly ignored by corporate mainstream media, or not taken seriously, is why Gage’s work is highlighted in story #14 by Shawn Hamilton of the top 25 in “Censored 2011” this year. As with all our stories each year, we hope this crucial subject makes its way into the public eye for serious consideration. Project Censored now has over 30 college and university affiliates contributing on its expanding website. Recently Project Censored itself has been censored by so-called “alternative” publications over its coverage of 9/11 Truth.” The stormy Sonoma night did not preclude a great turnout of 117, including two architects and five engineers. At the beginning and end of the presentation, Mr. Gage asked for a show of hands to indicate the level of awareness in the audience and their opinion about the cause of the World Trade Center’s destruction. 12 people were initially unaware of WTC 7. Beforehand, 5 believed that fires and jet plane impacts brought the Twin Towers down. Afterward zero did. Beforehand 45 attendees were uncertain about the cause of the WTC skyscrapers’ destruction; only 11 were still unsure after the presentation. It is increasingly apparent that many of those who have not been exposed to AE911Truth’s evidence revise their beliefs to accept what may have seemed unbelievable: that the “Official Story,” one that many continue to believe, is false. Our mission is to continue to disseminate the scientific evidence in the quest of truth and justice. “We Are Change – Las Vegas” Paves the Way for AE911Truth
Although what happens in Vegas should normally stay in Vegas, the presentation by Richard Gage, AIA, hosted by We Are Change – Las Vegas was a notable exception. On November 20, 2010, in the grand Palace Station Hotel, Mr. Gage presented 9/11: Blueprint for Truth – The Architecture of Destruction amidst the glitz and libation of the Las Vegas Strip. Gage discussed the scientific forensic evidence in a large ballroom to an audience of 175, including three architects, five engineers, and four police officers. AE911Truth events prove over and over again to provide important assistance to local activist groups’ energy and activities as their members are invigorated to join us in our mission of raising awareness of the evidence in the destruction of the WTC skyscrapers. And we in turn are re-inspired by their efforts. We owe a very special thanks to the WAC–LV volunteer team, Jim, Steve, Marvin, Dave, Joe, Daniel, Danielle, and the dozen others who tirelessly distributed our leafleting materials, promoting in advance of this successful event. Also to Bill “Billybones” Glasberg, a fearless local WAC–LV activist who faithfully distributes AE911Truth DVDs on Las Vegas street corners. Check out his local Las Vegas deli, “Brooklyn Billy’s.” Support WAC–LV and have an awesome sandwich.
Jim Duensing, organizer for the event, is a Las Vegas attorney, a former Nevada Congressional Candidate, founder of the Libertarian 9/11 Truth Caucus, and Libertarians for Justice. Mr. Duensing remarked, “‘We Are Change Las Vegas’ was excited to welcome architect Richard Gage, AIA. Mr. Gage’s presentation was well researched and presented the audience with the irrefutable physical evidence left behind after the destruction of these buildings.” Gage was joined by AE911Truth petition signer Steve Dusterwald, P.E., an active AE911Truth volunteer and 37-year registered structural engineer practicing in Las Vegas. Steve has been of significant assistance in similar events, most recently in Washington DC at the National Press Club on September 9. Dusterwald stood alongside Gage, lending his structural expertise, answering many technical questions, adding yet more credibility to the presentation. Steve offered an analogy about the simultaneous failure of the columns in the WTC 7 symmetrical collapse that got the ears of the participants. “It’s like sending out 100 lumberjacks into the forest, instructing them to cut down trees and having them all fall instantaneously and exactly at the same time despite the many variables.” Important questions and answers followed the presentation where participants shared their personal experiences and concerns. At the typical “show of hands,” 12 were initially unaware of Building 7. Ten initially believed the skyscrapers were destroyed by jet planes and fire and only one after. Twenty-four were initially unsure, and only three were afterward. Another AE911Truth: live entertainment by pianist, piano tuner, and completely dedicated WAC–LV 9/11 activist, Mr. John Niems who writes the 9/11 truth songs that thousands may all be singing soon.
Mr. Gage arrived with 97 pounds of AE911Truth postcards, leaflets, DVDs, books, and T-shirts, placing more DVDs into the hands of the Las Vegas participants than at any other previous event. He returned almost empty-handed. If you didn’t get yours then be sure to visit our online store. AE911Truth’s traveling presentations are paramount in our mission to disseminate the scientific evidence. We ask for your financial support to pursue this mission via our many ongoing projects. If you are already a financial supporter, we thank you! If not, please join the family of sustaining supporters now at AE911Truth.org and set up a monthly donation that fits, with perhaps a bit of a stretch, into your family’s budget. Diablo Valley College
On November 3, Richard Gage, AIA, was the guest lecturer at Diablo Valley College, where he presented to two separate classes – a total of 52 attendees. Mickey Huff, Associate Professor of History and director of Project Censored, organized the event and handed over his classes to AE911Truth. Following the presentation, Gage opened the floor to questions and, once again, the “show of hands.” Of the 52 attendees, initially 7 believed that plane impacts and fires were responsible; afterward no one believed. Initially, 35 were unsure about the cause of the destruction; afterward only 15 were unsure.
Several attendees were so impacted by hearing the facts about the destruction of all three World Center skyscrapers that they signed up to volunteer. While these volunteers are local to our headquarters, we also seek help from those afar. Our volunteers are spread out over the US, Canada, and Europe providing much-needed assistance. Please sign our petition and join our family of supporters. Upcoming Events Meet Richard Gage, AIA, Up Close and Personal
Sunday, December 5, 2010 Please join Gage on Paltalk this month and every month on the first Sunday at 6pm. Prepare your questions and comments and chat with him and other 9/11 activists. Invite your friends, family and colleagues. This is a free venue.
Move over Jesse Ventura! Richard Syrett’s new TV program, “The Conspiracy Show” will be your Canadian competition. And Richard Gage, AIA, was recently filmed by the show’s producers for a February TV airing. Mr. Syrett has been producing fresh, compelling, and provocative talk radio in Toronto, North America’s fourth largest market, for nearly 20 years. Originally, the show aired on Toronto’s 740 am radio, and is now moving to a major TV production. In the last two years, Syrett has hosted Gage for two separate two-hour live radio debates with explosives expert Ron Craig. Richard Gage, AIA, in a New Video Interview by Conscious Media Network
Mr. Gage was recently interviewed by Conscious Media Network and discussed the scientific forensic evidence revealing that the official conspiracy theory is most definitely baseless. CMN’s mission is to expose hidden or little-understood truths to the public on a broad array of topics. In a recent interview CMN founder Regina Meredith commented, “We consider the truth of the events surrounding September 11, 2001 as perhaps the most urgent political and ethical issue of our lifetime. While most Americans have allowed 9/11 to slip from their consciousness, having been replaced by a contorted, sound-bite version of this devastating time in history, AE911Truth has shown an unceasing commitment to bringing forward the evidence that shows what really caused the collapse of the three WTC buildings. We applaud their courage and clarity of vision in asking that criminal investigations be instigated into what appears to be one the greatest crimes of the last century – the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center buildings.” The Gage interview is available now to watch at the CMN website. You can watch it without cost by signing up for a free three-day membership at the Conscious Media Network website (only your email address is required). Schedule Changes
Mr. Gage’s appearance on “Dialog,” China’s premier TV news program, has been postponed to some time in March of of next year. With its following of 50 million people, this appearance will provide AE911Truth with a venue from which to reach an audience of unprecedented size with the facts about the WTC’s destruction. With the visit to China would come several speaking events, including in the cities of Beijing, Hong Kong, and Shanghai. Check our website for the latest info.
Richard Gage, AIA, was invited to present at the Toronto World Truth Conference in January 2011, but they have postponed their conference to a time yet undetermined.