Monday, 23 August 2010 00:00 |
Action #1 Let’s meet together with your Congress member in Washington DC:
We feel that it is essential that we present the simple scientific evidence of the destruction of the 3 WTC skyscrapers to every Congress member and Senator – and maximize our presence in Washington DC this year. We must place 9/11 accountability onto Congress. So, our overall goal this fall is to generate closer relationships with science-qualified advisors. This way we are in a position to move forward if and when a “standard bearer” comes forward. The AE911Truth staff and I will be joining you with your Congress member and/or his/her science advisor on September 7 or 8. Are you willing and able to make an appointment with the office of your Congress member or senator in Washington DC on those dates? We will visit them with you and give the presentation for you. Maybe you are within driving distance of Washington DC – or would like to fly in to meet with us and your representative. Last year we met with 20 staffers and one Congressman and it was very productive. Congressman Jim Himes of Connecticut actually wrote NIST a letter asking them “What about the nano-thermite?”
Here are the simple steps to take:
1. Call and ask for a 20 minute appointment with your representative in Washington DC on either September 7 or 8. Ask for an appointment (at the top of the hour if possible) with a technically qualified advisor or with the representative directly, if possible. 2. Email us at
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and let us know the Congress member’s name, the appointment date and time, office building name, and room number. Also give us all of your contact and other important information – especially your mobile phone number. We must coordinate so that we don’t have several meetings for the same time or office. 3. Show up, dressed for success, 30 minutes early, outside of the office of the legislator. We’ll meet you there and review the agenda. 4. We will then proceed to their office and present live the 15 minute slideshow of evidence for WTC 7, and request appropriate follow-up. We will also invite them to the major AE911Truth press conference and debate at the National Press Club on September 9.
Thank you for considering coming to DC with us. We do hope to have another 20 appointments this year. Every step we take forward in our capital is another dent in the wall of official denial. While we don’t expect immediate results from them we must establish for the record that we have fully informed them. We will indeed keep an accurate record of the reactions of all members of Congress who have been visited and/or have been provided the explosive evidence in “9/11: Blueprint for Truth”.
Let us know if you would like to participate.
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