Tour of Historic New England |
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Written by Laurel Burik | |||
Friday, 23 October 2009 00:00 | |||
Richard Gage, AIA, representing the nearly one-thousand-strong architects and engineers with AE911Truth, recently returned from another successful presentation tour – this time in colorful New England.
Seacoast 9-11 Questions Group of Portsmouth sponsored the event, at which 90 people were in attendance, including two architects and eleven engineers. Mr. Gage applauds the great efforts of William Woodward of the Seacoast 9-11 Questions Group for his tenacious efforts to galvanize people, including walking into a local architect's convention and flyering everyone there on the event, and sending out announcements to 120 architects and 80 engineers from three states within a 50-mile radius. Five people had never heard of WTC Building 7, the 47-story steel skyscraper that fell into its own footprint at freefall acceleration at 5:20 pm, ostensibly, according to NIST, due to normal office fires. A show of hands at the onset of the presentation indicated five people believed the official story that plane impacts and jet-fuel-ignited office fires brought down the twin towers. Twenty-five people were unsure of the cause. As has been the case time after time, the science-based facts presented by AE911Truth proved once again — logic and science win out over the official conspiracy theory. After the presentation, not a single attendee remained convinced that the official story we have been told is true, and only three people were left unsure. Several people were eager to sign the AE petition. The following morning two dozen people attended a potluck strategy session held in a turn-of-the-century home, where Mr. Gage made his famous oatmeal for the group and enjoyed his first-ever popover, remarking that the delectable pastry reminded him of NIST's theory on the destruction of Building 7 — an easily swallowed, hollow puff piece. After the strategy session, which included the topic of how to get local architects and engineers involved in the efforts of AE 911Truth, Mr. Gage took a relaxing two hour drive through the forests of New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts, enjoying the beautiful Fall colors at their peak, to arrive at his next destination, the First Churches of Northhampton, MA. A big thank you goes out to Dave Caputo and Mark Baven, leaders of theValley 911 Truth group, who organized the event, which was covered by WWLP-22 News. 151 people attended the presentation of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth — The Architecture of Destruction, and a hand count revealed seven people believed the official story and forty-five people were unsure of their beliefs. Upon the conclusion of the presentation, only one person remained firm in their belief in the official story, and only two people were unsure. The event garnered several new volunteers for AE911Truth in addition to strengthening the participation of the local truth groups. Another historic church, Northampton First (Congregational) Church, was completed June 18, 1661. It was organized as the First Parish in 1826. A number of famous ministers served during the 17th and early 18th centuries, including Rev. Solomon Stoddard and his grandson, Rev. Jonathan Edwards. Edwards is still probably one of the most famous ministers in the history of America, and is widely acknowledged to be America's most important and original philosophical theologian, and one of America's greatest intellectuals. (Of course, David Ray Griffin wasn't around back then.) Edwards was fascinated by the discoveries of Isaac Newton and other scientists of his age. If only NIST would find Sir Isaac's laws of physics as compelling. An interesting factoid for those readers weighing the wisdom of obtaining a swine-flu shot: In 1757, on the death of the Reverend Aaron Burr, who five years before had married Edwards' daughter Esther and was the father of future US vice-president Aaron Burr, Edwards reluctantly agreed to replace his late son-in-law as the president of the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University), where he was installed on February 16, 1758.
Greater Boston Alliance for 9/11 Truth & Justice and OpenChange sponsored the event. The live webcast continued at the strategy meeting following the event, where three dozen truth activists discussed strategy, including how to contact every architect, engineer, politician, and others in the New England area, and how to get a real investigation, per the request of the victims of 9/11 family members. Gage was also interviewed by WERS Emerson College Radio in the midst of the strategy meeting.