AE911Truth – Recent Successes |
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Written by CCP User | |||
Sunday, 08 November 2009 00:00 | |||
As public demand grows, AE911Truth is receiving mounting requests for appearances, coast to coast as well as internationally. Last month was no exception.
As always, Mr. Gage began with a show of hands prior to his presentation. Thirty-one attendees were present for the initial show of hands, in which Mr. Gage asked specifically about the destruction of the Twin Towers. Seventeen believed the official explanation of collapse due to plane impacts and fire, eight were unsure, and only six agreed with the explosive demolition hypothesis. After Mr. Gage's WTC 7 presentation, in which he discussed such evidence as freefall acceleration, molten metal, iron spheres and evidence of nanothermite in the dust, a second show of hands produced seven individuals who still believed in the official story, twelve who were unsure, and nine who agreed with the evidence for controlled demolition. While the two polls in this situation were about two different sets of buildings (the Twin Towers vs. Building 7), they nevertheless indicated a marked move toward agreement with the explosive evidence presented. Evidently, three people either did not vote or left prior to this second count.
Packed into his presentation were comparisons of science vs. pseudo-science. Ironically, he made reference to the experiments done by the Energetic Materials Research and Training Center (EMRTC), a research division of New Mexico Tech, which performs testing of high explosives, bombs, and other munitions, on behalf of the National Geographic Channel (NGC). Too few of the general public are aware that an entire hour's worth of evidence for controlled demolition presented to NGC by Mr. Gage, as highlighted in the DVD 9/11: Blueprint for Truth, was never aired nor addressed in the two-hour long "hit piece." Mr. Thomas also referred to an obscure paper by Ramon Gilsanz, P.E., S.E., published in the November 2007 edition of Structure Magazine, titled Single Point of Failure. Interestingly, Mr. Gilsanz was involved in the cleanup at Ground Zero, the selection of WTC steel remnants for analysis, the ASCE-FEMA WTC report, and the subsequent NIST report. While Gilsanz's paper was published nearly ten months prior to NIST's final draft report on Building 7, it contains the same theory of failure of a single column. Mr. Gage was struck by the fact that Mr. Thomas used this paper, rather than refer to NIST's final report of November 2008, in which the issue of freefall was admitted after Dr. Sunder was cornered by David Chandler of AE911Truth. After the subsequent 20-minute Q&A session, Dave Thomas, of the opposing view, initiated a final show of hands to determine the consensus regarding the Twin Towers, which resulted in the following: sixteen believed in the official story, eight were unsure and six agreed with the evidence for controlled demolition. The result of this poll reflects the fact that Mr. Gage did not have enough time to present the evidence of the Twin Towers' destruction, rendering the final poll somewhat irrelevant. In addition, three people walked into the room during the Q&A period, completely uninformed, and yet were allowed to vote (and they voted for the official explanation). Normally 85 - 90% of technical and lay audiences move toward agreement with the controlled demolition hypothesis. After the event, Gage gave Romero and Thomas a copy of the nanothermite paper, the 29 Structural/Civil Engineers paper, and a 9/11: Blueprint for Truth DVD. In a follow-up communication, Mr. Thomas has tentatively agreed to a formal debate with Mr. Gage, which may be televised on public TV in March of 2010. AE911Truth is delighted that a degreed technical professional such as Mr. Thomas is willing to debate the issue. AE911Truth will require that such debates focus on the evidence for and against controlled demolition, that the opponent be a qualified technical professional, such as Mr. Thomas, and that our opponents be familiar with the evidence for controlled demolition as well as the NIST final report on Building 7.
During the Q&A, the debunker asked good questions, but claimed AE911Truth was completely refuted by National Geographic Channel, a claim that those in the know find somewhat amusing, considering that NGC was provided copious amounts of rock-solid evidence by Mr. Gage, yet they chose to show none of it in their two-hour presentation. Mr. Gage patiently explained why the experiments were not relevant, and mentioned that NGC is 60% owned by Fox Cable Network. The AE911Truth Midwest Regional Strategy Meeting commenced afterward, which about half the audience attended. Mr. Gage provided a live interview to a journalist from the JCCC school newspaper, The Ledger. It was encouraging to see such a turnout at both the speaking event and the strategy session, in the heartland of America.