Sponsor an Architect or Engineer! Buy the A/E's Lunch and feed them the 9/11 Truth!
Every sandwich we put in front of an Architect or Engineer also feeds them the 9/11 truth – that is, the solid evidence of controlled demolition in our 1 hour multimedia PowerPoint presentation. Remember our AE911Truth Mission: to bring the truth about the destruction of all 3 WTC skyscrapers on 9/11 to every architect and engineer in the S.F. Bay Area and beyond. Here’s how we do it:
1. We offer to bring to the A/E firm our fascinating technical presentation on the destruction of the WTC skyscrapers. (This ensures their presence.)
2. We bring a good lunch and give the noon-hour presentation – sticking to the technical points.
3. We usually get about 100% who agree with us that there are very serious questions about the official story.
4. And we get about 90% who agree with us that the buildings were indeed brought down by controlled demolition.
5. Of those, about 70 to 80% feel comfortable enough joining us by signing our petition "calling upon Congress for a truly independent investigation into the destruction of the 3 WTC skyscrapers". (That's all there is to joining AE911Truth!)
6. This is the process we have used to attract our supporters — and its success is proven because the evidence itself is solid and convincing.
7. All that is ask of you is that you buy a sandwich for an architect or engineer! We'll do the rest! This gives you tremendous leverage to expand the 9/11 Truth Movement with those that will make the most impact — the building professionals!
Here are the simple options:
If you would prefer to write a check for your donation please mail a check payable to AE911Truth to:
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth 2342 Shattuck Ave., Suite 189 Berkeley, CA 94704
Thank you very much for you support of the 9/11 Truth!
Richard Gage, AIA
Or, you may use your credit card or Paypal:
Take an Architect or Engineer to Lunch! |
Take a few A/E's out to Lunch! |
Take a small A/E firm to Lunch! |
Take a medium A/E firm to Lunch! |
Take a large A/E firm to lunch! |
Take any size A/E firm to lunch! |
Also, you can bring AE911Truth to your city to speak to your Architects & Engineers!

Our promise to you: Your donation will only be used accomplish our Mission: to bring the truth about the destruction of all 3 WTC skyscrapers on 9/11 to every architect and engineer in the S.F. Bay Area – and beyond.
"Note:AE911Truth is an IRS approved 501(c)3 tax exempt non–profit corporation. Your donations are tax deductible."