NPR's Neal Conan, Talk of the Nation, Censors Talks We Should Have
Editor's note: NPR host Neal Conan's censorship of discussion about WTC Building 7 is only the latest example of media outlets suppressing information about the explosive 9/11 evidence. We applaud the author of this report for bringing this issue to the attention of the public. Watch Architects and Engineers: Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 to learn more about the destruction of this 47-story skyscraper.
During Thursday’s final broadcast of NPR’s Talk of the Nation, outgoing host Neal Conan hung up on a caller from Florida who questioned the U.S. Government’s official explanation for the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 on September 11, 2001. Conan retired yesterday after 36 years with NPR after dismissing a caller’s concerns as “scientific nonsense”. But was he really saying that we can’t discuss 9/11 any further? The on-air confrontation transpired during a segment of the program called “What’s The Talk Of Your Nation”, during which callers are invited to share what they are talking about during everyday life in America.