Team Canada Successfully Completes AE911Truth Nationwide Tour Drucken
Geschrieben von: Mike Bondi, PEng   
Montag, den 30. April 2012 um 19:48 Uhr
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12-City Tour Brings Explosive Evidence to Audiences Across Canada

Canada Tour 2012

AE911Truth Founder Richard Gage, AIA, recently completed a very successful cross-Canada tour, visiting 12 cities in eight provinces and speaking to a combined audience of 1,300 people. Another 50 times that many were reached by radio and cable TV.

The unprecedented two-week tour started on March 24 in Vancouver and ended on April 7 in Montreal. It was organized by volunteers all across the country and led by James MacDonald, David Long and others, with support from lead AE911Truth coordinator Wayne Coste.  The tour was done to support the strategic campaign by 9/11 Justice Canada to submit a new Petition to the Canadian Parliament, demanding an official investigation of the WTC catastrophe on 9/11/01.

Vancouver – March 24 – Denman Plaza Theater

The Canadian tour began in Vancouver, British Columbia, where Gage took to the street with Vancouver 9/11 Truth Society members as they handed out flyers and educated people about the explosive 9/11 evidence. At the Denman Theater, the 30+ video clips of evidence and eyewitness testimony from 9/11: Blueprint for Truth convinced all but two attendees about the evidence for controlled demolition at the WTC.  

Special thanks to local event coordinators James MacDonald, Darren McPerson, Gery Warner, and the many others for the hard work in putting together the initial Vancouver presentation!

The ferry ride to the next stop on the tour, Victoria, the capital of British Columbia, is a piece of heaven that should be reserved for those who care enough about Canada’s remaining civil liberties to speak the truth about 9/11.  

OCT before
OCT after
Unsure before
Unsure after
Vancouver, BC 113 3 2 6 0
Victoria, BC 135 2 1 17 2
Calgary, AB 45 2 1 6 0
Lethbridge, AB 15 4 0 9 10
Lethbridge, AB 22 1 0 11 7
Edmonton, AB 87  1 0 30 3
Winnipeg, MB  149 5 0 44 21
Saskatoon, SK  19 1 1 3 0
Ottawa, ON  150 3 0 5 3
Toronto, ON 86 2 1 12 6
Moncton, NB  297 6 0 51 1
Halifax, NS 74 2 1 19 1
Montreal, QB 60 1 1 7 0
The survey numbers reveal that more than 75% of those who either believed, or who were unsure of, the official conspiracy theory (OCT) of how the Twin Towers were destroyed on 9/11, were moved from their former positions. This is not due to the persuasive power of AE911Truth presenters; the WTC evidence speaks for itself. Then they must grapple with its implications – a mammoth task that most of us are still struggling with.


Victoria – March 26 –  Alix Goolden Performance Hall

Gage spoke in Victoria in the evening of Monday, March 26th. The event was hosted by the Victoria 9/11 truth group coordinated by engineer Brian Burchill and writer Elizabeth Woodworth of along with WeAreChange Victoria and held in the historic Victoria Conservatory of Music's Alix Goolden Performance Hall.

This respected venue has attracted people to many previous 9/11 truth events.  136 tickets were sold. According to organizer Elizabeth Woodworth, “The AE911Truth presentation was exceptional:  clear, compelling, and up-to-the-minute with new information. The section on nanothermite was particularly thorough – yet understandable.” The question-and-answer period included a brief introduction to the 9/11 Consensus Panel by Woodworth, co-founder of the Panel along with Dr. David Ray Griffin, and Burchill.

While in Victoria, Gage was interviewed by a local cable TV station.  (Watch for his interview with host Jack Etkin on Face-to-Face, soon to be coming to YouTube.) Another organizer, Larry Wartel noted, “Mr. Gage's unswerving commitment to keep to the science makes his presentation a profoundly compelling defense of the controlled demolition hypothesis. Any thinking person cannot but leave knowing that a genuine investigation of the 9/11 event has not been performed.”

Calgary – March 27

On March 27, Gage landed in Calgary, Alberta. After a quick trip from the airport to the venue for setup, the presentation was given to about 45 people in attendance. Organizer Michelle Robinson remarked, “We had some feedback from someone who posted on Facebook telling us that her boss and his wife went to the presentation not knowing much about 9/11 other than the official story and left feeling ‘much more aware of why people want an independent investigation into 9/11’.” Following the presentation, the group headed out for more discussion at Boston Pizza. Robinson says “It was great to hear Mr. Gage talk freely about 9/11 and other topics that he does not discuss publicly. His presence motivated several new activists!”

Lethbridge – March 28 – University of Lethbridge

The University of Lethbridge paid for and hosted Gage’s speech at Prof. Anthony Hall’s Globalization Studies class. The implications for the Globalization Studies class and the Liberal Arts class to discuss following the concise 60-minute pair of presentations were profound.  Students asked:  “Who would have done this?”  “Why would anyone do such a thing?”  “How did they get away with it?” 

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth) presents the evidence that warrants a new investigation.   It is the task of an unimpeachable forensic investigation to begin to answer such questions especially as it leads into a full-fledged criminal investigation of the crime scene evidence.  Follow the story with video on Press TV.

Edmonton – March 30 – Stanley A. Milner Library Theatre

At 7:00 PM, Gage, stepped onto the stage of the Stanley A. Milner Library's main theatre next to Sir Winston Churchill Square and neighboring City Hall, Art Gallery of Alberta,  CBC Edmonton, the Citadel Theatre and the Francis Winspear Centre for Music. All of these buildings are within a few meters' walking distance and are all connected by a maze of underground pedways, LRT trains, aboveground cafes, hotels and restaurants. This is the hub of the Capital City's arts, outdoor festivals, law courts, corporate offices, and government buildings.

The Edmonton library theater provided the classy atmosphere befitting the examination of forensic evidence that would prove that Canadians have been lied to as well by the official story of 9/11

It's also the centre for weekly protests and rallies where the people of Edmonton gather to voice their grievances, exercising their freedom of speech and their right to assemble, guaranteed by Canada's Bill of Rights. It was in Churchill Square that Dr. Niels Harrit and his wife Pernille Grumme joined Doug Brinkman last February 2011 during a Libyan rally to invite the protesters to join Niels at the Milner library for his presentation that challenged the official 9/11 story. 

Inspired by the groundbreaking Vancouver 9/11 Truth conference held in June of 2007, Brinkman returned to Edmonton. Over the next five years, along with many friends and supporters of 9/11 Truth, he organized three conferences and film screenings at this same library location. Across the street and around Edmonton, activists gave away thousands of free 9/11: Blueprint for Truth DVDs via monthly (and sometimes weekly) "Civil Information" actions during festivals, outdoor markets, protests and rallies. Even during yearly New Year's Eve celebrations in below-freezing temperatures at Churchill Square, we were there sharing 9/11 Truth, getting the latest news and information into the hands of Edmontonians. Doug and friends brought their civil actions anywhere the crowds gathered throughout the year in Edmonton. Venues included farmer's markets, folk festivals, parades, Heritage Days at Hawrelak Park, Fringe Festivals, the Alberta Legislature grounds, and busy Whyte Avenue and downtown street corners. Every municipal, provincial and federal representative in government received AE911Truth material. Laurie Hawn, Conservative MP for Edmonton Centre, said after viewing Gage's 9/11: Blueprint For Truth, "It raises questions." (He later added that he is "not a conspiracy theorist.")

The Edmonton AE911Truth Action Group has an activist spirit unparalleled in Canada

Doug's goal after attending the Vancouver conference was to take DVDs of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth, reproduced by Dr. Joe Hawkins, and follow the example set by him and other 9/11 activists in Winnipeg by sharing that Manitoba University presentation with as many Edmontonians as possible. Throughout the years, as AE911Truth expanded with its online activist store, we added to our arsenal of truth materials: brochures, more 9/11: Blueprint for Truth DVDs, evidence cards, and the latest edition of the 9/11 Investigator broadsheet newspaper. The goal of getting this information out has continued to the present day. 

Edmonton’s Richard Brinkman, seen here handing out AE911Truth literature on this sunny winter day, is a well known tour de force in Canada’s 9/11 truth movement

One audience member, photographer Con Boland, said later on Facebook: "I just returned from an incredible event about 9/11 Truth. The amount of evidence that a controlled demolition and cover up of the truth happened along with the hasty removal of crime scene material was simply staggering. At this meeting, there were engineers, pilots and firefighters. Mr. Gage, an AIA member with 24 years of experience in architecture, represented the 1,600 Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth organization and did an incredible presentation. People are waking up!"

The CBC hosted Richard Gage, AIA, in a fair and balanced interview in Edmonton that gave the nearly 1,700 Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth a rare chance to be heard on mainstream media. Listeners throughout central Canada had an opportunity to hear most of the main points of the WTC demolition evidence

A lively Q&A period took place after the dynamic presentation to the 87 attendees. Captain Bruce Sinclair of Pilots for 9/11 Truth asked questions relating to the controversial Pentagon event which Gage addressed.

Huge thanks goes to Edmonton 9/11 Truth and Richard Brinkman, who led the great effort to pack the excellent venue at the City Library as well as the very successful effort by Ron Ellis that paved the way for the Edmonton CBC Radio interview, which brought half the crowd to the venue. 

Brinkman was also the predominant Canadian ensuring the success of the 9/11 investigation petition drive, bringing in over 900 signatures himself.  Canada is calling for more patriots to fill in the ranks and create the groundswell of public awareness and outrage demanding a new, unimpeachable investigation.


The historic first edition of AE911Truth’s 9/11: Blueprint for Truth DVD was filmed in 2007 in Winnipeg by activist Neil McCarthy

Winnipeg – March 31 – University of Winnipeg

Winnipeg marked a milestone for AE911Truth – the return to the scene of the creation of our very first version of the DVD, 9/11: Blueprint for Truth by Winnipeg 9/11 Truth Activists, Neil McCarthy and Dr. Joe Hawkins five years earlier. That historic occasion of the first major AE911Truth address on May 29, 2007, was announced on

Most of the attendees heard about the event by word of mouth. Gage kept the presentation down to 90 minutes – so that there was ample time to engage in a more casual discussion style catered Q&A in the student lounge, attended by more than 80 participants.

Most of the participants completed pre-printed letters encouraging their Members of Parliament (MPs) to support the petition for a new 9/11 investigation to be read into the official record of Parliament in the near future.

Saskatoon – April 1

The late addition of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, to AE911Truth's Canadian tour turned the eleven-city tour into the 'eleventh-hour' tour.  Everything was set in motion when three local activists sent letters to tour organizers, expressing disappointment that Saskatchewan was not hosting Gage.  Within hours they received replies to the effect of 'if you build it, he will come', and so they raced to organize the event, one that proved successful on many fronts.  In that short time, the newly formed team of three, who hadn’t met prior to this “crisis opportunity,” managed to book a venue, rent equipment, distribute flyers and posters, and help make sure Richard could run some last-minute errands – on Easter Sunday!

Despite the time crunch, the team managed to host a professional-quality event with 18 attendees who showed immense support for Richard and AE911Truth with generous donations and purchases of DVD's.  The event's small size enabled a group of previously disconnected supporters and activists to come together and organize future events to spread the word about the scientific evidence disproving the official story – as well as try to handle the one skeptic remaining in the audience whose questions seemed designed to be unanswerable.  This occurs at many of the presentations and is to be expected.  It is a wake-up call for many of us to learn that there are people to whom scientific evidence will never be fairly heard, and who will utilize the most outrageous illogical statements and twisting of facts in an attempt to appear unconvinced, playing on newcomers' doubts.  It has actually become a form of entertainment for many of us who have spoken in multiple events over the years.

Referring to the local community, made up mainly of hard-working farm families, organizer Heather Martin said, “I am excited about the potential in bringing this message to the people of Saskatchewan.  I believe that their open minds and voices of reason will become a powerful force when added to the growing call for the truth about 9/11 spreading across this country.”

Ottawa – April 2 – Bronson Center is absolutely unrelenting in its pursuit of a real investigation of the WTC forensic evidence

The 9/11: Blueprint for Truth Canadian Tour arrived in Ottawa on April 2. The team in Ottawa has worked together for 9/11 truth for many years, with a track record including over 12,000 DVDs distributed (including one to former Prime Minister Joe Clark), over 40 truth actions, a 26-day protest with a large AE911Truth-branded tent at Occupy Ottawa, starting the Canadian petition to Parliament and hosting Richard Gage, AIA, two years ago. All of this groundwork paid off beautifully with 150 people turning out to see the presentation at the Bronson Center. Tour organizer, 9/11 survivor and activist David Long, was pleased to report that “We received signatures from 40 constituents on letters to local Members of Parliament in support of our petition asking Canada to investigate 9/11. Getting Canadians talking to their MPs about 9/11 was one of our goals for this event and the tour.” Long noted that six MPs have now been contacted in writing by their constituents on this important issue. “With our petition to Parliament and Canadians behind us in ever-increasing numbers, sooner or later our MPs and the government of Canada will have to act.”

The Ottawa 9/11 truth activists were determined in their efforts to fill the Bronson Center – and succeeded

Toronto – April 3 – University of Toronto, OISE Auditorium

Gage arrived in Toronto on the morning of April 3 and soon discovered on Bloor Street the most amazing piece of urban architectural integration he has ever laid eyes on. He exclaimed, “The modern crystalline elements clashing with the staid classic elements of the existing wing of the museum are absolutely breathtaking.  I think that this excellent architect, Daniel Libeskind, deserves a personal presentation of the WTC evidence.  Someone give him a call and let him know that I will fly to his office at my cost if he will meet with me”. 

The AE911Truth presentation was very well received by those in attendance, being followed, once again by an excellent Q&A discussion that continued out into the hallway and even well into the night at a local pub

The Royal Ontario museum may someday soon house artwork that will reflect the depth of the surreal experience of living in a world dominated by denial of the most obvious controlled demolitions in history in the crime of the century.

After a Thai dining experience with the extraordinary Toronto volunteer team and our special guests Dr. Graeme MacQueen and Dr. Robert Korol, we rushed, as usual, to the presentation, which was held in the University of Toronto's OISE Auditorium. I had the honor of introducing Gage, and took the opportunity to show a preview of the new Press for Truth DVD documenting the Toronto Hearings. I also had the chance to speak to Dan Dicks about the project, in particular the challenges involved in editing four days' worth of expert testimony and interviews and condensing it all down to a six-hour DVD. “I have to give credit where credit is due,” he said, “and Steven Davies really came through for us on this,” referring to the hard work of his colleague, who spent many late nights wading through hours of video material over the six months since the Toronto Hearings took place last September.

When Gage was asked what motivates him to work so hard for 9/11 truth, his response was simple: “I’m deeply fulfilled,” he said.

Jan VanStralen is perhaps the newest addition to the Toronto AE911Truth Action Group. Moved by her first 9/11 truth event she noted, “I was inspired by what I experienced on Tuesday night. And seeing that it really is a work that is still in its infancy, a work that requires much more cohesion in Canada, my mind is deluged with creativity for this cause". In contrast, and no-less inspired, Adnan Zuberi, on the far right, is a well entrenched brilliant original researcher in the 9/11 truth movement.

Moncton – April 4 – Capitol Theater

A group of about seven highly motivated Moncton 9/11 truth activists made this April 4 event the most successful of the entire tour – though it was one of its smallest cities.

These organizers chose the best venue in town, the historic Capitol Theatre on Main Street, for this special event.

How do you fill a theater for a 9/11 truth presentation?  With careful, though rapid planning and diligent execution the Moncton activists printed and posted 500 posters in communities around Moncton (18 villages, towns and cities in all). They also printed 1000 postcards and distributed them at the local Dieppe and Moncton farmers markets. An invitation was sent to firefighters and engineers in southern New Brunswick, and finally a few alerts were sent to the New Brunswick media. On the day of the event they had 147 pre-sold tickets!  150 people showed up at the theatre in the hour before the show. In total, there were 297 attendees, including 18 firefighters, 20 engineers, 3 architects and even 20 volunteer ushers (who had no idea what they had signed up for!).

And yet… not one person in the room believed the official story of the jet plane impacts and fires as the cause of the Twin Tower’s destruction after the presentation.  And of the 51 who were initially unsure only one was left unsure afterwards.  The evidence is that overwhelmingly irrefutable.

Newstalk 91.9FM asked Gage the tough questions… like “Who would do such a thing as kill 3,000 people?... How could they have gotten away with it?” Be sure to visit our upcoming FAQ page for the tough answers.

Halifax – April 5 – Olympic Community Center

Gage arrived in Halifax by train, through the beautiful countryside of Nova Scotia. As he was rushed by Cal, a very dedicated activist and professional driver, from the train station to the event at the  Olympic Center, a place of Islamic worship in the community, he was hastily interviewed by Rick Howe on 95.7 FM News Radio, who wanted to know why this former Republican suit-and-tie-donning architect was shaking up the system.

Several participants noted that Gage held the audience in rapt attention for over two hours. According to organizer Claude Fortin, “Gage respectfully acknowledged the followers of Islam in the audience who quietly exited for evening prayer and returned shortly thereafter. As an experienced architect trained in scientific principles, his evidence and arguments rest solidly on the foundations of science.  Throughout the presentation, he carried himself with a profound sense of purpose.” 

Gage fielded questions for about an hour clarifying points raised earlier on, discussing alternative theories and counter-arguments, and shed more light on the complex web of the 9/11 events. Members of the audience came forward to express their appreciation and respect for the work, and they offered him encouragement in his continued pursuit of truth.  The presentation concluded, as all of them do, with a personal thought from the small team of volunteers that helped put together the Halifax event – how they originally became involved with 9/11, why they are active, what they are doing now about it, and what they hope for from the audience. Afterward Gage did one more radio interview with journalist Lamont N from CKDU 88.1 FM, who will be preparing a special report on AE911Truth and the many questions raised that have yet to be answered.

Most of the Halifax 9/11 truth group had not known each other prior to this event.  AE911Truth’s presence in the community often galvanizes activists to get organized and take actions together, and this visit was no exception.  People who want to make a difference usually form AE911Truth Action Groups and perform actions that educate the public, architects, engineers, and elected representatives and motivate them to action as well.

Montreal – April 7

Montreal was the last stop on the tour, and since the most recent AE911Truth Montreal speaking event had drawn a record-breaking 700 people two years before, the Montreal activists had a lot of work to do in order to live up to their reputation.

There was no shortage of help in getting the word out. Local radio station CJAD interviewed Gage. Global Research and its director, Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, offered tremendous support, not the least of which was to announce the event on their web site, and even Jan Ravensbergen of the Montreal Gazette had managed to slip an article about the event into the digital edition of the newspaper the day before.

In the end, 61 people attended, most of whom had already done their homework and were in agreement about the official story being fraudulent and in need of an investigation itself.  The good news was that all but one of the remaining skeptics were convinced by the end of the evening.   

Supporters performed street actions later in the evening before sitting down for supper with Chossudovsky and others from Global Research and Montreal for 9/11 Truth.

Many signed the petition by 9/11 Justice Canada, which was sent to the House of Commons with the aim of obtaining a new investigation via the Canadian justice system. We hope that Montreal made a difference, just as Architects & Engineers makes a difference in the lives of those of us who keep fighting for the truth.

The tour was a huge success, and supporters of the 9/11 Truth Movement from all across Canada were tremendously proud to have Richard visiting and speaking to people in 12 cities and eight provinces.

Statistics were carefully kept about each presentation. Of the 1,272 total attendees across Canada, 80.1% believed there were controlled demolitions before the presentations, and 95.5% after. Only 2.6% believed the official conspiracy theory (OCT) before the presentations, and 0.7% still held to the OCT afterward. Thus, 75% of people who believed the OCT or were unsure before the presentation changed their view in favor of controlled demolitions.  

Gage’s energy, determination and hard work for the cause of truth and justice inspired everyone who had the opportunity to participate in the tour events. Hopefully the energy that this tours generated will translate into future triumphs on the road to a new 9/11 investigation.