Arizona Heating Up in Anticipation of AE911Truth Tour: Three-City Desert Trip Begins March 16 Drucken
Geschrieben von: Nory King   
Donnerstag, den 15. März 2012 um 17:50 Uhr
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There are a lot of concerned patriots who just need to be introduced to the scientific evidence offered by Gage and AE911Truth

AE911Truth is going on the road again, this time to the Grand Canyon State. AE911Truth founder Richard Gage, AIA, will be in the Phoenix area for three days in March, speaking publicly to groups of curious and concerned citizens and informing them about the explosive demolition of the Twin Towers and WTC Building 7 on September 11, 2001.

Pamela Senzee is responsible for coordinating the Arizona trip for AE911Truth

The intended purpose of this trip is an outreach to a variety of like-minded organizations with whom AE911Truth could ally and network.

Pamela Senzee, the leader of the AE911Truth Action Group in Phoenix, is the prime coordinator of this trip.

“I would really like to see AE911Truth link with the peace and social justice movements,” Senzee said. “There are a lot of concerned patriots who just need to be introduced to the scientific evidence presented by Gage and AE911Truth,” she added.

AE911Truth presents Friday night at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation building in Paradise Valley, which was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright apprentice Blaine Drake

Senzee is inviting Occupy Phoenix, the End the War Coalition, Women in Black, Code Pink, Veterans for Peace, and other peace groups to the tour events.

Getting organizations like these to finally address 9/11 Truth could breathe new life into the movement. A real 9/11 investigation would help achieve some of the stated goals of these organizations.

On Friday, March 16, at 7:00 pm, Gage will speak at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Paradise Valley, Arizona, located at 4027 E. Lincoln Drive. This building was designed by architect Blaine Drake, apprentice to the famed master architect Frank Lloyd Wright.

Gage’s second speaking engagement will be an outreach to college students at Boulders, an adventure sports-themed bar and grill in Tempe, Arizona

“It will be a real treat to speak in a venue designed by a Frank Lloyd Wright apprentice,” Gage said.

The presentation will be opened by Laila Selk, a firefighter from Palo Alto, California. Selk will be reading revealing excerpts from “Women at Ground Zero: Stories of Courage and Compassion,” by Mary Carouba and Susan Hagen, highlighting the numerous accounts of explosions on 9/11.

Scott Grainger, a fire protection engineer, will talk about what drew him into the scientific evidence of 9/11. He will then introduce Gage to the crowd – expected to number 300. Grainger is featured in 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, AE911Truth’s most recent and most compelling feature-length documentary.

The following night, Gage will present the compelling 9/11 evidence at Boulders on Broadway at 7:00 pm. Boulders is a popular adventure sports-themed bar and grill located at 530 W. Broadway Road in Tempe, AZ.

Upcoming Arizona Tour Dates & Locations

Venue City
Mar 16
Unitarian Universalist Congregation Paradise Valley
Mar 17
Boulders on Broadway Tempe
Mar 18
Cesar Chavez Plaza Phoenix


This speaking engagement is an extension of AE911Truth’s college outreach program. The talk is intended to focus on students and faculty of Arizona State University and other local community colleges.

“Our college outreach effort, designed to reach bright students and faculty, may be the pivotal strategy that breaks the dam of denial at a major state university,” said Gage.

Cesar Chavez Plaza is the center of the Occupy Phoenix movement. Gage speaks there Sunday, March 18

At 10:00 am on March 18, Gage will be speaking informally at the Occupy Phoenix activities at Cesar Chavez Plaza, located at 201 W. Washington Street in Phoenix. The prime focus of this event is to express the need for the Occupy movement and the peace and social justice movements to understand that they have overlooked critical core issues underlying key elements of their agenda – and that the science of 9/11 Truth can cause the dominos of corruption to fall.

“AE911Truth is the key player of the 9/11 truth movement,” Senzee explained. “The USA PATRIOT Act, the National Defense Authorization Act, and the Military Commissions Act all stem initially from 9/11. The rug can be pulled out from under these legislated and executively ordered abominations.”

Senzee will be opening this event, after which Gage will address the crowd with the dynamic multimedia presentation featured in “9/11: Blueprint for Truth.”

“We are expecting a great turnout,” added Senzee. “This is a unique opportunity to reach a lot of new, highly educated people.”

Radio show host Ernest Hancock is an outspoken advocate of 9/11 Truth

In addition to his speaking tour, Gage will be appearing on three different radio programs in Arizona in the days leading up to the speaking tour. On Friday, March 9, Gage appeared on “Declare Your Independence” with Ernest Hancock. Gage was be on the air from 9:00 am to 10:00 am MST with Hancock, who is a personal liberty advocate and a vocal supporter of 9/11 Truth.

Gage also appeared on the Meria Heller Show on Monday, March 12, at 12:15 pm MST. Heller is a widely renowned natural healer and spiritual teacher and an ardent 9/11 truth advocate.

On Thursday, March 15, Gage will be featured on the Mike Newcomb Show on AM 1480 KPHX radio in Phoenix at 5:00 pm PDT. Newcomb is a progressive political commentator and a regular contributor to the Arizona Republic newspaper.

Beginning on March 24, Gage will embark on an eleven-stop tour of Canada to support the Canadian petition effort for a real 9/11 investigation. More information about this and all of our speaking engagements can be found on the Upcoming Events section of our website. We continually update it with more details as the events draw near, and an article about the upcoming Canadian tour will be forthcoming as well.

For those AE911Truth supporters who are in the Phoenix metro area, please join us and urge others to attend these upcoming events. Activism begins with you!

Can’t make it to the Phoenix or Canada tours yourself? Support our exhaustive efforts to reach the public with your generous donation to AE911Truth today.