AE911Truth Board Statement with Regard to the Gravel Ballot Initiative Drucken
Dienstag, den 04. Oktober 2011 um 05:00 Uhr
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From: AE911Truth Board of Directors.
Date: October 4, 2011

We are excited about the intended goals of the Citizens 9/11 Commission Campaign and agree with the need for a real investigation of 9/11. We certainly are not experts on the intricacies or legal pitfalls of such a campaign; but we have had several failures with previous legal efforts such as the NYCCAN initiative, which after such a great effort by a large number of well meaning activists, was in the end overruled due to legal technicalities. Accordingly, we trust that the legalities of such an initiative are being exhaustively researched and understood by qualified, independent, licensed legal experts and that those reviews are made available to the public before significant monies are requested or committed.

Our mission statement calls for a new WTC investigation and offers support to others seeking the pursuit of 9/11 justice. AE911Truth’s focus remains strictly on the issues surrounding the evidence of the explosive destruction of the three WTC skyscrapers. Thus, we are ready to support The Campaign with this technical evidence.

We are also vigilant in defending our policy to not associate with other organizations, or individuals, that operate outside of our focus. While we eagerly support the intention of The Campaign, we remain cautious due to the lack of its focus, at this time, on “the best evidence,” which we feel is the explosive controlled demolition of these towers.

Therefore, while we cannot directly participate in or promote The Campaign, or associate our membership with the organization, we can enthusiastically support it by such measures as offering our materials, including the DVD “9/11: Blueprint for Truth” at an extremely low cost for distribution by The Campaign.


Offering the DVD should help generate enthusiasm as well as an educational blitz, which may lead to more petition signers for The Campaign.

We wish The Campaign the best in the pursuit of justice.

The Board of Directors
October 4, 2011