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The 10th anniversary events will bring Richard Gage, AIA, together with renowned 9/11 researchers, including Dr. David Ray Griffin, Dr. Steven Jones, and Dr. Neils Harrit |
The past few years have seen profound advancements for the 9/11 Truth Movement generally and for us here at AE911Truth. We grow stronger with breakthroughs like the discovery of nanothermite in the WTC dust, the appearance of the Remember Building 7 campaign on Geraldo At Large , and the surprising success of our new 15 minute WTC 7 Documentary with Ed Asner, which has been viewed more than 500,000 times in just over a month. Even defenders of the official story, such as “Among the Truthers” author Jonathan Kay, have admitted that the calls for a new investigation are growing. Of course, informed psychological professionals such as those at American Behavioral Scientist disagree with Kay’s analysis of why the calls are growing.
We have now stepped across the 10th anniversary, and the increased public attention on 9/11/11 presented an unparalleled opportunity for us to break through to a tipping point, beyond which our efforts will hopefully become easier. Deep, positive changes could begin to reshape our world as a result of a real 9/11 investigation that accounts for the abundant physical and forensic evidence. We may not have reached that tipping point with this opportunity, but we do know that it will come, as sure as the dawn, and we will continue to do all we can to bring it about. Truth has no expiration date.
All through history, the ways of truth and love have always won.
– Gandhi
We have redoubled our efforts at this critical time and we are encouraging everyone to get involved and do what you can in your local area. We hope that you have promoted the events listed below through social media and have attended them wherever possible.
Regional premieres of “9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speaks Out” were presented all across the country and around the world over the last two weeks. Visit for information about screenings in your local area.
Note: All times listed are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
September 6
The amazing AE911Truth Action Group volunteers in Buffalo include Marty, Rob, Eric, who, along with others, organized two well-attended AE911Truth speaking events on 9/6/11 in record time |
AE911Truth founder Richard Gage, AIA, gave presentations at two different campuses of the University of Buffalo in New York.
If you were unable to attend, please pick up a copy of the 9/11: Blueprint for Truth presentation on DVD.
9/11: Blueprint for Truth Presentation University at Buffalo North Campus Amherst, NY
North Campus event: Show of hands results
Before |
Believe fires brought down buildings |
2 |
Unsure |
38 |
6 |
Agree with evidence for controlled demolition |
84 |
7:30PM – 9/11: Blueprint for Truth Presentation University at Buffalo South Campus Buffalo, NY
South Campus event: Show of hands results
Before |
Believe fires brought down buildings |
2 |
Unsure |
44 |
4 |
Agree with evidence for controlled demolition |
64 |
September 7
Gage attended two of the very successful world premiere screenings of the documentary 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out – Pre-Release Edition.
Audience members at a premiere eagerly to share their feedback to help AE911Truth make this documentary the best it can be at its Final Release on November 1 |
This powerful new educational tool has been well worth the work and the wait. The Pre-Release edition is now at version v1.3a for download and PayPerView. Watch now in order to grasp the impact of 43 of AE911Truth’s top technical and building professionals expressing their grave concerns about the official conspiracy theory and calling for a new investigation of NIST itself. The evidence is also laid out carefully by these experts. Family members of the 9/11 victims and psychologists assist in making the evidence more tangible and help to place it in context.
7:00PM – Premiere of “9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out” Theatre 80 New York, New York
9:30PM – Premiere of “9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out” with Q&A by Richard Gage, AIA Toronto Underground Cinema Toronto, Ontario, Canada
September 9
On Friday, September 9, Gage attended the historic Toronto Hearings with other 9/11 experts, including Dr. Steven Jones, John Cole, David Chandler, Kevin Ryan, and Dr. Niels Harrit, to cover our best technical evidence along a dozen other researchers in an atmosphere akin to a courtroom. Hopefully this will be a warm-up for actual court proceedings in the not-too-distant future. Stay tuned for a full report in our October issue of The Blueprint.
September 10
On the eve of the 10th anniversary, AE911Truth returned to New York City to present at Liberty Fest. With speakers like Sheriff Mack, Adam Kokesh and Gary Franchi, this was an opportunity to educate several hundred people who were not already informed about the evidence for explosive controlled demolition of the 3 WTC towers. The audience included those in the Tea Party, the Patriot movement, and similar groups of justifiably concerned Americans. Over a hundred DVDs were distributed.
September 11
The 10th Anniversary itself was both solemn and busy. Gage joined several other panelists including Webster Tarpley, Barbara Honneger, Mark Crispin Miller, and other 9/11 researchers at How the World Changed After 9/11 and gave a half-hour presentation. This made-for-TV event was hosted by INN World Report at the Walker Stage in lower Manhattan, just 10 blocks from the historic attacks of 9/11 that most presenters highlighted.

The evening of September 11 featured both AE911Truth’s NY Premiere of "9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out" and a series of well publicized to radio debates about 9/11. KPFA’s Peter Phillips and Mickey Huff hosted the debates with sponsorship from Project Censored, which were broadcast on all five Pacifica radio stations and more than 100 affiliates nationwide. At 6:00 PM, Dr. David Ray Griffin and 9/11 whistleblower Kevin Ryan faced off with Jonathan Kay and Skeptical Inquirer editor Karen Stollznow. This dynamic discussion was followed at 7:00 PM by a scientific showdown pitting Gage and Dr. Neils Harrit against physicist Dave Thomas, leader of New Mexicans for Science and Reason, and physics professor Richard Mueller, senior scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Stollznow and 9/11 activist Paul Rea closed out the broadcast with a live call-in segment.
Gage gave an introduction to the Experts Speak Out documentary, encouraging attendees to proactively give feedback on the pre-release version of the film. Then, while the packed house of almost 300 attendees were watching the movie, Gage was able to join Harrit in challenging Thomas and Mueller with the scientific evidence of controlled demolition.
Listen to the podcasts at and stay tuned at our website,, for a full review of the events.
After the lively one-hour debate Gage returned to the rapt audience and then heard their questions and suggestions for improvements to the film – which of course included shortening it from 2 hours and 15 minutes and reducing the repetition.
Psychologist Robert Griffin, who is featured in the new DVD "9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out," shared his experience and insight with the audience about coming to terms with the implications of the explosive 9/11 evidence |
If you have feedback for AE911Truth from your review of "9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out" we would very much like to hear from you at
A Unique Time in the History of the Movement The time upon us is momentous in both our grief for the deep loss we all suffered, and for the promise that it brings to the march towards truth and justice regarding the 9/11 catastrophe. An awakening is happening in our country – one that extends even overseas. As a street activist I have witnessed receptiveness to the heavy knowledge that we bear and it has been extraordinary. We can now easily go broke handing out material, instead of returning home with unused DVDs as we did many years ago. The nation is in dire straits from many standpoints; disenfranchised,
One of the great pleasures Richard Gage, AIA, has on the road is the opportunity to meet AE911Truth petition signers like Richard Humenn, P.E., who was the chief electrical designer of the World Trade Center Twin Towers and who stated that he was convinced on Day One that his buildings were destroyed with explosives |
disenchanted people are looking for answers. We are presenting some of those answers and calling on official bodies to expose the rest. Gandhi said, “When I despair, I remember that all through history, the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think on it – always.” The urgent situation that 9/11 Truth exposes demands diligent and frequent action of all good people everywhere.
Dedicated volunteers like Catherine and Mary are what made AE911Truth a powerhouse of WTC education during the week of 9/11/11 |
Such action is also liberating, in every circumstance, and can even be quite enjoyable at times. People have lost jobs and relationships in their pursuit of the truth and in speaking out for it. But, speaking as one of those who has suffered some of these losses, what has been gained and what yet stands to be gained are both worth vastly than what has been lost. We must remember that, as Gandhi said, “An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.” We are making sure that everybody sees the evidence of the WTC controlled demolition.
As if all of those activities weren't enough to get the job done, on Sept 23 AE911Truth presented at Cal State Chico, in Chico, CA along side David Ray Griffin to a nearly filled auditorium. Dr. Griffin seems fully engergized and recovered from his recent health concerns and gave a lecture providing deep insight into his new book, "9/11: Ten Years Later - When State Crimes Against Democracy Succeed". He asks the questions, and answers, in his crystal clear fashion, why journalists like Bill Moyer and Robert Parry endorse miracles (i.e., the official accounts of the 9/11 events.)
Dr. David Ray Griffin and Richard Gage, AIA, engage in off stage speculation - fueled by the active minds of the local Chico, CA 9/11 Truth coordinators |
We provide the WTC evidence in a quick hour and were able to obtain quite a shift in the thinking of the audience as to "What is science" and "What is conspiracy?" - "What brought those towers down?".
This crowd, numbering 237 - was a mix of young and old for our AE911Truth presentation of "9/11: Blueprint for Truth". Before the talk 34 believed the official account of the destruction of the Twin Towers (jet plane impacts and fires) and 55 were unsure. The remainder, 148, were already convinced that these towers were brought down by controlled demolition. Whereas, after the AE911Truth presentation only 2 believed in what can be called the official conspiracy theory of the towers destruction, and just 17 were unsure. The remainder were convinced by the C.D. evidence.
There were 2 architects and 4 engineers in attendance. 43 were unfamiliar with WTC 7.
7:00PM – 9/11: Blueprint for Truth Presentation Chico State University Chico, CA
Chico State University event: Show of hands results
Before |
Believe fires brought down buildings |
34 |
Unsure |
55 |
17 |
Agree with evidence for controlled demolition |
148 |
So we are continuing to make progress - a few at a time wake up to the information. Others won't come and hear it at all. Ten years later and we still have a lot of work to do.
And you can help. In addition to participating in the events that so many of us have engaged in during the last couple of weeks, volunteering at AE911Truth provides yet another powerful opportunity for you to make an ongoing difference and bring us closer to our vision of a new, independent investigation with subpoena power. Join us now!