9/11 Myths Exposed: Firefighters, Architects and Engineers Re-investigate the Destruction of the Three World Trade Center Skyscrapers Drucken
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Samstag, den 08. Mai 2010 um 00:00 Uhr
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Double header presentation: Two speakers, two nights, two Bay Area cities

Click here for May 8 presentation video archive


Friday and Saturday,
May 7 and 8, 2010

San Rafael and San Leandro, California

9/11 Myths Exposed: Firefighters, Architects and Engineers Re-investigate the Destruction of the Three World Trade Center Skyscrapers

On September 11th, 2001 the greatest destruction and loss of life associated with the terrorist attacks took place in New York City.  After almost nine years and numerous government investigations, many public misconceptions persist about the events of that tragic day, especially regarding the unprecedented destruction of the World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan.


During this live multimedia presentation Seattle firefighter Erik Lawyer and SF Bay Area architect Richard Gage, AIA, will examine the myths surrounding the events at the World Trade Center.  Using well-documented forensic evidence, news footage and eyewitness accounts, they seek to correct the public record.  Some of the myths they will address:

  • Only two towers collapsed that day

  • Jet fuel fires melted the structural steel

  • The fires were hot enough to weaken the structural steel

  • The floors of each building collapsed like “pancakes”

  • The government investigations were thorough, complete and followed standard fire investigation procedures

  • The government investigators tested for evidence of exotic accelerants and/or explosives

  • The third building to collapse completely, WTC 7, suffered significant structural damage from the collapse of the Twin Towers

The presentation will provide a factual rebuttal of these and other myths regarding the destruction of the World Trade Center.

Erik Lawyer is a 14-year veteran of the Seattle Fire Department and the founder of Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, an organization with over 100 firefighters calling for a new investigation into the destruction of the WTC buildings.

Richard Gage, AIA, has practiced architecture for over 20 years and is the founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, an organization with over 1000 architects and engineers calling for a new 9/11 WTC investigation.

Friday, May 7, 2010                                       Saturday, May 8, 2010

Marin County Civic Center                               The Historic BAL Theatre

10 Avenue of the Flags                                     14808 East 14th Street

San Rafael, CA 94903                                      San Leandro, CA, 94578

7:30pm                                                             7:30pm

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First 50 firefighters at May 7 event will get in for free, ALL firefighters at May 8 event will get in for free