1,700 Architects & Engineers Challenge Official Report of WTC Destruction
Geschrieben von: Rich Caragol, Architect   
Dienstag, den 24. August 2010 um 20:01 Uhr
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Welcome to Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. We are a non-partisan association of more than 1,700 A/Es, with about 16,000 affiliates from all over the world. We are technical professional representing more than 25,000 years of collective experience. We do not offer conspiracy theories. We do have serious questions about the official reports of the destruction of all three World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11. We are calling for a new independent investigation that includes all of the evidence that is missing from these building reports. We, along with other researchers and groups in the growing international 9/11 truth movement, have compiled critically important eyewitness testimony, photo, video, and scientific forensic evidence that has been ignored, falsified, or destroyed by individuals and agencies that were responsible to the public for a thorough transparent investigation.

Summary - Join our 1,000 A/E’s Washington DC Actions this September
Geschrieben von: Editor   
Montag, den 23. August 2010 um 00:00 Uhr
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Dear fellow AE911Truth supporters,

We have a number of important activities in Washington DC this fall that need your attention. We will be alerting you in 6 different Action Alerts in 6 days. Pick one that you want to make happen – and pass the others on to your friends.

Action #1 - We are asking some of our AE911Truth supporters to travel to DC, along with our AE911Truth staff, to meet with your Congress members.

Action #2 - We will hold a major press conference and debate/discussion panel at the National Press Club on September 9 while you, once again, hold a concurrent press conference at a government location such as outside your legislator's office in your state.

Action #3 - We are asking all of our AE911Truth supporters to meet with your Congressional representatives in your community – their home turf – by early October.

Action #4 - Help us on Capitol Hill to deliver the AE911Truth petition, with all 1,000 A/E names, our brochure, and our DVD, 9/11: Blueprint for Truth, into the offices of all Congressional representatives on Sept 7 and 8.

Action #5 - Reach 1,000’s in your community by putting “9/11: Blueprint for Truth” on the air with your local public access TV.

Action #6 - Roll-out of AE911Truth Action Groups. Join one or start your own. We already have several in the SF Bay Area. Help the AE911Truth mission succeed in your local area.

Meet together with your Congress member in Washington DC ACTION #1
Montag, den 23. August 2010 um 00:00 Uhr
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Action #1

Let’s meet together with your Congress member in Washington DC:

We feel that it is essential that we present the simple scientific evidence of the destruction of the 3 WTC skyscrapers to every Congress member and Senator – and maximize our presence in Washington DC this year. We must place 9/11 accountability onto Congress. So, our overall goal this fall is to generate closer relationships with science-qualified advisors. This way we are in a position to move forward if and when a “standard bearer” comes forward.

The AE911Truth staff and I will be joining you with your Congress member and/or his/her science advisor on September 7 or 8. Are you willing and able to make an appointment with the office of your Congress member or senator in Washington DC on those dates? We will visit them with you and give the presentation for you. Maybe you are within driving distance of Washington DC – or would like to fly in to meet with us and your representative. Last year we met with 20 staffers and one Congressman and it was very productive. Congressman Jim Himes of Connecticut actually wrote NIST a letter asking them “What about the nano-thermite?”

Washington DC Actions - Action #2
Geschrieben von: Editor   
Montag, den 16. August 2010 um 00:00 Uhr
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A. Press Conference and Debate/Panel Discussion
Washington DC, National Press Club

B. Concurrent Press Conferences Hosted by You
All Around the World

AE911Truth will hold a major press conference and debate / panel discussion at the National Press Club in Washington DC on September 9. Join us in the early afternoon in DC for these events!

Please help us organize this complex event. Media publicity and outreach to like-minded organizations will be key. Contact us now at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! JavaScript muss aktiviert werden, damit sie angezeigt werden kann. to get connected as a team member.

More important, please consider organizing a concurrent press conference outside the local office of your Senator or Representative. This September we can show even broader support than at last February’s amazing press conference. We have twice as much lead time this round as we did this past February when you held 4 dozen concurrent press conferences. We also have more exciting news to announce on many different AE911Truth action fronts. Soon we will outline the specifics for you. Let us know if you are willing to build on the action that the groups across the world last February accomplished so that we can have over a hundred concurrent press conferences this time on September 9.

Washington DC Actions - Action #3
Geschrieben von: Editor   
Montag, den 16. August 2010 um 00:00 Uhr
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Meet with your Congress members in your community:
August, September, October

We have a new approach to holding Congress accountable for the explosive evidence that they have been provided. We seek engagement and discourse with their scientifically qualified advisors. Our goal: an increasing momentum toward a new WTC investigation as we build support for a “standard bearer” to come forward.

We would like you to meet with your local Congress members while they are back in your local area campaigning for your vote. Make the appointment now for mid-August, September, and mid-October.

We encourage you to also make appointments with their opposing candidates. These appointments should be easier to land and may be quite effective.

Washington DC Actions - Action #4
Geschrieben von: Editor   
Montag, den 16. August 2010 um 00:00 Uhr
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Help us on Capitol Hill to deliver our AE911Truth VIP
packet to every member of Congress

The packet includes:

1.   Introductory letter
2.   The AE911Truth Petition with the first 1,000 architect/engineer names
3.   Corporate brochure and evidence cards
4.   DVD – 9/11: Blueprint for Truth – Companion Edition
5.   Business card

This action will take place on September 7 and 8. AE911Truth will provide the materials. This activity is primarily for those of you who are nearby or who are coming to meet your Congress members. Meet us in Washington DC on Monday night (Labor Day) September 6 at a pre-arranged restaurant for coordination and socializing. Email us at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! JavaScript muss aktiviert werden, damit sie angezeigt werden kann. for details.

Join in on the action. Dress for success and always be polite.

Washington DC Actions - Action #5
Geschrieben von: Editor   
Montag, den 16. August 2010 um 00:00 Uhr
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Get Our DVD on Public Access TV

Get 9/11: Blueprint for Truth on the Air in Your Community

Join us in THE most effective way of reaching out to those who haven’t yet had the opportunity to become aware of the shocking evidence that caused you to decide to support AE911Truth. Cable access TV provides us with an amazingly cost-effective way to reach tens of thousands of new people across the US every month.

Please commit yourself to helping us with our Cable Access Campaign. Nothing of significance for 9/11 Truth can be accomplished without large-scale grass-roots numbers. Let’s get our 60-minute DVD on the air – which will reach dozens or hundreds per showing – and thousands in your community each year.

Here’s how effective this program can be. If each showing reached 100 people, the 700 stations throughout the United States could produce 70,000 viewers per month. This can put a major dent in the wall of denial. Our efforts in Congress cannot succeed without increased public pressure.

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