Washington DC Actions - Action #3 |
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Written by Editor |
Monday, 16 August 2010 00:00 |
Meet with your Congress members in your community: ![]() We have a new approach to holding Congress accountable for the explosive evidence that they have been provided. We seek engagement and discourse with their scientifically qualified advisors. Our goal: an increasing momentum toward a new WTC investigation as we build support for a “standard bearer” to come forward. Here are the simple steps for you to take: 1. Make the 20 minute appointment with your Congress member and Senator themselves if possible at their local home office. Email us with the appointment name/city/date/time as soon as you get it to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Give us your name and phone number too. We will coordinate your appointment with other local supporters who may wish to be involved. We may even be able to find an AE911Truth architect or engineer to accompany you. If the representative’s office won’t grant you an appointment directly with the Congress member or Senator then ask for an appointment with their technical advisor. State that you have information that is a matter of national security relative to the destruction of the 3 WTC skyscrapers on 9/11. Ask for a conference room with a DVD player. If they don’t have one you can bring a laptop to play the DVD on. 2. Show up on time, dressed for success, with your Companion Edition of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth DVD – ready to play the 10-minute version (includes WTC 7 only). a. Introduce your party members in less than 1 minute – handing over business cards if you have them. ![]() 4. Please coordinate future correspondence with the advisor with Dave Slesinger at AE911Truth:
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Our goal is to develop several dozen congressional science advisors who see the merit in our case – until such time that the pressure builds under one or more Congress members who will eventually become standard bearers for our cause. This is a long term project – but with a set of immediate action steps. Thank you for your leadership in this time of need. |