Geschrieben von: Carolyn Clark
Donnerstag, den 19. Juni 2014 um 02:12 Uhr |
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Then ask yourself: "Did the laws of physics not apply on 9/11?"
“The truth is, before 9/11, the term global collapse didn’t even exist. Buildings survived fires, plane crashes, earthquakes, terrorist attacks, botched demolitions and even nuclear explosions. Never, before or after 9/11, have we seen such catastrophic failures.”
This three-and-a-half-minute video — "9/11 In Perspective" — presents footage of eight buildings, ranging from nine to 62 floors, that have been either partially or fully engulfed in flames and yet remained standing despite massive internal destruction. Their major fires shown in these clips range from 1988 to 2008, and took place in U.S. cities (Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles) and abroad (Caracas, Madrid, Beijing, Delft).
Geschrieben von: AE911Truth Staff
Donnerstag, den 19. Juni 2014 um 01:27 Uhr |
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Peer review sought for official WTC 7 report

Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia, was host to the 2014 Forum on Philosophy, Engineering and Technology (fPET) for three days at the end of May. The mission of this international forum is to foster scholarship and reflection by teachers and practitioners of ethics, engineering, philosophy, technology, the social sciences, and education.
Nearly 50 papers and lectures were presented by authors from North America, Europe, and China. The wide-ranging topics covered engineering education, the social responsibilities of engineers, pedagogical techniques for ethics, and case studies on engineering ethics. Among the latter was a case study titled "Neglecting Peer Review: A Case Study of Engineering Ethics and the Official Reports about the Destruction of World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC 7) on 9/11," written by AE911Truth Presenter Team members Wayne Coste and Mikie Smith, and presented by Coste at the forum.
Geschrieben von: Frances T. Shure
Samstag, den 31. Mai 2014 um 23:52 Uhr |
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Editor's Note: Frances Shure, M.A., L.P.C., has performed an in-depth analysis addressing a key issue of our time: "Why Do Good People Become Silent—or Worse—About 9/11?" The resulting essay, to be presented here as a series, is a synthesis of both academic research and clinical observations.
In addressing the question in the title of this essay, last month's segment, Part 6, explored the phenomenon of conformity, featuring the Solomon Asch experiments and Elizabeth Noelle-Neumann's study of German elections with her resulting theory of the "spiral of silence." We discussed the human proclivity to adhere to social norms in order to keep one's reputation intact, and we noted that this strong inclination can often trump evidence, openness, curiosity, and the human need for truth.
In Part 7, we continue Ms. Shure's analysis with an especially maladaptive form of conformity called "groupthink."
Psychologist Irving L. JanisConforming to folkways and mores is natural, and it can help a society function cohesively and smoothly. There is, however, a threshold at which conforming becomes maladaptive and produces poor decisions. Crossing this threshold leads us into the phenomenon of "groupthink," first studied by social psychologist Irving L. Janis.
Geschrieben von: David Fura
Samstag, den 31. Mai 2014 um 23:13 Uhr |
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Here's an exciting way that you can make a difference!
The 9/11 Truth Movement faces daunting obstacles in getting our message out to Jane and John Q. Public. We have a U.S. government seemingly working against us with its flawed investigations and denied requests for information. For whatever reason, the mainstream news media refuse to broadcast key evidence that refutes the official story while pouring ridicule and condemnation on anyone else who tries. Paid advertising that can reach thousands if not millions at a time remains an expensive luxury. What can we do to get around these obstacles? What should we be doing right now to give us our best shot at winning? In short, what are our advantages? Do we even have any?
For all the power that the government and the media have over us, one thing they can't do is prevent us from talking to people. More specifically, they can't stop thousands of us from talking one-on-one with thousands of new people each and every day. This, combined with the power of our evidence, is arguably our biggest advantage of all.
Geschrieben von: Preston Ward
Samstag, den 31. Mai 2014 um 21:01 Uhr |
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LOS ANGELES — May 10 & 11, 2014
The Belasco was built in 1926 and originally seated 1,600 people. It opened to the hit movie “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.”AE911Truth appeared on May 10, 2014, at the United We Stand Festival alongside a couple dozen other truth-and-freedom-oriented speakers and musicians at the historic Belasco Theater in downtown Los Angeles.
Belasco Theater insideThe theater proved to be the perfect, if unplanned, venue for the festival, which had originally been scheduled for UCLA's Pauley Pavilion. Legal maneuverings on the part of UCLA venue administrators caused the event to be cancelled, for dubious reasons, the day before it was scheduled to start, even though payment had already been made to UCLA.
“Do you really want to know what happened on 9/11?” Gage asked, offering clues already provided by the other panelistsThis betrayal severely impacted the dedicated work of United We Stand organizers, led by Christina Tobin (founder of Free and Equal Elections), and rendered them unable to pay for accommodations for the first-time festival's speakers and musicians. As a result, all participants in the event were forced to double up in hotel rooms. One fortunate outcome of the fiasco was that AE911Truth founder Richard Gage, AIA, was "honored" to get to know his weekend "roommate," Ben Swann. The two-time Emmy-winning investigative reporter had covered, with his usual candor and integrity, the AE911Truth-sponsored ReThink911 campaign in New York City last September, the twelfth anniversary of 9/11.
Geschrieben von: Virginia Prudell
Freitag, den 30. Mai 2014 um 05:00 Uhr |
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56 New Signatures Added to AE911Truth Petition
Physics teacher David Chandler drew a large crowd of physics-savvy listeners. David Chandler's The Physics of 9/11 presentation held in Eugene, Oregon, on Tuesday, March 25, drew 211 people. Two-thirds of the audience had taken some physics courses, and a third of them had taken college-level physics.
Interestingly, more than one-quarter of the crowd had never heard of the collapse of World Trade Center 7 on the afternoon of September 11. Chandler focused much of his presentation on Building 7 and showed a clip of that near-free-fall collapse, which the government's official report attributed to office fires but which Chandler convincingly showed had all the hallmarks of a pre-planned controlled demolition.