9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out DVD Now Available at Bulk Discount
Geschrieben von: Dick Scar, BSAE   
Samstag, den 09. März 2013 um 20:26 Uhr
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The 95-minute Experts Speak Out DVD in paper sleeves is now available in bulk at rock-bottom prices

Our blockbuster DVD, 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, is now available in paper sleeves from the AE911Truth online store at bulk prices as low as $1.50 each!

AE911Truth has produced and distributed many DVDs since its founding, but none have had more impact than Experts Speak Out. After the Final Edition was released in May 2012, Director Richard Gage, AIA, and other 9/11 experts presented nationwide screenings of the video during a 32-city world premiere tour.

Experts Speak Out made its broadcast TV premiere on Colorado Public TV in September, 2012. It soon soared to become the #1 watched and shared film on PBS.org, even beating out the popular drama, Downtown Abbey. The video has received more than one million views on PBS.org, and there are currently at least a dozen other PBS stations interested in airing it this year. Others are likely to join the list, due to the active outreach efforts by AE911Truth supporters.

AE911Truth Activists Reach Out to Democracy Now!
Geschrieben von: Wayne Coste, P.E., with contributing editor Eli Rika   
Freitag, den 08. März 2013 um 23:02 Uhr
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Will Amy Goodman Break the 9/11 Media Silence?

Is Amy Goodman part of the “silent majority” when it comes to questioning the official 9/11 story?

For a journalist, when something cannot be said, the silence is the most important story. Many people believe that Amy Goodman, host of the popular public radio and TV show Democracy Now!, is among the best when it comes to confronting people in power and asking hard questions. She may be one of the best, but her silence about 9/11 is stunning. For example, she has yet to tell her audience or her readers that nearly 2,000 architects and engineers – all verified and vetted – are calling for a new investigation of the destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11, citing evidence of controlled demolition. That should be headline news for a journalist whose self-described role is to report on alternative voices excluded by the mainstream media.

Jane Pollicino, 1953 – 2013: 9/11 Widow Took Courageous Stand for AE911Truth
Geschrieben von: Eli Rika   
Freitag, den 08. März 2013 um 02:13 Uhr
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Jane Pollicino’s passionate calls for justice helped bring millions of people into an awareness of the compelling 9/11 evidence

9/11 widow Jane Pollicino, a passionate supporter of AE911Truth, passed away on February 21 after suffering a stroke, according to Newsday.

Her husband, Steve Pollicino, died in the North Tower of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Her husband’s remains were never found.

Jane was an active member of NYC CAN, joining over 100 family members of 9/11 victims and first responders who stand side by side with the 1,700 Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth in calling for a real 9/11 investigation.

In 2009, she helped deliver a petition signed by over 80,000 New Yorkers to the New York City Council in an effort to begin a new 9/11 inquiry.

In 2011, she took part in the second TV ad by the Remember Building 7 campaign, in which 9/11 victims’ family members joined architects and engineers in questioning the destruction of WTC Building Seven.

Small But Significant Triumph for 9/11 Truth Activist in UK Court
Donnerstag, den 28. Februar 2013 um 20:15 Uhr
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By Victoria N. Alexander, Digital Journal

Editor’s Note: For more information about Tony Rooke’s court case and to find out how you can get involved in future efforts, send Tony an email. You can also listen to Tony’s radio interview on 9/11 Free Fall.

In an act of civil disobedience, Tony Rooke refused to pay a £130 TV license fee, alleging that the BBC intentionally misrepresented facts about the 9/11 attacks. Facing a judge Monday, Rooke was not convicted and did not have to pay the fine.

Rooke, a documentary maker who made his protest against the BBC in Horsham Magistrates’ Court in West Sussex, claims the BBC reported that World Trade Center 7 collapsed “due to an office fire, which, even the NIST Report says, fell at free-fall speed for eight floors in 2.5 seconds. That is absolutely impossible without a controlled demolition being involved.”

Shining a Light on 9/11 Denial
Geschrieben von: Dennis P. McMahon, JD, LLM   
Freitag, den 15. Februar 2013 um 20:38 Uhr
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How to Handle False Arguments Used to Reject the WTC Evidence

Editor’s Note: New York attorney Dennis McMahon spearheaded the legal effort by NYC CAN in 2009 to compel the New York City Council to initiate a new investigation of the destruction of the WTC skyscrapers. If you would like to support legal actions toward a real 9/11 investigation, write to Gregg Roberts.

It can be challenging for advocates in the 9/11 Truth movement to get our message across to family, friends, and strangers alike. Even when we are able to find an audience not too distracted by electronic devices, work, or their favorite sports team's latest performance, all too often the responses we get amount to false arguments. By having ready, effective ways to respond to the various types of false arguments, you can break through the denial and have greater success in educating those around you.

Fran Shure, M.A., and other psychologists featured in Experts Speak Out explained why some people have a negative reaction to 9/11 Truth

Often, the negative responses to the evidence presented by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth have a subtext that could be fairly titled, “kill the messenger.” Why do so many people respond this way? As discussed by psychology experts, one explanation involves the issue of “nationalist faith.” What this entails, for certain Americans, is the steadfast view that the U.S. government is always “the good guy,” and that anyone not in sync with this view is “anti-American” and not to be trusted. Those who blindly cling to nationalist faith simply cannot entertain the idea that America’s leaders would do anything wrong.

Help AE911Truth Double In Membership
Geschrieben von: Laura Katleman, Membership Team Leader   
Freitag, den 15. Februar 2013 um 20:26 Uhr
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Join our Phone Team and Get Rewarded in the Process!

Want to help us achieve a new investigation, but you're not a technical person or a writer? You can still support the mission of AE911Truth in a big way by calling our petition signers and asking them to become members.

How does this work? You simply get on the phone with our exciting phone team every Monday at 3:00 pm Pacific time from the comfort of your own home. (If you have a conflict with this timeframe, you can make calls at times that fit your schedule.)

Nervous about making fund-raising calls? Just about everybody is! That's why we have a serious incentive program to reward you for exercising courage in this all-important way.

Once you break the ice, you find that almost all of our supporters are happy to get a call from us.  

AE911Truth Reaches Out to Labor Unions
Geschrieben von: Michael Cook   
Freitag, den 15. Februar 2013 um 03:58 Uhr
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Labor Leaders, Conferences Informed about WTC Evidence

Australian union leader Kevin Bracken’s stand for 9/11 Truth revealed the impact that activists can have by reaching out to unions with the WTC evidence

We at AE911Truth reach out as educators and concerned citizens with the physical, forensic evidence that conclusively proves the controlled demolition of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers 9/11. We want every citizen to know, but we especially want to inform people and organizations who have the position and ability to do something substantial to assist us in our quest for justice.

Labor unions are such a group. Through much of US history, organized labor has been responsible for establishing a long list of many influential changes in our society, from ending child labor to establishing workplace safety regulations, weekends, eight-hour workdays and health care and pension benefits. Unions have been effective in transforming the conditions of the working class.

We have had some very helpful break-throughs with 9/11 outreach to unions, most notably with Kevin Bracken, president of Australia’s Victoria Trades Hall Council and Secretary of the Maritime Union. Mr. Bracken was actually a 9/11 Truth advocate as early as 2006, distributing materials to union members and leadership, and succeeded in passing a resolution by the Victoria Trades Hall Council on March 28th, 2008:

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